The word “certain” carries with it an epistemic quality, as in “known with certainty.” That would mean if you KNOW with certainty something is wrong and you do it anyway, then you have condemned yourself by the certainty of the judgement which informed your conscience. Some things are known with certainty, others not so much. Someone who isn’t certain about his judgement on some matter, and decides to do it in light of the uncertainty isn’t going against his “certain judgement of conscience.”The CCC still calls it conscience when it makes erroneous judgments, and also says we must never act against our conscience.
1790 A human being must always obey the certain judgment of his conscience. If he were deliberately to act against it, he would condemn himself. Yet it can happen that moral conscience remains in ignorance and makes erroneous judgments about acts to be performed or already committed.
This is where personal integrity and complete sincerity are very important – self-knowledge and reflection are key to living a moral life. No one ought to “dabble” in morality because that lack of determination, in itself, can be due to a moral failure – otherwise known as moral relativism.
Then again, philosophers distinguish between subjective certainty – the sense of being right that even the most inept thinker might indulge – and epistemic certainty – sure knowledge because all of the relevant questions/issues/concerns have been considered or properly answered.
Murder is certainly morally wrong. There is no wiggling out of that by individuals who deny that because their conscience doesn’t accept that moral fact nor by those who otherwise – with what they suppose is done in “good conscience” – think the moral law doesn’t apply to them.
A political radical who out of a sense of what is “right” for his country or society murders his opponents might be doing so in good conscience but will still be judged for committing an immoral act. I am pretty sure Stalin and Hitler were certain that what they were doing was “right” according to their conscientious commitments to their particular views on the world, but they will still be judged by the objective wrongs they committed, regardless of what the certainty that their malformed consciences insist is right.
You aren’t claiming that if Hitler sincerely and with certainty thought what he was doing was “right” then he had an obligation to do what he did, are you? This seems to follow from your “Conscience is always authoritative” claim.