You’ve quit long enough to get all the benefits of quitting. Good deal. I quit for 11 years once, 6 years once, and for a year or a little less several times. If I didn’t start smoking again after the 11 year stretch I’d be around the 30 year mark. Pretty sure I’m done with them now. I’m 62 and was at the point I could tell every one I lit was making my COPD worse
As far as symptoms during my mild bout with Covid, I already developed a dry cough in late 2019. So my dry cough with Covid became more frequent the first few days but eased up to less than before because on day one of my symptoms I quit smoking.
My main symptoms were fever as high as 100.9, fatigue, and soreness all over. Diarrhoea was the worst and persisted the longest.
No way to tell for sure, but I feel that nicotine, getting the flu shot a month before the Covid, and starting a higher intake of D3, Zinc, and Pepsid about 3 weeks before the covid may have saved me from respiratory issues.
I had seen an article saying the flu shot may be beneficial due to simply stimulating/waking up the immune system.
The smoking, and I was chain smoking, kept my nicotine level sort of high. As far back as April ICU doctors were seeing something that didn’t make sense. Male smokers were fairing better than non smokers as far as both recovery and morbidity. Some ICU personnel in Europe even started wearing nicotine patches. Studies and stats keep trickling in from around the world that note the same thing in regards to smokers.
So anyhow, the day I stopped smoking I already had a supply of patches and started using them to help quit smoking but mostly because I wanted to keep some level of nicotine in my system due to what these doctors are looking into.
Anecdotal or not, I’m going to keep using the patches until Covid settles into a seasonal thing ( if it ever does )
My doctor is ok with me using patches as long as I go to the stage 3 version once I run out of the stage 2 I’m using now. He’s more focused on using them to stop me from smoking rather than the smokers/Covid thing but admitted he’s been following it as the articles trickle in.
I’ll stop here before I wind up writing a book vs a post lol
And to everyone, I’m not advocating smoking in any way shape or form.