Of these seven, the top five came from overtly pro-abortion, pro-lesbian groups. They were Terri Brown, president of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, Nancy Riche of the Canadian Labour Congress, Jen Anthony of the Canadian Federation of Students, Vivian Barbot-Limburger of the Federation des Femmes du Quebec, and Andree Cote of the Nat’l Assoc. of Women and the Law.
Bob Harvey of the Ottawa Citizen reports that six Catholic Bishops participated in a Mass for the feminist march at Notre Dame Cathedral. The bishops included Ottawa Archbishop** Marcel Gervais**,
Calgary Bishop Fred Henry,
London Bishop John Sherlock, Moncton’s Bishop Ernest Leger, Edmonston NB’s Bishop Francois Thibodeau, and Sault Ste Marie’s Paul-Andre Durocher. The Citizen reports that Bishop Gervais had intended to join in the march but police warned him that it would be unsafe.
Outside the cathedral a few Catholic pro-life protesters held signs reading “Reject Feminist Supremacy.” During his remarks in the church, the Citizen reports that Gervais told the packed audience to “smile at their fellow Catholics as they ran the gauntlet of anti-march protesters.” A group of seven from a local area parish held a pro-life banner in the march and also proclaimed the same message in the air with a plane flying overhead carrying the banner, “Stop violence from womb to tomb.”
Cardinal Kasper Raised by JPII
Less known is Kasper’s public renunciation of the Catholic doctrine of the Apostolic Succession. The latest Kasper heresy came in an address filled with theological errors that he delivered to a Catholic-Anglican conference in late May 2003. In this address Kasper proclaimed, among
other outrages, that
“Jesus was well aware… that his disciples would not be one, and that they would be dispersed” and that
“The unity of the Church can be accomplished only by a renewed Pentecost…”
One Holy Catholic and
Apostolic…bye bye
After denying the unity of the Church, Kasper declared that “unity” between Catholics and Anglicans is
“not a question of apostolic succession in the sense of an historical chain of laying on of hands running back through the centuries to one of the apostles — this would be a very mechanical and individualistic vision, which, by the way, historically could hardly be proved and ascertained.”
In denying the Apostolic Succession in its correct Catholic sense and replacing it with a vague, present-day “communion of faith,” the Pope’s man in the field of “Christian unity” is clearly paving the way for what he hopes will be a post-John Paul II circumvention of the infallible declaration of Pope Leo XIII in Apostolicae Curae (1896) that the Anglicans broke the Apostolic Succession by adopting an invalid ordination rite.
“It is beyond the scope of our present context to discuss what this means for a re-evaluation of Apostolicae Curae of Pope Leo XIII, who declared Anglican orders null and void, a decision that still stands between our Churches. Without doubt, this decision, as Cardinal Willebrands had already affirmed, must be understood in our new ecumenical context in which our communion in faith and mission has considerably grown.”
Leo XIII bye bye
“[T]he historical conditionality of the dogma of the First Vatican Council (1869/70)… must be distinguished from its remaining obligatory content.”
VAT I bye bye
I could blow up this forum with all the heretics in the church and those who pander or turn a blind eye to it.
The Pope has given the red hat to a man who publicly proclaims infallible dogmas to be historically conditional.
That is promoting it and pandering to it.