
Sorry Mike, don’t mean to start an off topic argument. But Quebec is not separate from Canada. Quebec is a province in this country, not a state unto its own.Well, let me add some perspectives from French Canada. I think the best hope for Canada is to revive the Catholic culture in Quebec. Like it or not, Quebec is the one province which carries the most political weight in Canada. 80% of Quebecois are Catholics, yet well over 60% in the province are pro gay-marriage, so we end up with things like these. It’s been only 40 years that our province was taken over by the atheists Liberal-PQ, but many Francophones are still Catholics at heart.
The problem is, in our schools, with the curriculum set by the anti-Catholic bureaucrats at the Quebec Ministry of Education, our students are taught that the Catholic Church was basically the worst enemy to Quebec nationalism. Therefore, Quebecois generally distance themselves from the Catholic church and its teachings.
There has been a revival of conservatism in our province recently, but it’s mostly fiscal conservativism rather than social conservatism. (Personally, I’m the other way around, so it’s been quite irritating for me). I’m not sure if our politicians would have the guts to move towards social conservatism, but it’s not that impossible. After all, 80% of us are Catholics. So please pray for us that we can once again return to the Catholic Church as a nation (yes, both Quebec and Canada)