How so? I don’t think that’s the case with real “free will”.Free will is the ability to do what you ought, not the ability to do what you want. Actions have consequences.
Yes, I agree that actions have consequences. But not all actions have the same consequences, i.e. the WORST consequences. Yet that’s what we see with mortal sins.
Now another question I have is, What IS Natural Law?
It is said that we all have Natural Law written on our hearts.
I agree that there are some Natural Laws…for instance against killing, taking another’s property, lying, being nice and civil to others (i.e. “love thy neighbor”), that homosexuality is clearly wrong as the parts are not used for their intended purposes.
But as for monogamy, or being against masturbation, or “premarital” sex, I’m not so certain those are “Natural laws”. It seems a man’s sex drive, and the very fact that 50% of marriages end in divorce, indicate that. It seems that prostitution being “the oldest profession” indicates that. I know what the Church says about it. But I would argue that sexual restrictions between man and woman are more constructs of control by Man, than Natural Law.
Men are driven sexually. Some do have the admirable ability to control it, but it seems that they are a great minority, which would seem to me to indicate that Natural Law points in the other direction.