Now over 3,000 Covid deaths per day

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Our pews are roped as well. Every other pew is roped off. But that still doesn’t distance us 6 ft. More like 3 1/2 ft. And as I mentioned, the Communion line bunches up as if there were no pandemic.

If everyone at Mass wore a mask as they have been asked to by the Archbishop, I’d feel fairly comfortable. But far too many refuse to. And it just gripes me to no end.

How can they sincerely say they care if they are asymptomatic and spread it ? They can’t imo. It’s due to willful denial.
To my knowledge, I haven’t gotten Covid. At some point, though, I expect I will get it.
I hope you don’t get it. I had a mild case and it wasn’t fun. After my fever subdued for at least 100 hrs, my doctor told me to come in and I told him I wanted to antibody test. That was in mid November, and he told me to wait till the second week of December for the test to give the antibodies time to show up on a test. They called me in last Thursday and I tested positive for antibodies. Doc told me not to assume I’m immune now and to keep wearing my mask, distancing, and all the rest of it.

The only good thing to come of it is I’m on day 38 without smoking. And it’s been about 30 days since I reached for my rescue inhaler. (Albuterol)

The first day I had symptoms something told me that smoking might be a bad idea :confused:
Congratulations! I quite smoking 33 years ago. It was one of the best things I ever did for myself. It was really, really hard but I’m free from the slavery of the addiction. Now I can’t stand the smell. I’m super sensitive to it. If there is a smoker in the car in front of me, I can smell it, even if the windows are rolled up.

I’m sure your smoking had a lot to do with your symptoms.
Agree with all you wrote. It’s rude not to wear a mask or distance if it’s required. Somebody wrote they hope the masses get suspended. I disagree. People have to asses their own risk.

Did the martyrs play it safe? Your risk of dying is less than 1%.
Vaccinations prevent the disease Covid 19, not the virus itself. It will still spread. A doctor was explaining this really well in the media.
Some of the vaccines also prevent the spread of the virus as well. They are still determining that with the others. If enough people are vaccinated and it prevents the spread, a high enough proportion of vaccinated people could eliminate the virus. Remove the vectors and the virus has no where to go…and dies.

This was an effected of the virus that hoped for but didn’t really expect. When it showed evidence of doing this, they were beyond excited.
And that requires herd immunity.
That requires 70% of population to get the vaccine and or become immune.
That equates to 230 million people.
That is going to take many months.
Of course it will. It’s been spreading for 12 months…it’s not going to be contained in a few weeks. The hope is that it will, however, eventually be contained.
Did the martyrs play it safe? Your risk of dying is less than 1%.
I recently saw a doc on TV talking about this risk. I believing he was paraphrasing Churchill talking about the Blitz: “The chances of a given person contracting a covid infection that will kill him/her on a given day are exceedingly small. The chances that someone is going to die of covid on a given day is 100%.”
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Did the martyrs play it safe?
The martyrs did not. But many of them refused to expose their fellow Christians by not giving their names to the authorities. To my mind, that would be the same as refusing to expose your fellow Christians to this virus.

Just a different way to look at it.
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You’ve quit long enough to get all the benefits of quitting. Good deal. I quit for 11 years once, 6 years once, and for a year or a little less several times. If I didn’t start smoking again after the 11 year stretch I’d be around the 30 year mark. Pretty sure I’m done with them now. I’m 62 and was at the point I could tell every one I lit was making my COPD worse

As far as symptoms during my mild bout with Covid, I already developed a dry cough in late 2019. So my dry cough with Covid became more frequent the first few days but eased up to less than before because on day one of my symptoms I quit smoking.

My main symptoms were fever as high as 100.9, fatigue, and soreness all over. Diarrhoea was the worst and persisted the longest.

No way to tell for sure, but I feel that nicotine, getting the flu shot a month before the Covid, and starting a higher intake of D3, Zinc, and Pepsid about 3 weeks before the covid may have saved me from respiratory issues.

I had seen an article saying the flu shot may be beneficial due to simply stimulating/waking up the immune system.

The smoking, and I was chain smoking, kept my nicotine level sort of high. As far back as April ICU doctors were seeing something that didn’t make sense. Male smokers were fairing better than non smokers as far as both recovery and morbidity. Some ICU personnel in Europe even started wearing nicotine patches. Studies and stats keep trickling in from around the world that note the same thing in regards to smokers.

So anyhow, the day I stopped smoking I already had a supply of patches and started using them to help quit smoking but mostly because I wanted to keep some level of nicotine in my system due to what these doctors are looking into.

Anecdotal or not, I’m going to keep using the patches until Covid settles into a seasonal thing ( if it ever does )

My doctor is ok with me using patches as long as I go to the stage 3 version once I run out of the stage 2 I’m using now. He’s more focused on using them to stop me from smoking rather than the smokers/Covid thing but admitted he’s been following it as the articles trickle in.

I’ll stop here before I wind up writing a book vs a post lol

And to everyone, I’m not advocating smoking in any way shape or form.
I saw that, but if true, why has it suddenly occurred world wide as if someone flipped a switch ?
I saw that, but if true, why has it suddenly occurred world wide as if someone flipped a switch ?
That person is pandering the same website that other’s have tried to pander which ended up getting them suspended indefinitely.
Congratulations! I quite smoking 33 years ago. It was one of the best things I ever did for myself. It was really, really hard but I’m free from the slavery of the addiction. Now I can’t stand the smell. I’m super sensitive to it. If there is a smoker in the car in front of me, I can smell it, even if the windows are rolled up.

I’m sure your smoking had a lot to do with your symptoms.
I quit smoking 31 years ago when I got pregnant for the first time and I feel relieved everyday that I did that. Addiction to cigs is a curse. But unlike you, whenever I smell a waft of smoke, I still love the memory and miss it. But it passes. So my advice to @CradleRC58. Even if you feel the urge down the track to “just have one”, DON’T DO IT. Being free of the addiction is much better than the temporary fix of a ciggy.
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. The chances that someone is going to die of covid on a given day is 100%.”
Substitute cancer, heart attack, stroke for covid. People die every day. I know that sound cold. Believe me, I’m not cold.

I have already lost 1/2 of my immediate family, including my mom in Feb. My younger sister died of a brain tumor four years ago. The process was excruciating. She had five brain surgeries within three months. They temporarily brought her back, but then she went back to completely losing her short-term memory. She could remember what she did 30 seconds ago. Luckily she retained her long-term memory.
Oh I would be so mad at myself if I started smoking again after the agonies of withdrawal. And I only smoked 1/2 pack a day at most!

Good luck to you. I’ll keep you in my prayers.

And you don’t stink anymore!
I quit smoking 31 years ago when I got pregnant for the first time and I feel relieved everyday that I did that. Addiction to cigs is a curse. But unlike you, whenever I smell a waft of smoke, I still love the memory and miss it. But it passes. So my advice to @CradleRC58. Even if you feel the urge down the track to “just have one”, DON’T DO IT. Being free of the addiction is much better than the temporary fix of a ciggy.
Well, I smoked right through that first pregnancy. My son was born three weeks early and only five lbs.
I blame the smoking. I quite the day he was born. I picked up a cig once since then and got so sick I had to bow out of a fun family party.
It looks like the Moderna vaccine…the one shown specifically to impede transmission…will be approved by either the end of this week or early next week.

What I’m unsure of is if the current vaccine has also shown this potential or even if they’ve looked for it. Being similar to Moderna, it may. Fingers crossed!

Personally, I’m hoping to get the Moderna. Just personal preference.
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