OK, I Am Confused. Do Mormons Believe In The Trinity?

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When I was about 14, a couple of young, Mormon missionaries showed up at our door. They were very sweet young men, ate dinner with us several times and, of course, tried to convince us to be Mormon.

One of them explained that there was no Trinity.

I read part of another thread that seems to say that Mormons do believe in the Trinity.

So do Mormons believe in the Trintity like Catholics?:confused:

Can I get a straight forward answer, please?
When I was about 14, a couple of young, Mormon missionaries showed up at our door. They were very sweet young men, ate dinner with us several times and, of course, tried to convince us to be Mormon.

One of them explained that there was no Trinity.

I read part of another thread that seems to say that Mormons do believe in the Trinity.

So do Mormons believe in the Trintity like Catholics?:confused:

Can I get a straight forward answer, please?
Who from?

If you want it from a Mormon, the answer is yes and no.

Many people, when they call themselves Trinitarians, actually are "modalists.’ That is, they believe that God is One Being with three different masks that He wears at different times or for different reasons.

We absolutely do not believe that.

Many people claim that the Trinity means that there are three Persons who are separate in almost everything, but share one core essence…“God”. Catholics generally fall in this category, and we are a great deal closer to this interpretation than to modalism.

However, while we believe that God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son and the Holy Ghost are all members of the Godhead (and absolutely one in purpose) we emphasize the separateness of the individuals far more than most trinitarians do. We believe that they do share that quality of being ‘God,’ but that it is a ‘Godhead,’ not that they are in any way less than completely separate Beings.
Their belief is three separate persons working together. But, of course, they may morph in opposition to your argument whenever they choose. Diana is presenting some mormon heterodoxy. They intellectualize it all, rather than accepting mystery. Don’t let her ramblings get you confused. 😉
We believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not one in substance, as taught in the Nicene Creed, but are one in purpose. They are three separate persons that make one Godhead. We do not believe in the Trinity.
I’m an ex-Mormon. No they don’t.

Simple, straight forward. No.

in Christ
We believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not one in substance, as taught in the Nicene Creed, but are one in purpose. They are three separate persons that make one Godhead. We do not believe in the Trinity.
Okay. Thank you for the straight forward answer. I really appreciate that.🙂
Who from?

However, while we believe that God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son and the Holy Ghost are all members of the Godhead (and absolutely one in purpose) we emphasize the separateness of the individuals far more than most trinitarians do. We believe that they do share that quality of being ‘God,’ but that it is a ‘Godhead,’ not that they are in any way less than completely separate Beings.
I am trying to understand. So, is it like three people who all have the same goal but are seperate individuals?
When I was about 14, a couple of young, Mormon missionaries showed up at our door. They were very sweet young men, ate dinner with us several times and, of course, tried to convince us to be Mormon.

One of them explained that there was no Trinity.

I read part of another thread that seems to say that Mormons do believe in the Trinity.
It would be more helpful if you told us which thread that was.
So do Mormons believe in the Trinity like Catholics?:confused:
Can I get a straight forward answer, please?
The answer is that we believe in the Trinity, but not “like Catholics”. We believe in the Trinity of the Bible, not in the Trinity of post-Apostate Christendom. It would be correct to say that we do not believe in Trinitarianism or in the Trinitarian theology. But we do believe in the Trinity of the Bible—the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Trinitarianism does not have a Biblical basis.

Well, I disagree with you zerinus(sorry for the misspelling) about Catholic’s Trinity not being Biblical, but I suppose that you could guess that.

I am going to assume that with your post, the thread will turn from one of me simply having a question answered, to one of LDS and Catholics defending their own beliefs on the Trinity.
I am going to assume that with your post, the thread will turn from one of me simply having a question answered, to one of LDS and Catholics defending their own beliefs on the Trinity.
it’s only natural that this would turn into a Trinity debate 😉
We believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not one in substance, as taught in the Nicene Creed, but are one in purpose. They are three separate persons that make one Godhead. We do not believe in the Trinity.
Correction: as FORMALIZED in the Nicene Creed-please don’t play down the fact that the early Christians believed in the Trinity.
It would be more helpful if you told us which thread that was.

It doesn’t matter which thread, your answer should be NO, plain and simple.

The answer is that we believe in the Trinity, but not “like Catholics”. We believe in the Trinity of the Bible, not in the Trinity of post-Apostate Christendom. It would be correct to say that we do not believe in Trinitarianism or in the Trinitarian theology. But we do believe in the Trinity of the Bible—the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Trinitarianism does not have a Biblical basis.

It does not have a biblical basis for those who are clouded by mormonism and read into the Bible the heresies espoused by such.

Correction: as FORMALIZED in the Nicene Creed-please don’t play down the fact that the early Christians believed in the Trinity.
:rolleyes: and there we go, as you said deb, your thread will now turn into a Trinity debate.

I love when people read more into the statements of others. I said, “We believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not one in substance, as taught in the Nicene Creed, but are one in purpose.”-Does not the Nicene Creed teach the doctrine of the Trinity? Yes yes, the creeds and councils were convened to battle heresies and to explicitly state the true Christian belief against heretics.

“Light of light, true God of true God, begotten, not made, of one substance with the Father, through whom all things were made.”

So, to answer the original question of this thread: LDS do not believe in the Trinity. We do not believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are one in substance. We believe that they are three separate persons/beings, one in purpose and goals.
Don’t listen to zerinus. He likes to try and make Christian terms bend to mormon belief. Followed by, telling us how wrong Christians are because we don’t understand the Christian terms as he has defined them. :whacky:
:rolleyes: and there we go, as you said deb, your thread will now turn into a Trinity debate.

I know what many mormons think about the Nicene creed and how it was a Catholic “invention” etc etc–if this does not include you specifically-I apologize. It has been brought up in person by LDS many, many times to infer Christianity, as a whole was the result of a “vote” in a council and to show there were no Christian beliefs-such as the Trinity-before that council convened.

Yes yes, the creeds and councils were convened to battle heresies and to explicitly state the true Christian belief against heretics.

“Light of light, true God of true God, begotten, not made, of one substance with the Father, through whom all things were made.”


So, to answer the original question of this thread: LDS do not believe in the Trinity.
Thank you, this was all we originally needed.
LDSGuy;5023585 said:
:rolleyes: and there we go, as you said deb, your thread will now turn into a Trinity debate.

I know what many mormons think about the Nicene creed and how it was a Catholic “invention” etc etc–if this does not include you specifically-I apologize. It has been brought up in person by LDS many, many times to infer Christianity, as a whole was the result of a “vote” in a council and to show there were no Christian beliefs-such as the Trinity-before that council convened.

Yes yes, the creeds and councils were convened to battle heresies and to explicitly state the true Christian belief against heretics.

"Light of light, true God of true God, begotten, not made, of one substance with the Father
, through whom all things were made."


So, to answer the original question of this thread: LDS do not believe in the Trinity.
Thank you, this was all we originally needed.

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