Abject nonsense.I think he said that given the modern ways that societies can protect themselves against murderous thugs the death penalty is no longer an admissible option, implying that it very well could have been at one time and could be again in future times, just not at the moment.
That is not an “in principle” condemnation of the death penalty as you have wrongly inferred.
“But he makes quite clear that the use of capital punishment signifies “a failure” on the part of any State. However serious the crime, he says, an execution “does not bring justice to the victims, but rather encourages revenge” and denies any hope of repentence or reparation for the crime that has been committed.” news.va/en/news/pope-francis-no-crime-ever-deserves-the-death-pena
If that isn’t condemnation of the death penalty now, in the past and for ever into the future, then I don’t know what is.