Oh Canada, what have you done?

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I have always been proud to be Canadian, but now I have my doubts. The Supreme Court of Canada has just unanimously okayed same sex marriages and it’s only a matter of time before it goes to Legislature and I’m sure it will be approved. Right now they are saying churches will not be forced to perform same sex marriages but I don’t believe that. I am feeling very frustrated this morining but we just have to keep fighting and hopefully through the grace of God we can at least keep this out of our churches. You Americans should be very proud of yourselves and your President for your efforts to retain your family values. I admire you, and I pray that you will be successful in keeping these laws out of your country. I feel that the United States is our only hope left to turn this around.
I wonder what the church would do if they were forced to perform these ceremonies. Would we stand together and face persecution because of our beliefs or give into the pressure? Right now, most of my friends and family do not agree with me or are of the opinion that it doesn’t matter, there’s nothing we can do. I will fight this to the end of my life. I’m curious how others feel at this forum.

Though I’m still proud to be Canadian, I do agree. Same-sex marriage doesnt make sense. I’ve always said that rather then redefining marriage, they should have civil unions held by a justice of the peace, and call it that…a civil union. That way, gay couples can have the same rights as married couples with polluting family values (as much). I have a gay friend who completely agrees with me and also thinks that gays should not get married. I wonder what the next few years will bring?
Personally I wouldn’t really care about gay marriage as long as I knew they wouldn’t force churches to perform them - and I know no such thing, in fact they probably will, and angry gays will be suing pastors who refuse. Mark my words.

They can have thier unions if they want. It will never be a marriage no matter what they call it. Only God can define marriage, He invented it.
I don’t think the churches will be forced to perform these services. Not if Pope John Paul II has anything to say about it. And I think he will if it comes to that.

The other thing to consider, is why would a gay couple want to get married in a church that doesn’t recognize or condone same sex marriages?? But I do agree – I can see the law suits coming already.

I don’t think the churches will be forced to perform these services. Not if Pope John Paul II has anything to say about it. And I think he will if it comes to that.

The other thing to consider, is why would a gay couple want to get married in a church that doesn’t recognize or condone same sex marriages?? But I do agree – I can see the law suits coming already.

Why? Maybe because they like the arcitecture (sorry have no clue how to spell that) or something, there could be a million reasons. I had one teacher in college who was gay who was against gay marriage because she really thought that it would come to lawsuits over churches.
Sarcophogus and Joann~~

Hey move down here to Washington State and Oregon. We will send back some of the disappointed liberals from the NW who couldn’t push through their gay marraige initiative. But you might not want us to do that to your country.

I heard an interview with a Canadian journalist last night on Bill O Reilly, who said that he doubted that Canadians would allow this to happen. And that the majority of Canadians are not liberal.
I don’t think the churches will be forced to perform these services. Not if Pope John Paul II has anything to say about it. And I think he will if it comes to that.

The other thing to consider, is why would a gay couple want to get married in a church that doesn’t recognize or condone same sex marriages?? But I do agree – I can see the law suits coming already.

This Canadian wonders what will happen when the government votes on the legislation to put this travesty into law. Parliamentary votes are public acts, and many members, even the Prime Minister, lay claim to being Catholics. The teaching of the Magisterium is quite clear, so, one wonders, what will the Bishops do about (erstwhile) Catholics who vote in favour of legalizing this travesty?

As for the future for the Church (and churches) vis-a-vis all this, I am chilled when I think of “Neuhaus’s Law”, as set out by Fr. Richard John Neuhaus of “First Things”:

Where orthodoxy is tolerated, orthodoxy will soon be prescribed.


They could never force the Church to marry same sex couples. What are they going to do? Feed us to the lions? An truely Catholic priest would never do it.
Personally I wouldn’t really care about gay marriage as long as I knew they wouldn’t force churches to perform them - and I know no such thing, in fact they probably will, and angry gays will be suing pastors who refuse. Mark my words.

They can have thier unions if they want. It will never be a marriage no matter what they call it. Only God can define marriage, He invented it.
When is the last time a clergyman was sued by anyone for refusing a wedding?
Gerry Hunter:
This Canadian wonders what will happen when the government votes on the legislation to put this travesty into law. Parliamentary votes are public acts, and many members, even the Prime Minister, lay claim to being Catholics. The teaching of the Magisterium is quite clear, so, one wonders, what will the Bishops do about (erstwhile) Catholics who vote in favour of legalizing this travesty?

As for the future for the Church (and churches) vis-a-vis all this, I am chilled when I think of “Neuhaus’s Law”, as set out by Fr. Richard John Neuhaus of “First Things”:

Where orthodoxy is tolerated, orthodoxy will soon be prescribed.


  1. The legislators will pass the bill.
  2. The bishops will wring their hands.
  3. People on this forum will utter predictions of doom.
  4. Everybody else will yawn.
When was the last time a homosexual couple thought they had the force of the law behind them Zoot? The writting is on the wall, when the parliament passes the law allowing the homosexuals to marry it will happen. I expect the first church targeted will be the Catholic Church, if for no other reason but to rub our nose in it, since our teachings are un-bending on same sex relations.

I am just wondering how long it will be before the tide will turn and we see Canadains crossing the border to live here.
Linda H.
Linda H.:
When was the last time a homosexual couple thought they had the force of the law behind them Zoot? The writting is on the wall, when the parliament passes the law allowing the homosexuals to marry it will happen. I expect the first church targeted will be the Catholic Church, if for no other reason but to rub our nose in it, since our teachings are un-bending on same sex relations.

I am just wondering how long it will be before the tide will turn and we see Canadains crossing the border to live here.
Linda H.
As I said, “People on this forum will utter predictions of doom.”

