OCD Discussions

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She’s not doing too bad right now. But then again she’s always better this time of year…school’s almost out and it’s summer, so more sunlight and exercise etc. She’s been on zoloft for 2 mths and honestly I just don’t know if I see any improvements…like I said she always gets better this time of year. This coming winter I’m buying us a sun lamp and making sure we use it for 30 min everyday…I’ve read lots of positive reviews about it…it seems to really help with SAD (which I suspect I get as I HATE HATE HATE winter anymore)
Is it you who has “SAD”? I’ve heard about it, and my therapist has a big caseload of patients who get depression around Christmas time or around then.
Oh I think it’s mostly me who has it…it seems to get worse each year too since I enjoy being outside a lot in the nicer months and having to stay inside is just torturous. But she’s also more difficult then…just more agitated irritable and anxious…I’m thinking the holiday stress plays a roll but I also think the lack of fresh air, nice weather and fresh food do as well…
You don’t see how strange OCD behaviors are until they’ re stopped. I used to consolidate medicine bottles, and then re-order the prescriptions; then consolidate, until I was unable to do either of those. Then finally I was able to get “part d” for medicare; the OCD stopped, after realizing each med was for a month’s supply, and no refills until 30 days later!
They really don’t. My OCDs will disappear, and then get replaced with new ones!
Not at all! Don’t you worry about it :)! I understood exactly what you meant.
In fact I was doing this right now, while typing! right now it looks like the fingers meet!
This is the reason I joined CAF. It was recommended by someone in a Ct diocese, and encouraged by EWTN. To talk about scruples, and what Jesus meant in the Gospels as to how to handle them. I was looking for a spiritual director at the time and was given CAF as a suggestion for answers.
It looks like that director will be seeing people again in June.
Haha I have been doing it all day today! As for your potato story it reminded me of“The Aviator”. Have you ever seen that movie? It’s about Howard Huges and his OCD. I haven’t seen the whole thing, only a few clips on YouTube, but his OCD with food got to him quite a bit from what I have seen of the movie.I used to do something strange but it wasn’t so much with food but with tapping. If I sarted tapping anything, my fingers, my feet, anything, it had to be the same number in each foot/finger or it would kill me with anxiety that they weren’t the same number. They felt un-even and that was enough to melt me into anxiety. The worst part was that if I didn’t do it “right” I had to start over, or had to keep going until another even number “felt” right.
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Seasonal Affective Disorder. Being more down in winter. I suspect it has to do with many people getting less Vitamin D from less sunlight exposure. Also, less exercise.
I have this weird thing about the number of times I gargle listerine when I get ready. One large gargle, followed by 2 sets of three short ones.
CAF is the WORST place for scrupulosity. A good confessor and your willingness to trust him and listen to him and follow his instruction is the best remedy. So many scrupulous people feeding off each other.
Oh yeah. When one obsession ends, and you feel peace, another doubt will come in to fill it’s place. This JUST happened to me. I had finally gotten a measure of peace about one circumstance only to find a new uncertainty to dwell on.

Then they recycle. An old one can come back out of the blue and hit you like a ton of bricks. You thought that silly old thing was long in the past then wham!
And it’s not like 20lbs will be lost in 2 minutes!
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You know, sad ad it is, I kind of agree. You know how Margaret and I had OCD with weight and stuff? Two of my sisters have OCD too, and one of them has it very badly with body image and food. Before we knew it was OCD, we just thought we cared more about our image than our other sisters, and we used to talk about food together, we used to encourage each other on these crazy, unhealthy diets, and exessive running. We were so unhealthy together.I think scruples work in the same manner, any kind of OCD obsession for that matter. It’s nice to talk to this group though. We all know what we have and have experineces that encourage and even teach the rest of new things.
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But did you ever believe that it was possible if you tried hard enough??? Lol I used to do the dumbest diets. Have you ever heard of “ The Military diet”? It promises to help you lose 10lbs in 3 days. Sad as it is, it does work, but it’s all water weight and starvation. I firmly believed that I could lose crazy amounts of weight if I did all my crazy things.
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