Is this not what is taught of the elect?
Never heard it in my life - and I’m a cradle Presbyterian. I searched the Westminster and Helvetic confessions, also looked through the Institutes just for grins - cant’ find it.
So once again - you said that the doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints allows one to sin as much as they want. Please provide a link supporting this claim. For example - here’s one from the 2nd Helvetic Confession saying pretty much exactly the opposite (this is focused more on the concept of predestination, but applies to perseverance as well):
What in This Matter Is To Be Condemned . Therefore we do not approve of the impious speeches of some who say, “Few are chosen, and since I do not know whether I am among the number of the few, I will enjoy myself.” Others say, “If I am predestinated and elected by God, nothing can hinder me from salvation, which is already certainly appointed for me, no matter what I do. But if I am in the number of the reprobate, no faith or repentance will help me, since the decree of God cannot be changed. Therefore all doctrines and admonitions are useless.” Now the saying of the apostle contradicts these men: “The Lord’s servant must be ready to teach, instructing those who oppose him, so that if God should grant that they repent to know the truth, they may recover from the snare of the devil, after being held captive by him to do his will” (2 Tim. 2:23 ff.)”
I’m not trying to be pejorative here - you seem like a well learned person. I’m genuinely curious to see scholarly information on Calvinist doctrine. Thanks.