Non-biological "life"? Here on Earth?

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You have stated that you will reject any argument that even mentions the word. How can you keep both those promises?
No, I did not say that. Did you notice the part: “As soon as you can present a rational definition, and a rational argument for your assertions, you will be taken seriously.”? The trouble for you is that mythology is not rational.

First, you need to “fight it out” with your fellow believers just what the “soul” might be, and agree among yourselves. Once you did that, we can continue.
No, I did not say that. Did you notice the part: “As soon as you can present a rational definition, and a rational argument for your assertions, you will be taken seriously.”? The trouble for you is that mythology is not rational.

First, you need to “fight it out” with your fellow believers just what the “soul” might be, and agree among yourselves. Once you did that, we can continue.
Here’s the Catholic definition of a soul…
One of these days (years?) I hope someone will be able to show what is the “essence” of a chair, and the “essence” of a dog, or the “essence” of a human.
Essential roughly means what is intrinsically natural for something to have. Dogs are naturally four legged, emotive and warm blooded, while humans are naturally rational, two legged, emotive and warm blooded, etc.

An accidental feature is something to one’s nature that is not essential to a being. Dogs can have brown, white, or black fur, for example. A human can have long or short hair, etc.

A chair has no intrinsic nature, its nature was imposed from the outside and the same goes for computer viruses; they have no *essential * properties.
Essential roughly means what is intrinsically natural for something to have. Dogs are naturally four legged, emotive and warm blooded, while humans are naturally rational, two legged, emotive and warm blooded, etc.

An accidental feature is something to one’s nature that is not essential to a being. Dogs can have brown, white, or black fur, for example. A human can have long or short hair, etc.

A chair has no intrinsic nature, its nature was imposed from the outside and the same goes for computer viruses; they have no *essential * properties.
I am aware of this theoretical approach, but it is as you said just a “rough” definition. It does not solve the question of mutation, or malformation. If a dog would be born with 3 or 5 legs, would then it not be properly classified as a dog? Or the number f the legs is not “essential”, it is just an accident? I appreciate your first attempt, but you need to be much more precise. 🙂

And why the “intrinsic” requirement? A chair might be classified as something that can be used to sit on it. Besides, in the Christian view, there is **nothing **“natural”, everything is “designed”. So your definition needs more work.
I am aware of this theoretical approach, but it is as you said just a “rough” definition. It does not solve the question of mutation, or malformation. If a dog would be born with 3 or 5 legs, would then it not be properly classified as a dog? Or the number f the legs is not “essential”, it is just an accident? I appreciate your first attempt, but you need to be much more precise. 🙂
A three-legged dog is a malformed or mutated dog, not what is natural for a dog to have.
And why the “intrinsic” requirement? A chair might be classified as something that can be used to sit on it. Besides, in the Christian view, there is **nothing **“natural”, everything is “designed”. So your definition needs more work.
“Why the intrinsic requirement?” Thought you wanted a definition of what is essence or essential for a being.

Trees are not essentially chairs and chairs are not essentially something to sit on ( I might have designed the chair as a prank and collapse when somebody sits on it.) Their nature is imposed by us.

I do not know what you mean by designed, rather than natural. Isn’t H2O essentially water? Is not the being called homo sapiens naturally rational? How would any of these things be unnatural or “designed” for Christian realists?
No, I did not say that. Did you notice the part: “As soon as you can present a rational definition, and a rational argument for your assertions, you will be taken seriously.”? The trouble for you is that mythology is not rational.
Does that mean you take this your statement back, or want to restate it:
If an argument starts with referring to the “immortal soul”, for example, that goes directly into file #13.
You can’t truly consider the definition and refuse to truly consider it at the same time.

Oh, and saying that your opponents are irrational does not make it so. And it would be more persuasive if it at least was surrounded (if not supported) by arguments that haven’t been shown to be irrational and unsound themselves…
First, you need to “fight it out” with your fellow believers just what the “soul” might be, and agree among yourselves. Once you did that, we can continue.
Why? You are arguing with specific people who have specific positions. That must be enough. We do not demand that you would agree with Marxists like Engels on the definition of life before arguing about it with us.
A chair has no intrinsic nature, its nature was imposed from the outside and the same goes for computer viruses; they have no *essential * properties.
Still, I guess that a chair might supply a good analogy…

Its blueprint would be analogous to the essence of a substance. That would explain why questions “What is the essence of X?” are not greeted with enthusiasm - we also wouldn’t want to describe the whole chair blueprint in a forum post just to show that it exists.