I can hear the chubby little hands wringing now.
I have had moments when I wasn’t too proud of being Canadian, most of which have been recent. Then I remember all the liberties we do have as Canadians and it isn’t so bad… As long as one doesn’t think too much.

I hope that the Church is not forced to go through with gay marriages, as that would do a lot of damage. I’m probably looking at the very negative side of things though. Some priests would say no to gay marriages even if it became forced by law, while, sadly, I see others going through it through sheer cowardice. I haven’t heard too many instances where the Catholic priests have stood up for something morally wrong in Canada lately.

I’ll be praying that it doesn’t get approved, and if it does that there will be stiff resistance to it from all Catholics in Canada.
From David Bass’ Column:
In the Canadian court’s written opinion, the nine justices paint a fascinating picture of so-called “evolving” culture. Since Canada has attained the nirvana stage of existence shared only by France and a very small comet that travels through Orion’s Belt every December, it is apparently no longer obligated to be a society where marriage is a religious, traditional institution established by a Higher Being. “Canada is a pluralistic society,” the high court writes, and as such, “Marriage, from the perspective of the state, is a civil institution.”

Core principle No. 1: Government, especially the judiciary, has the final say in all matters, including marriage. The antiquarian idea of a Higher Authority (dare I mention that terrible G-word again?) responsible for institutions like marriage will no longer do. Everything is man-made and therefore open to man’s interpretation. Government is the unquestionable, supreme authority. It alone defines what marriage is and what it isn’t.

The Canadian court hurriedly moves on to illustrate core principle No. 2: All laws are open to interpretation. The antiquated laws of the past (meaning marriage between heterosexuals), the court writes, run “contrary to one of the most fundamental principles of Canadian constitutional interpretation: that our Constitution is a living tree which, by way of progressive interpretation, accommodates and addresses the realities of modern life.”

Does that verbiage strike a chord? It should. Several notable members of our own Supreme Court have used similar language. The Atlanta-Journal Constitution quoted Justice O’Connor, for one, last summer as saying that to make an “all important good impression” in the international community, the U.S. Constitution must essentially be a living, breathing document.

As I said, “People on this forum will utter predictions of doom.”

I can hear the chubby little hands wringing now.
LOL, I love this guy. It’s funny because it’s true.
Sarcophogus and Joann~~

Hey move down here to Washington State and Oregon. We will send back some of the disappointed liberals from the NW who couldn’t push through their gay marraige initiative. But you might not want us to do that to your country.

I heard an interview with a Canadian journalist last night on Bill O Reilly, who said that he doubted that Canadians would allow this to happen. And that the majority of Canadians are not liberal.
Thanks for the invite, I live very close to the U.S. border and I’ll keep that in mind. As for Americans coming here, apparently after Bush got in, there were a lot of requests by U.S. citizens wanting to live in Canada, but they have a long wait, lot of red tape. Time will tell if that journalist is right, but I don’t hold much hope and if it does happen it will only be a matter of time before all religions who oppose this will be put to the test. I pray to God, we are all strong enough to fight this battle.

God bless you all.
I believe that it’s Canada now, and the US in the future. Their is already talk of suing Catholic hospitals for not performing abortions. I think they (the gay agenda) will at least try to force churches to marry them. Some already do. God help us all.
The hands here in Ohio took some time out from wringing on November 2 and pushed the “yes” button for the following:
"Be it Resolved by the People of the State of Ohio:
That the Constitution of the State of Ohio be amended by adopting a section to be designated as Section 11 of Article XV thereof, to read as follows:
                     Article XV

        Section 11. Only a union between one man and one woman may be a marriage    valid in or recognized by this state and its political subdivisions. This state and its    political subdivisions
shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of marriage."
When is the last time a clergyman was sued by anyone for refusing a wedding?
Probably never, but can you not see that if the Canadians, or us for that matter, passed this law, it’s inevitable.
I don’t understand your attitude. “Everybody else will yawn,” doesn’t quite get it, because there are many, many more Americans who care about values than just the ones on this board.
My fingers aren’t chubby, but they are busy. Legalizing gay marriage - institutioinalzing it - is just another step in the direction of a secular humanistic, post-modern, relativistic culture. If that’s what you want, you can have it right now. Move to The Netherlands or, I’m sorry to say, Canada. They’re almost there. When I was growing up in the antidiluvian era of the '50’s, their government was almost like ours. We spent a lot of time there.
Stuff happened, and now, those good people are under the rule of a European-style social democracy.
I don’t particularly want to see us head in that direction. Neither do the peopole red counties.
Yawn if you will. You may wake up in a very different place; a place you don’t like.
Probably never, but can you not see that if the Canadians, or us for that matter, passed this law, it’s inevitable.
I don’t understand your attitude. “Everybody else will yawn,” doesn’t quite get it, because there are many, many more Americans who care about values than just the ones on this board.
My fingers aren’t chubby, but they are busy. Legalizing gay marriage - institutioinalzing it - is just another step in the direction of a secular humanistic, post-modern, relativistic culture. If that’s what you want, you can have it right now. Move to The Netherlands or, I’m sorry to say, Canada. They’re almost there. When I was growing up in the antidiluvian era of the '50’s, their government was almost like ours. We spent a lot of time there.
Stuff happened, and now, those good people are under the rule of a European-style social democracy.
I don’t particularly want to see us head in that direction. Neither do the peopole red counties.
Yawn if you will. You may wake up in a very different place; a place you don’t like.
Thank you so much for this comment, it’s all too common up here in Canada to just yawn. We need to wake up and get back our morals. Else my children, and those after them, will be subjected to many more evils and our once great country be will a licentious shade of its former self.
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