Hi there,
you sound a lot like my brother. You mention that in your experience, the non-denominational Christian women you’ve met seem to have more love of God than the Catholic women you’ve met; what’s funny is that my bro says that there are no perfect Christian women (Catholic or other), period. I believe and know he is looking in the wrong places for his “perfect” women, and as well, he is not very religious himself; sometimes I wonder why he looks for a Christian woman. I’m not saying that you’re my brother. In fact, both of your perspectives about Christian women are inconsistent, which leads me to conclude that one’s view of “good Christian woman” is relative to one’s place and different according to one’s experience. Hence, perhaps you are not looking in the right place?
Look, coming from a woman who always encounters good devout Catholic women–and I tell my brother this–there are plenty of good women out there, one’s who are really in love with Our Lord!. Not just the wiser Catholic women, but ones who are in their 20s. That is evidence enough that you do not have to worry so much about looking for the perfect someone, but keep your heart open.
I know you’re not expecting a “perfect” woman (in the real sense of the word “perfect”), but yes it may be getting harder to find a suitable woman to be your wife. However, perhaps you are not looking in the right place? I dunno, something to ponder. In any case, don’t worry bones.
I used to think when I was in highschool that there weren’t any good guys; now, God has been bringing such men of faith to me to show me how wrong I am. I am not intending to date until after university, but it feels good to know that such holy people exist in the world! Just like I have encountered, don’t worry, you will encounter the same; in the right place. I have plenty PLENTY of REALLY sweet, loving and devout Catholic women friends to testify to the fact that good Catholic women exist! Don’t you worry bones. All women are sinners, but great Catholic women exist, and they are sinners striving for holiness.