And a chair with a broken leg is still a chair of the same model and corresponds to the same blueprint, even if it does not look in the way the blueprint prescribes.
I would say that Hee_Zen is essentially a contrary person. He hardly ever agrees with anyone!😃
A three-legged dog is a malformed or mutated dog, not what is natural for a dog to have.
How do you define what is “natural” for a dog to have? If you say that a “mutated” dog is still a dog, then where do you draw the line? How many mutations will need to occur, before the dog becomes something else? These are not simple questions.
I do not know what you mean by designed, rather than natural. Isn’t H2O essentially water? Is not the being called homo sapiens naturally rational? How would any of these things be unnatural or “designed” for Christian realists?
Designed by God - allegedly. So why is it that a God-designed object has essential and accidental properties, while human-designed object does not.
You can’t truly consider the definition and refuse to truly consider it at the same time.
We have a misunderstanding here. I said that IF the argument BEGINS with an assumption of “immortal soul”, then it will be disregarded. However, if the argument starts with rational assumptions, and ends with a conclusion leading to the “immortal soul”, then it must be considered.
I would say that Hee_Zen is essentially a contrary person. He hardly ever agrees with anyone!😃
I wish we could agree on some points. But the truth is that the problems I bring up are highly controversial, so agreements are rare and hard to come by. But they happen once every blue moon. 🙂
How do you define what is “natural” for a dog to have? If you say that a “mutated” dog is still a dog, then where do you draw the line? How many mutations will need to occur, before the dog becomes something else? These are not simple questions.

Designed by God - allegedly. So why is it that a God-designed object has essential and accidental properties, while human-designed object does not.
I would recommend to start with a chair and to move on to the dog when things will be clearer. It might not have a real essence, but the blueprint is “close enough” for now (and easier to understand).

So, how do we know what is “natural” for a specific model of a chair? Well, the blueprint (or some other specification) tells us that.

Would you agree with that?

On a second point, I would start by pointing out (again) that a chair with one broken leg is still the chair of the same model, even if it is not in the blueprint.

And again - would you agree with that?
We have a misunderstanding here. I said that IF the argument BEGINS with an assumption of “immortal soul”, then it will be disregarded. However, if the argument starts with rational assumptions, and ends with a conclusion leading to the “immortal soul”, then it must be considered.
Ah, I see. Yes, that is clearer. Still, that is not good enough, as you do not seem to accept such arguments when they are only meant to show that the position that includes belief in immortality of souls is not self-contradicting (in some specific way) and that it does not have a specific difficulty. And there is nothing wrong with them (as such). They mostly explain the position that one has. If that position includes something, there is nothing wrong with pointing it out (assuming that it is relevant).
How do you define what is “natural” for a dog to have? If you say that a “mutated” dog is still a dog, then where do you draw the line? How many mutations will need to occur, before the dog becomes something else? These are not simple questions.
So you don’t believe in the classification system? I think it is very specific about what constitutes the species (or essence) of a dog (or any other life form for that matter).
Those who want to believe the ’ Tin Man ’ is a non-biological life form are certainly welcome to their opinions. But I would say that they represent a very limited set. 😃 Many people are convinced that the moon is made of green cheese too and there is no way to argue them out of it. They just live on a different planet, as it were.

So you don’t believe in the classification system?
Of course I do. The trouble is that there is no such thing as “THE classification system”, rather there are innumerable classification systemS. All these classification systems are based upon the individual value system of the person who wishes to apply them. And thus all of them are subjective and arbitrary. Some of them are useful for some specific purpose, the others may not be.
I think it is very specific about what constitutes the species (or essence) of a dog (or any other life form for that matter).
The biologists selected the ability to bring forth offsprings as the “essential” trait. But there is no reason to elevate this criterion to be THE essential one. For a fisherman the only classification that matters is: “is the fish edible or not”? For someone who is only interested in the sport aspect, the major trait is: “does the fish give a good fight”? He would throw the fish back after he caught it. For a doctor there are two kinds of beings: healthy or sick. If he can treat a sick animal, he would do it. For segregationist the “essential” trait is the ethnic heritage. For the bank: “is he able to repay the loan”?

