Nuns Killed Children, Say Former Residents Of St. Joseph’s Catholic Orphanage

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How strange! I am more and more thankful that my experience was so lovely. The principal at my school was such a loving and gentle sister. She was a second mom to us. My fifth grade teacher was a little off I can see now looking back as an adult but nothing truly bad. The principal didn’t keep her around for very long though. She sent her back to the mother house and found a replacement the next school year. I have had a profound sadness these last few weeks thinking of how the truly beautiful sisters and wonderful priests will be looked at with suspicion as if they are all corrupted.
Yeah, I have been trying to compose a post about my positive memories of several sisters I had as teachers or acquaintances. I went to school in the era when most of the teachers were lay (many of them were former sisters who’d left the convent) but I had about a dozen sisters who taught me or who I interacted with regularly in some way. Several of them, including two of the older nuns in the full habits and humongous rosaries, were truly wonderful, witty, intelligent, respectable women and even though I’m not one to go about fawning over nuns or priests, I still remember them fondly. There are a few more who I felt pretty neutral about, but they were reasonably competent at their jobs and not abusive. One sister obviously had dementia, could barely teach, and seemed to lose her train of thought frequently, but she wasn’t abusive. She also died about 2 months into our semester with her.

I can think of two who had temper issues and would yell at kids and sometimes hit older kids (I never saw them raise a hand to a kid under about age 12) but their behavior was within the normal range of kid discipline for that time, I never saw anything I’d call abusive and I ended up liking both of them. One of them was later transferred to the primary grades where she pretty much had a total personality change and became a sweet old grandmotherly lady who never yelled or swatted the little ones. I think she just couldn’t handle teaching older kids who talked back.

The worst one in my opinion was a snotty “social activist” “modern” sister I had in high school who didn’t like me for some reason and would often try to undermine my confidence, including snarky remarks about my looks (I was 14 at the time). I quickly learned to avoid her because she just seemed angry and bitter. Probably didn’t like teaching and took her frustration out on some of us students by being witchy and insulting.
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I lived in a small village where the school was 1st - 9th grade, taught in 6 classrooms. It was a bilingual school where Anglophone students were taught in English and Francophone students were taught in French. My first year our teacher taught gr. 1 English and French and gr. 2 English. In my 9 years there I had a bilingual classroom in gr. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

From gr. 1-8 we had 2 religious sisters teaching, members of this congregation.

The principal was always a sister and taught gr. 9. One I remember particularly died just this past March at the age of 99. She was a lovely woman who actually came back to our parish in the mid-80s to teach religion. The other sister taught gr. 1 or gr. 7 depending on the year.

Our school wasn’t Catholic, per se, but in our province at that time education was the responsibility of the local school board and the Catholic religion could be taught in the school if the number of Catholic students warranted it. Our school population was probably 90% Catholic. That changed in 1967 when the Province took over education and implemented a province-wide curriculum. They still employed sisters to teach but religion was no longer taught.

In high school my history teacher and my math teacher were sisters. One left the congregation but the other one is still there. For the most part the sisters were lovely women. But the cruel ones left the biggest impact.

But over the years lay teachers did just as much damage. There was B.C. who taught my grandmother and pulled the ear of a student so hard that she partially ripped it off his head; there was “Combat Kelly” who taught my husband and who put one student’s head through the blackboard.

There was also my father’s cousin who taught my brother in grade 3 and beat him almost every day. We always wondered why he had to be carried to the car kicking and screaming every school day that year, but he never told until he was in his mid-20s. When my horrified dad asked why he’d never told, he replied, “If you’ll recall we were always told not to come home complaining we’d had the strap because we’d get double at home.” As far as we’ve been able to figure out, because of the limited vision in his left eye and his lack of depth perception, he couldn’t follow the lines when he wrote in his notebook and this teacher was particularly incensed by this.
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My father used to tell me about when he was in school, he wasn’t feeling well one day and had put his head down on the desk.

The teacher thought he was fooling around, and smacked him on the head with a ruler. It was a male teacher.

My dad ran away from school later that day.
You haven’t exactly explained what faulty logic is happening here at all. If you could reiterate it however plain and in simple english that would be great.
Actually i have, exactly.

Nowhere did i say the secular reporters should not report.
Nowhere did i say that no good has come from secular reporting.

You have faulty logic in going down the path with your replies to my post assuming this is what was said.

If you would like to respond to what was actually said, that would be great.
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You may be interested in this recount of psychology in the 1960’s destroying religious orders.

It details how back in the 1960’s people respected university as a place of learning instead of realising what it was becoming, Leftist indoctrination aggressively oppositional to the church. It left the once strong and faithful group of sisters decimated with the rump becoming lesbian activists.

I grew up in a Catholic high school in Australia my mother worked in the aged home next door run by Catholic nuns. These nuns occassionally went to the United States to have the ‘education’ provided by such psychologists and they came back changed people, very much for the worst. Catholicism was seen as yesterdays out of touch news and all sorts of new ‘modern’ (read insane) views were propagated. The nuns started to become very conceited and cared more about finances and status rather than looking after the aged ones put in their care. It was a disgrace and i can relate many terrible things that happened because of this genuflection to secular religion which put itself above Christianity in the false name of modernity, equality and education.

