Bones, I don’t think he was suggesting going to DC, just going to a different location (even in Ohio). What about Columbus, Toledo, Cleveland, Steubenville (now there’s somewhere you’ll find a good, Catholic woman), Youngstown, Cincinatti, Dayton, Ohio has more bigger cities than PA or a lot of other states (like my state of IL)? The point is, sometimes if there is something you want, you may need to make a little bit of effort. If you like where you are, fine, but is the closest small city within an hour drive? If so, why not look for a woman there (an hour drive is no big deal). Also, how about the kind little old ladies at church? Tell them you’re looking for a good Catholic woman. You’d be amazed at the matchmaking they can do.
Just from reading your responses, it seems as if you’re the one making excuses on why you can’t find a good Catholic woman, as if you’re purposely setting yourself up for failure (or trying to prove a point). Do you really feel called to marriage? If you did, you’d do more than just complain.