Now over 3,000 Covid deaths per day

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This is making me suspect that the spreading event is taking place amongst many before symptoms appear. Pretty much everyone is isolating as soon as they feel sick, run a fever or suspect they may be ill. I’ve heard reported that they are contagious for 24 hours before symptoms. Perhaps its really 48 to 72 hours before? Something is making everyone a super spreader event!
Thank you for posting this, for reminding us. The numbers can be mind-numbing as they increase. It’s a 9/11 every day now.
Some estimates are as high as 10-12 days someone can spread it before symptoms.
If that’s truly the case, the only hope of reducing the out of control numbers right now is via vaccination. If someone is contagious that long before showing any symptoms themself, we’re doomed! Especially since mask wearing and distancing aren’t being followed by such a large percentage of the population!
We clamp down ever harder, we mask everywhere, we close the economy…but the numbers keep going up.

Perhaps something different should be done.
Don’t worry, I’m sure someone will produce a graph that shows a mass extinction has occurred 📈
Well, at least at the 3 parishes I’ve been to this past week or so, at least half in attendance for Mass were not wearing masks. Over 100 in attendance at each Mass. They don’t distance while in line for Communion either.

Despite these parishes doing all they can to encourage masks and distancing. It’s posted on the doors and it the bulitens.

Our Archbishop said Mass can still be prayed as long as the faithful heed the recommendations. They aren’t going to heed them. At least half aren’t.

These are large gatherings. Numbers of cases grow larger daily. Those not wearing masks don’t get it, or if they do, obviously feel entitled.

I hope he shuts it down.
This is making me suspect that the spreading event is taking place amongst many before symptoms appear. Pretty much everyone is isolating as soon as they feel sick, run a fever or suspect they may be ill. I’ve heard reported that they are contagious for 24 hours before symptoms. Perhaps its really 48 to 72 hours before? Something is making everyone a super spreader event!
Not where I live. They still roam around not wearing a mask even when wearing a mask has been made law thru Governor’s executive order. Watch our Parish’ Mass last night. Could still hear people hacking and coughing.
Perhaps, but is it charitable to ignore a potetional instance where there is a chance Covid will be spread to several in attendance ?

Not talking about 10 or less at a weekday Mass. Talking over 100 people, w/positive testing rates currently around 9-10%.

150 in attendance would mean 10-15 are contagious. If half of those aren’t masked, and people aren’t going to distance in the line for Communion, the virus will be spread.

No reason to think it wouldn’t be.
Perhaps, but is it charitable to ignore a potetional instance where there is a chance Covid will be spread to several in attendance ?

Not talking about 10 or less at a weekday Mass. Talking over 100 people, w/positive testing rates currently around 9-10%.

150 in attendance would mean 10-15 are contagious. If half of those aren’t masked, and people aren’t going to distance in the line for Communion, the virus will be spread.

No reason to think it wouldn’t be.
That is why I attend Mass on the TV.
If that’s truly the case, the only hope of reducing the out of control numbers right now is via vaccination.
Vaccinations prevent the disease Covid 19, not the virus itself. It will still spread. A doctor was explaining this really well in the media.
Perhaps, but is it charitable to ignore a potetional instance where there is a chance Covid will be spread to several in attendance ?

Not talking about 10 or less at a weekday Mass. Talking over 100 people, w/positive testing rates currently around 9-10%.

150 in attendance would mean 10-15 are contagious. If half of those aren’t masked, and people aren’t going to distance in the line for Communion, the virus will be spread.

No reason to think it wouldn’t be.
People assess their own risk. If they don’t feel safe, don’t go. I personally have been attending daily mass and receiving on the tongue since our churches opened in June. We are required to wear a mask, the pews are roped off and limited to three per. This helps with social distancing. There is a capacity limit according to the size of the church.

To my knowledge, I haven’t gotten Covid. At some point, though, I expect I will get it.
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