Another case of where rigid Catholicism was overcome by something wishing to destroy Catholic values.
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Dude, that shrinky dink stuff is beyond me. I’m pretty sure it was beyond most of the nuns I knew as a girl too because they were mostly about 60 years old and up.
The young ones all seemed to be quitting and marrying priests or some such rot.
Yes but what it details and what my experience was is that these nuns had a bombshell put through them in the 1960’s which severely hampered their vocation as spreading the gospel. Not all nuns went through this of course but a huge number did.

The more that ‘stuff’ was beyond the nuns, the more effect it had because they took things on authority without critiquing it. Sometimes they went to seminars themselves but more commonly they obeyed superiors who had attended seminars and university courses.
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From the text relating the infiltration and effects of secular psychology into religious orders in the 1960’s :
The proof of authenticity on the humanistic psychology model is to go against what you were trained to be, to call all of that phoniness, and to say what is deepest within you. What’s deepest within you, however, are certain unrequited longings, including sexual longings. We provoked an epidemic of sexual misconduct among clergy and therapists- TLM: And it seemed to be justified by psychology, which is supposed to be a science. Now, the documents of Vatican II are never read, but they include beautiful and profound things. One can also find very naive things, including the statement that theology should profit from the insights of contemporary social science. I don’t know which document that was, but it gave you people <carte blanche>.
TLM: What is this Third Way? COULSON: The first two ways are faithful marriage and faithful celibacy. But now there was this more humane way, a more human way-all too human as I see it today. The idea was that priests could date. One priest, for example, defined his celibacy for me as, “It means I don’t have to marry the girl.” TLM: Only a Jesuit could have said that. COULSON: As a matter of fact that wasn’t a Jesuit. I think the Jesuits are capable of bouncing back because they had such strong traditions of their own, and God willing they will. A good book to read on this whole question is Fr. Joseph Becker’s <The Reformed Jesuits>. It reviews the collapse of Jesuit training between 1965 and 1975. Jesuit formation virtually fell apart; and Father Becker knows the influence of the Rogerians pretty well. He cites a number of Jesuit novice masters who claimed that the authority for what they did-and didn’t do-was Carl Rogers.
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and again
But we didn’t have a doctrine of evil. As I’ve said, Maslow saw that we failed to understand the reality of evil in human life. When we implied to people that they could trust their impulses, they also understood us to mean that they could trust their evil impulses, that they weren’t really evil. But-they were really evil. This hit home again for Rogers in the 1970s, when rumors began to circulate about a group that had spun off from ours. By then we had become the Center for Studies of the Person in La Jolla, having spun off from WBSI; and at the same time there spun off another group called the Center for Feeling Therapy in Hollywood. Well, charges were brought against the guys at the Center for Feeling Therapy-one of three founders of that, by the way, being a Jesuit who had left the order-and among the things that the State of California was perceptive enough to charge them with was killing babies. Eleven times, women who became pregnant while they were in the compound, the Center for Feeling Therapy, were forced to abort their babies. The State of California charged them with this crime- TLM: Was this before <Roe v. Wade>, then? COULSON: No, this happened after <Roe>, but the State Medical Board held that it was unethical for those men to force the women to have abortions, because those woman wanted their babies. TLM: And this is a result of psychological feeling therapy? COULSON: Yes. The idea behind it is that you can’t really listen to yourself, if you hear the baby cry. If the baby needs to be fed, or you find yourself being distracted with what the baby is doing, you’re not going to be able to deal with yourself. Humanistic psychotherapy, the kind that has virtually taken over the Church in America, and dominates so many forms of aberrant education like sex education, and drug education, holds that the most important source of authority is within you, that you must listen to yourself. Well, if you have a baby you’re carrying under your heart, get rid of it. Women who came into the Center for Feeling Therapy with children were forced to put them up for adoption. The only person who was allowed to have a baby, in an eerie preview of David Koresh, was the principal founder of the institution. All the other babies were killed, or sent away, in the name of getting in touch with the imperial self.
still :
TLM: Vitz tells me that there’s a lot of soul searching going on now in
the profession of psychology; he says they’re exhausted. Would you agree
with that, that they are at a dead end?

COULSON: Indeed, they’ve had to turn to New Age psychologies. You remember
Maslow coined the term “the third force” for humanistic psychology. But
Maslow quickly came to see that there was something on the horizon which
he called the fourth force. It has since come to be known as transpersonal
psychology. It’s the fastest growing field of psychology; but it is
primarily New Ageism, because it doesn’t want to endorse traditional
religious faith. It is psychology trying to be religion, because it
understands that humanistic orientation is inadequate.
Well…the Catholic church held a lot of control over the lives of the laity in different countries with different cultures for many hundreds of years…it not only had control over the laity but also wielded a lot of power over governments in different countries over the centuries…to quote Lord Acton 1887… “power tends to corrupts…absolute power corrupts absolutely”…so to hold that control rigid methods became the norm…and so abuses and corruption start to become part of that rigid control also…the church becomes institutionalized in its practice and customs…just like other organizations…be they secular or religious…sadly there are probably many horror stories that have transpired over the centuries that will never come to light…but that could apply to many institutions…and society itself has slowly changed over the centuries also…of course even when we hear of those horrific abuses carried out in the name of the church there are also many good and holy men and women who have always been part of our faith…now we appear to be at a place where maybe the Holy Spirit has led us to once again become the church that was founded by Jesus Christ…a light to the world…“we once were lost…but now am found”
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