No such thing as the perfect woman

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Don’t worry about finding the perfect woman.

concentrate on being the perfect man.

then you’ll see through faults and find perfection isn’t what you think it is.
Now this is a great response to this post. Thank you so much for directing all of us in a good, solid, Catholic direction.
Most Catholic women I find are not even religious. Which is disturbing. What’s wrong with Catholics these days.
I did not meet really religious Catholics until I became more involved in my parish. Then I found them everywhere…perhaps you can do this, too?
I guess I just think that while the Holy family maybe “holy” they were also human. Jesus included. Maybe Mary didn’t have a quick sense of humor and Joseph had to explain EVERY joke. Maybe Joseph had bad table manners. Even Jesus rebelled a little bit when he was basically told to stay put and he opted to take off to the temple to teach the elders. ( I won’t get into the fact that running away to the Temple is a mild rebellion akin to getting ears pierced, considering he could have run away to the circus or something). I don’t think annoyance is a choice either. I think it’s a choice of whether to get steaming mad about it or choose to turn the other cheek. I get annoyed when people talk with their mouth full, but I certainly don’t go up to them and tell them no one else in the restuarant is on the See Food diet.

I know I’m not perfect I don’t think anyone is perfect, otherwise wouldn’t life be boring if we didn’t learn things about ourselves and strive to be better humans
Ah, OldAgeGuru, we’ll very quickly agree to disagree here. Me, I don’t see flaws as making us ‘more human’ (and by flaws I mean choices to, if not actively do bad, at least to not try to do good). Others do. We’ve become very used, in this ‘warts and all society’ to try to find the feet of clay in anybody held up as a model, because otherwise we find ourselves feeling. . .well, humble. Now it’s practically the 11th commandment in this age ==“Thou shalt not be made to feel humble or as though anyone were somehow better thanst thou”. . .so I guess that might be why some people (not you necessarily) feel more ‘comfortable’ thinking Mary and Joseph and Jesus were just poor simple goobs with all those character flaws and foibles.

Again, I’d rather try to reach up to their level than bring them down to mine. Just my 2 cents.
Now it’s practically the 11th commandment in this age ==“Thou shalt not be made to feel humble or as though anyone were somehow better thanst thou”. . .so I guess that might be why some people (not you necessarily) feel more ‘comfortable’ thinking Mary and Joseph and Jesus were just poor simple goobs with all those character flaws and foibles.

Again, I’d rather try to reach up to their level than bring them down to mine. Just my 2 cents.
To me the flaws ARE human, if we were flawless we would be overpriced diamonds or God. I am neither. I mean last time I checked all three walked on earth, ate human food, drank water, needed shelter, clothing, human contact, went to the bathroom and inhaled oxygen and exhaled carbon dioxide. I can’t relate to perfect people. I am not perfect, never will be perfect and frankly don’t want to be perfect. Near perfect maybe, but I think being alive is a both a biological process as well as a learning one.

Also please note that no where did I state that Jesus, Mary and Joseph were “poor simple goobs”
What a shame I’m not 15 years younger. Or that you aren’t 15 years older. Course, I hate to tell you but back in the day when I was a teen/young adult, and disco ruled the earth, most of the Catholic men and women I knew weren’t religious–to my ‘perception’ of religious which was and is very traditional.
15 years’ difference is nothing in the face of perfection 👍

My intended and I have about that much between our ages. You two sound like you have a lot in common, go for it – or at least just talk! 😉
I did not meet really religious Catholics until I became more involved in my parish. Then I found them everywhere…perhaps you can do this, too?
No one my age. Either that or Ohio must be a lousy state.
No one my age. Either that or Ohio must be a lousy state.
Well, with an attitude like that, the perfect woman is not likely to have the time of day for you.

Seriously, though…what on earth is this all about? “Perfect woman”? You may as well find a perfect church. If you ever did, the record would be ruined when she (or they) hooked up with you! Present company included…if ever someone perfect like Our Lord or Our Lady is generous enough to have anything to do with us, surely we should have enough gratitude to be gracious to others in their imperfections.

(Remember the parable about the man forgiven much, who turned around and throttled a fellow servant who owed a fraction of the debt that was forgiven.)
Well, with an attitude like that, the perfect woman is not likely to have the time of day for you.

Seriously, though…what on earth is this all about? “Perfect woman”? You may as well find a perfect church. If you ever did, the record would be ruined when she (or they) hooked up with you! Present company included…if ever someone perfect like Our Lord or Our Lady is generous enough to have anything to do with us, surely we should have enough gratitude to be gracious to others in their imperfections.

(Remember the parable about the man forgiven much, who turned around and throttled a fellow servant who owed a fraction of the debt that was forgiven.)
Yes, it’s a good parable isn’t it. 😃 My point is that we all have our imperfections. 😉
I’ve accepted the fact that there’s no such thing as the perfect woman.
Are looking for the perfect woman, aka “trophy” woman, or perhaps the “perfect for you” woman? There is a wee bit of a difference.
Bones, Stop looking and you’ll find someone. I’m a single mother (not looking for a relationship, but just showing an example here). Do I have a not-so-sweet and Catholic past? Yes, but I would classify myself as a sinner trying to become a saint. If I were looking for a relationship with a good, solid Catholic man, I know that he may not come my way b/c of my not-so-perfect past and the fact that I have a daughter.

Don’t close your eyes to the possibility that a Catholic woman may have fallen in order to become the solid Catholic that she is today.
Bones, Stop looking and you’ll find someone. I’m a single mother (not looking for a relationship, but just showing an example here). Do I have a not-so-sweet and Catholic past? Yes, but I would classify myself as a sinner trying to become a saint. If I were looking for a relationship with a good, solid Catholic man, I know that he may not come my way b/c of my not-so-perfect past and the fact that I have a daughter.

Don’t close your eyes to the possibility that a Catholic woman may have fallen in order to become the solid Catholic that she is today.
Very well said!
Very well said!
Most the good ones I’ve found live tttttoooooooooooooooooo fffffffffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away. I don’t have the patience for those. Morally they have the same beliefs though but we just live to far away. I’ve actually stopped looking. 😉
Ok, so why not move? You’re 29 years old, after all. Central Ohio is a problem for young Catholics because the very, very agressive fundamentalist evangalization pulls most faith-minded Catholics out of the Church before they turn 18. (Yes, “most” is the correct word here…I witnessed it with my own eyes…) This makes churches into seas of gray hair…not a good environment for a 29-year-old.
Most the good ones I’ve found live tttttoooooooooooooooooo fffffffffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away. I don’t have the patience for those. Morally they have the same beliefs though but we just live to far away. I’ve actually stopped looking. 😉
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