Now over 3,000 Covid deaths per day

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Instead of just paying everyone to stay home,
Where does the government get its money?
Hopefully Biden will draw on the experience of financing the country during WWII and restructure the taxation system. New York alone has 92 billionaires many of whom have got where they are from the inequitable taxation system. That will fit in well with other efforts of the Great Reset. Roll on 20/1/21.
The government.
Look at what’s happening in New York and California. All the millionaires are leaving because taxes are too high. Illinois is running out of money too.

The government depends on people having income so they can collect taxes.
that The Number (stock market) doesn’t go down.
My retirement that I scrimped and saved for all my life depends on the stock market. I don’t have a pension plan. Pension plans also depend on rising stock market prices.
Do you mean by issuing bonds?
No. Roosevelt re-organized the tax system so that taxes financed the war effort. Part of that was limiting excess profiteering and getting the wealthy to pay equitable tax. Todays CEO culture of excess profiteering and tax avoidance needs to be addressed and what better time than to finance covid measures.
All we do know is that the covid death count is overstated.
No, we don’t know that.
Attack the source, not the claim.
When the only support for the claim is the reputation of the source, it is entirely proper to question the source. If the support can be found at some more reputable source, simply reference that source directly and leave the questionable source out of it. Problem solved.
If you are going to cite Dr. Ngozi Ezike in a sound bite that seems to support your point, you should also cite her longer explanation of why covid deaths are not being over counted:

If you are going to cite Dr. Ngozi Ezike in a sound bite that seems to support your point, you should also cite her longer explanation of why covid deaths are not being over counted:
I read it. It doesn’t change what she actually said in the earlier video. People are now dying of COVID instead of heart attacks and strokes.
Look at what’s happening in New York and California. All the millionaires are leaving because taxes are too high. Illinois is running out of money too.

The government depends on people having income so they can collect taxes.
Any people who want to leave the country because they’d rather hundreds of thousands of people die instead of seeing their own net worth decrease should leave the country. We don’t want evil people like them here in the U.S.
My retirement that I scrimped and saved for all my life depends on the stock market. I don’t have a pension plan. Pension plans also depend on rising stock market prices.
You’re starting to get it. Security in old age shouldn’t rely on the whims of the stock market, it should be guaranteed by the government. Instead of an every man for himself scramble to not be on the bottom of the heap we should work together as a society to ensure the wellbeing of all of God’s children.
I am not familiar with this system of economics.
Where exactly does money come from again?
The government decides how much it’s going to spend then banks create the money with loans.
Any people who want to leave the country because they’d rather hundreds of thousands of people die instead of seeing their own net worth decrease should leave the country. We don’t want evil people like them here in the U.S.
They are not leaving the country, they are leaving the state for another less punitive state. Calling people who disagree with you “evil” is not helpful.
You’re starting to get it. Security in old age shouldn’t rely on the whims of the stock market, it should be guaranteed by the government.
The stock market has shown itself to be a good investment in the long run.

How is the government going to guarantee anything with no money?

There is no way I’m going to be a dependent of the government. They will then begin to dictate what I can and cannot do, just like they are doing with the nuns and schools.
Are you happy with this situation as it stands today?
Doesn’t matter.
Is asked a couple of questions to find out what exactly is being said.
I cannot agree or disagree without knowing what exactly is being said.

What exactly is “equitable”?
And what exactly is wealthy?
Are you happy with this situation as it stands today?
Doesn’t matter.
Is asked a couple of questions to find out what exactly is being said.
I cannot agree or disagree without knowing what exactly is being said.

What exactly is “equitable”?
And what exactly is wealthy?
Those are terms with meaning and that meaning is the work of ethicists, economists and associated experts in the field. Pope Francis has launched the Council for Inclusive Capitalism in co-operation with a number of the very wealthy business people and CEO’s around the globe who know that economic justice is desperately needed today. If ordinary people don’t want to bring the unethical profiteers to account, they have to be prepared to pay more tax themselves for the common good.
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