Bradski, along with a few of the philosophers, I would consider myself unfortunate to be stranded in a dangerous habitat with a guy like you, because not only would i have to worry about surviving the environment, I would have to keep an eye over my shoulder to make sure you hadn’t come up with a good reason to kill me just yet.It is always the same.
‘Throw yourself overboard’
‘Shoot the sharks’
‘Fix the lifeboat’
‘Ask for volunteers’
Ye gods, what a tangled attempt to avoid answering the question. It seems that Christians hate hypotheticals because it leads to them having to make personal decisions regarding life and death. Whereas the church absolves them of making that call. Otherwise, why not give the answer that is blazingly obvious to any literate and reasonable person who reads the question?
Again back to reasonable arguments.
Is it in any way conceivable that a reasonable argument would lead to anything other than throwing the wife beating, paedophile mass murderer overboard to save a boat load of children?
Is there a reasonable argument anywhere by anyone that says it is better that everyone drown? Can it really be expressed by any sane person?
Forget where the decision might lead. This is a one off. All situations are one off. Every call you make is a one off. Throwing the convicted murderer overboard leads to…nothing whatsoever excet saving a boat load of children.
Shame on anyone who cries: ‘It isn’t my call’. Shame on anyone who attempts to avoid the unavoidable. Shame on anyone who looks to someone else to make the tough calls. Life is about making tough calls. We all have them. If your religion helps you make them and gives you some guidlines for making them, then that is all to the good.
But YOU are the one who has to make them in the end. After taking all the advice, after gathering all the information, it comes down to one person to make the call. One person has to make a reasonable argument either for or against the matter in hand. And that person is you.
Fail in that, fail in the requirement to make your own decisions, and you absolve yourself of responsibility. I wonder where that might lead…
Here is maybe the big difference between theological and non-theological moral foundations. Bradski’s puzzle in concerned with saving the flesh. “Saving’s one’s own skin.” Or maybe saving the skin of the kids is you are a real good atheist. Theologically founded morality such as ours would be more concerned with saving our souls. Hence we all sink together and we would murder no one, and our spirits would soar to the high heavens. However, if Bradski decides, in his wisdom, that I must die and attacks me then I do have the right to self defense.