Hmm all very much worldly this, where did Paul get his inspiration? He got it through the Holy Spirit as did all believers, we can learn in many places, through thousands of books, the internet even, many teachers, our grounding in the true faith must be firm though and our relationship to God through Jesus on a firm footing as long as it agrees with scripture in it’s meanings, and the Spirit is in agreement, then it is good.
I’ve actually gone and printed ’ the early church fathers: anti-nicene fathers vol 1’
Been digging into Irenaeus against heresies, hard reading, but interesting, against gnostics and a belief of theirs that there’s a purgatory and a queen of heaven, he’s against it as am i.
To him it’s absolutely rediculous that anyone could believe such stuff, or be misled by it.
In my life i was called to read then study the bible, it was a calling, because, compared to most friends, I found it enthralling,
i’ve read it many, many times through, it’s the greatest set of books ever written, i’ve read different versions of it, even German ones now, it still has more to say to me, i have more to learn and this process doesn’t end, remember this though, we are human as was Peter and Paul, we must be carefull not to eat just the things we want to (possibly even out of context), we must let the Spirit of God lead us.
There is no list for me, i would read anything perporting to be Christian, yet some things i have felt (sensed - been told by the spirit ) are poisonous.
I read fantasy books, yet these are fantasy and remain so to me.
I’ve read about Francis of Assisi, that was great, many Christian books are great! Yet above all these is the Bible and above that is God our Father, who caused it to be written and put together.
Wow!!! didn’t think i’d ever be reading Irenäus though!
Still this site did egg me on a bit.
Thanks once more folks.
Remenber this, we make mistakes, Gods spirit never does, the disciples chose a 12th apostle to take the place of Judas, they didn’t wait for the Spirit to come as Jesus told them to!
Jesus through the Holy Spirit chose Saul, a persecuter and killer of Christians as the 12th to take the place of Judas!
You could say Judas followed, then betrayed!
Saul betrayed, then became Paul and followed!
Rubs against our wanting to control everything doesn’t it, we like democracy. God doesn’t.
Don’t think the way men think, let God work, as He always has!
It is written-‘be still and know that i am God’ Ps 46,
Hey Psalm 37’s great too, still the whole Bibles great, so that’s nothing new!
Gods’ blessings be with you as you live in Him.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Once more, Thanks everyone on this site.
I’ve actually gone and printed ’ the early church fathers: anti-nicene fathers vol 1’
Been digging into Irenaeus against heresies, hard reading, but interesting, against gnostics and a belief of theirs that there’s a purgatory and a queen of heaven, he’s against it as am i.
To him it’s absolutely rediculous that anyone could believe such stuff, or be misled by it.
In my life i was called to read then study the bible, it was a calling, because, compared to most friends, I found it enthralling,
i’ve read it many, many times through, it’s the greatest set of books ever written, i’ve read different versions of it, even German ones now, it still has more to say to me, i have more to learn and this process doesn’t end, remember this though, we are human as was Peter and Paul, we must be carefull not to eat just the things we want to (possibly even out of context), we must let the Spirit of God lead us.
There is no list for me, i would read anything perporting to be Christian, yet some things i have felt (sensed - been told by the spirit ) are poisonous.
I read fantasy books, yet these are fantasy and remain so to me.
I’ve read about Francis of Assisi, that was great, many Christian books are great! Yet above all these is the Bible and above that is God our Father, who caused it to be written and put together.
Wow!!! didn’t think i’d ever be reading Irenäus though!
Still this site did egg me on a bit.
Thanks once more folks.
Remenber this, we make mistakes, Gods spirit never does, the disciples chose a 12th apostle to take the place of Judas, they didn’t wait for the Spirit to come as Jesus told them to!
Jesus through the Holy Spirit chose Saul, a persecuter and killer of Christians as the 12th to take the place of Judas!
You could say Judas followed, then betrayed!
Saul betrayed, then became Paul and followed!
Rubs against our wanting to control everything doesn’t it, we like democracy. God doesn’t.
Don’t think the way men think, let God work, as He always has!
It is written-‘be still and know that i am God’ Ps 46,
Hey Psalm 37’s great too, still the whole Bibles great, so that’s nothing new!
Gods’ blessings be with you as you live in Him.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Once more, Thanks everyone on this site.