Nah. You are creating a strawman out of absolute morality in order to make it appear insanely irrational.And this remark is the sign that you don’t understand the difference between “absolute” and “objective” morality. You really should learn more.
Obviously, since you don’t even understand what moral absolutism IS. I will help you. To declare that action “X” is immoral under any and all circumstances would be a “absolutist” statement. Example: “masturbation is evil under any and all circumstances”. Or “artificial birth control is wrong under any and all circumstances”. The phrase “under any and all circumstances” is the hallmark of a “morally absolutist statement”. Do you understand? Or “homicide is wrong under any and all circumstances”. Not even catholics would go THAT far.
The correct term for something which is “immoral under and all circumstances” would be an act that is intrinsically immoral. That would imply that there exist no plausible circumstances which would legitimize “action X.”
It would be correct to characterize as “absolutely” immoral the murder of innocent human beings. That would mean murder (the unwarranted and intentional killing) of innocent humans (those who have been intentionally killed without a justifiable reason) is **always wrong **because any circumstances which would permit killing would be allowed under the conditions of warranted, unintentional or justifed. Any sane persons, even catholics, WOULD go so far as to insist that the murder (wanton killing) of innocents is always wrong.
Absolutists can also claim that under certain circumstances action X is always wrong precisely because that, too, is an absolute statement. The use of the word “always” makes it so.
Note: An absolutist need NOT claim that action X is always wrong under all circumstances. All that an absolutist needs to claim is that action X is always wrong under certain circumstances or under all circumstances in which human beings can possibly find themselves in. An absolutist need not claim that this is always true of all moral acts – some moral acts may not have that character to them.
Objective morality simply means that the truth of moral claims is found in objective facts which are available to all moral agents as opposed to claims by subjectivist relativists who insist that morality is entirely and solely a subjective matter – i.e, completely determined by or fundamentally grounded in the subjectivity of individuals with no objective possible basis for making moral determinations.
Inocente comes perilously close to this when he insists that one’s conscience is always the final arbiter of moral decisions. The reason he gets no cigar, however, is that he isn’t claiming that conscience is necessarily dependent upon subjective criteria for its formation. Someone could claim that only a properly formed conscience can be legitimately called “conscience” in the first instance, since a malformed conscience might be just an amalgam of urges, wants, desires and such, which means it wouldn’t actually fit the definition of what a conscience is or why it is authoritative.
It is entirely possible to subscribe to objective morality AND claim there are some moral acts which are ALWAYS or absolutely right or wrong given specific conditions, circumstances or motives by the agents undertaking them.
I would submit that this is basically the Catholic position because inherent in the position is claim that all moral acts have three dimensions or aspects to them:
- The rightness or wrongness of the act itself including its ends or consequences.
- The circumstances surrounding or leading up to the commission of the act.
- The motives of the agent in carrying out the act.
The means, logically speaking, that ONLY where NO possible circumstances or motives of the agent can justify the act can ANY act be called intrinsically or absolutely immoral. 2) and 3) must always be considered and therefore a moral determination cannot be made without reference to them.