The number of classification systems is potentially infinite, and there is no reason to single out one of them, and declare: This is THE one and only classification system that matters". Moreover, as this and similar threads show, no is able to enumerate the “essential” traits and separate them from the “non-essential” ones. Not even for such simple examples as a “chair”, a “dog” or a “human”.
Of course I do. The trouble is that there is no such thing as “THE classification system”, rather there are innumerable classification systemS. All these classification systems are based upon the individual value system of the person who wishes to apply them. And thus all of them are subjective and arbitrary. Some of them are useful for some specific purpose, the others may not be.

The biologists selected the ability to bring forth offsprings as the “essential” trait. But there is no reason to elevate this criterion to be THE essential one. For a fisherman the only classification that matters is: “is the fish edible or not”? For someone who is only interested in the sport aspect, the major trait is: “does the fish give a good fight”? He would throw the fish back after he caught it. For a doctor there are two kinds of beings: healthy or sick. If he can treat a sick animal, he would do it. For segregationist the “essential” trait is the ethnic heritage. For the bank: “is he able to repay the loan”?

The number of classification systems is potentially infinite, and there is no reason to single out one of them, and declare: This is THE one and only classification system that matters". Moreover, as this and similar threads show, no is able to enumerate the “essential” traits and separate them from the “non-essential” ones. Not even for such simple examples as a “chair”, a “dog” or a “human”.
I disagree. The fisherman or the everyman would say: this is a fish: It has gills, it swims, it has scales, it has fins, it lives in the water… etc. A fish is a fish is a fish. You are a human, I am a human. We write to each other on the this forum. We know that we have similar brains and can communicate. A fish could not do this.

Likewise a dog is a dog. It wags its tail, it barks, it likes to eat. Everyone knows what a dog is, although there are so many types, from small to large. There is just something essentially “dog” about it. Trust your instincts Hee_Zen, you know what is what!
But classification systems must be reasonable or they go no where, they must reflect the reality they attempt to describe. Those who wish to displace the current ones which are typically used and those which have been used right back to Aristotle, must prove that their system is superior in describing the reality they describe. The burden of proof is theirs. And I haven’t heard anything yet which proves that the ’ Tin Man ’ is a living man,. that he should fall under the category of ’ human being. ’

I disagree. The fisherman or the everyman would say: this is a fish: It has gills, it swims, it has scales, it has fins, it lives in the water… etc. A fish is a fish is a fish. You are a human, I am a human. We write to each other on the this forum. We know that we have similar brains and can communicate. A fish could not do this.
That was not the point. You asked me about the “classification” system and I explained that there is no “unique classification system”.
Likewise a dog is a dog. It wags its tail, it barks, it likes to eat. Everyone knows what a dog is, although there are so many types, from small to large. There is just something essentially “dog” about it. Trust your instincts Hee_Zen, you know what is what!
(Emphasis mine) That is the question: what is it what makes a “dog” a “dog”? No matter how long you dance around the question: can you tell someone who has never seen a dog how to determine if a brand new “something” he encounters is a “dog” or not? Because it is not obvious. Pretend that I am a space alien, and try to tell me what a “dog” is.
(Emphasis mine) That is the question: what is it what makes a “dog” a “dog”? No matter how long you dance around the question: can you tell someone who has never seen a dog how to determine if a brand new “something” he encounters is a “dog” or not? Because it is not obvious. Pretend that I am a space alien, and try to tell me what a “dog” is.
I would still recommend to start from the chair instead of dog… 🙂

Yet let’s assume that it is completely impossible to explain what a dog is beyond “a being that has the essence of a dog”. Then what? It could indicate that dogs are complex beings. It could indicate that our language is not accurate enough. It cannot show that essences or dogs do not exist (or that it is not right to have a classification system that has a class “dogs”). Our knowledge or abilities to describe something do not affect existence or non-existence of that something.

I’ll return to the example about chairs. It is not unimaginable that it is too hard to explain what is a chair of a specific model other that “an artifact made according to those specifications”. Yet it wouldn’t mean that specifications, chairs or models of chairs do not exist.
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