It would be good if you could quote the precise part from which you lifted the impression that I argued ONLY consequences matter and then make sure that what I wasn’t doing was attempting to explicate what consequentialists might insist or what you were claiming consequentialists hold as distinct from my point of view of what morality is.
Come on, nowhere did you say you were acting a part or playing devil’s advocate. I already made the relevant quotes.
So using “a child of God as an object” has NO bad consequences? Isn’t the fact that viewing a child of God in that way leads to a host of bad consequences at least one reason why we should not do so?
In addition, the harm follows from the error of distorting the truth.
I mean, if it makes NO difference to the woman or to anyone really whether she/they are seen as objects or not, then explain why it would be wrong to do so?
What if seeing them as mere objects actually improved their situation would you continue to claim it was wrong to do so?
Just asking the question of why it is wrong to treat children of God as objects assumes there are bad outcomes in doing so, not the least of which is the agent him/herself, thereby, has an errant view of reality and the moral landscape. That in itself is a bad consequence.– i.e., they are living a delusion which harms themselves and their potential for being a good moral agent.
I would say you biggest problem with consequentialism is that you don’t seem to understand how far-reaching consequences of actions can be in terms of causing systemic harm to the moral outlook of the agent themselves.
Regardless, despite your shallow depiction of consequentialism, I would agree it isn’t a complete moral perspective.
And there you go defending consequentialism again! It’s not what you think it is.
Obviously the consequence of our actions is a crucial aspect of morality. But that isn’t at all what consequentialism claims,
Consequentialism is the claim that
only consequences matter. The claim is that acts of rape and torture are morally good if the consequences are better than not raping and torturing, because nothing matters except outcomes.
How about you agreeing not just that “it isn’t a complete moral perspective” but that consequentialism isn’t Christian?
Now, you ask me, “if it makes NO difference to the woman or to anyone really whether she/they are seen as objects or not, then explain why it would be wrong to do so?” btw I didn’t say “seen” I said “using”.
You really want to argue why objectification is wrong? “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking” (1 Cor 13). Objectification dishonors a child of God by reducing her to an object, a thing to be consumed and thrown aside. Therefore it also dishonors God. For these reasons alone is is immoral.
And yes it leads to bad consequences, but objectification would still be immoral whatever the consequences.
For a Christian (and Kant) at least, consequences matter, but they are not the only things that matter. Will you agree that consequentialism is wrong? Then we can move on.