
In the interests of precision and accuracy in language, I’d have to say that some priest will probably be sued. A basic principle of our legal system states, “Any jackass can sue anyone he chooses.”Probably never, but can you not see that if the Canadians, or us for that matter, passed this law, it’s inevitable.
I don’t understand your attitude. “Everybody else will yawn,” doesn’t quite get it, because there are many, many more Americans who care about values than just the ones on this board.
My fingers aren’t chubby, but they are busy. Legalizing gay marriage - institutioinalzing it - is just another step in the direction of a secular humanistic, post-modern, relativistic culture. If that’s what you want, you can have it right now. Move to The Netherlands or, I’m sorry to say, Canada. They’re almost there. When I was growing up in the antidiluvian era of the '50’s, their government was almost like ours. We spent a lot of time there.
Stuff happened, and now, those good people are under the rule of a European-style social democracy.
I don’t particularly want to see us head in that direction. Neither do the peopole red counties.
Yawn if you will. You may wake up in a very different place; a place you don’t like.
A more important notion is whether they prevail in court. If I choose, I can sue you for having long, agile fingers. But I will be laughed out of court. It’s the same with clergy being sued because they don’t perform a particular marriage. I can support an award against a wedding singer, but not a priest.
As for the yawners, most of the people in Massachusetts are yawning over gay marriage. They see no difference in the state of the state now as compared to May 16. I recommend a good yawn; it’s therapeutic.
I prefer to stay in the US to drum in the dawn of the age of secular humanistic, post-modern, relativistic culture.