OK, Looks Like it is Time to Boycott Amazon

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Thanks lost sheep. I haven’t used Amazon in years, ever since I posted a very Catholic review and next day got a condom ad in my email. I wouldn’t drive a Ford if you gave me one, ever since their sponsorship of the Brooklyn “art” museum showing the crucifix with ants running over it video. etc. etc. You are for Him or against Him. O, and I’ll be at Chick Filet on Wednesday to support them. 🙂
It’s the battle of the boycotts. Catholics boycott Amazon and JC Penney and gay people boycott Chick fil A.

I wonder if either of them will change anyone’s mind or heart?
When I first read this, I thought the OP’s intent was to make a statement against what is happening with the Chick-Fil-A guy. I don’t think it’s meant seriously.
But this is a great opportunity to see the difference in response between groups when a public person, in their private persona, does something that, morally, other groups disagree with. Perhaps the gay activists could take a lesson here… 🤷 I don’t see any pro traditional marriage people taking to the streets in outrage to try to rile people into a near riot because they’re not happy with somebody’s personal ideas. Makes me proud to be part of THAT group, you know what I mean?
I don’t use Amazon anyway. Most of the brands that support gay marriage are too expensive for me…except Wal-Mart. I never buy anything other than store brands. I even went so far as to quit my job at JC Penney because of their new CEO and the “direction” he wants to take the store in.

I know it is not * required * to do so…but I felt a personal conviction.
Thanks lost sheep. I haven’t used Amazon in years, ever since I posted a very Catholic review and next day got a condom ad in my email. I wouldn’t drive a Ford if you gave me one, ever since their sponsorship of the Brooklyn “art” museum showing the crucifix with ants running over it video. etc. etc. You are for Him or against Him. O, and I’ll be at Chick Filet on Wednesday to support them. 🙂
I don’t use Amazon anyway. Most of the brands that support gay marriage are too expensive for me…except Wal-Mart. I never buy anything other than store brands. I even went so far as to quit my job at JC Penney because of their new CEO and the “direction” he wants to take the store in.

I know it is not * required * to do so…but I felt a personal conviction.
Amen! Is there no principle any more? Decisions have consequences - both at the consumer and corporate level. Does Jeff Bezos think that contributing money to oppose a large chunk of his clientele is a good business practice? This is the behavior, not of a capitalist, but an ideologue.
That can’t start a boycott… needs to be a bigger cause. Plus, it’s almost bigotry because you disagree with their ideas and want to start a boycott, I say… let them be. I’m not saying I support homosexuality, which I don’t, but being a bigot about it won’t get anyone any where it’s a waste of breath. Now if someone came up to you and starting preaching how right it is… then tell them they are wrong and EXPLAIN the real reason… without explaining it’s a waste of time.
  • Vjnycguy
Take account of this: being against the homosexual unions you are condamning one person to rennonce to his sexuality forever. I don’t think there is a reason for be so determined. The brave commandant who advances destroying the enemies of his people is not a Christian ideal… be aware of not become part of the sect of Pharisees.
I am against homosexuality… but for be dignes in that issue we must take the Cross we too.
The reason why we oppose homosexual unions is not out of a desire to oppress or condemn. We do so out of love for gay people and concern for their souls. I oppose gay marriage because I want to see every single human being make it to heaven and I will do everything in my power to prevent an intrinsic evil such as sodomy from being legitimatized in our society. My greatest fear is for the young gay teen who’s growing up in our society not only being told by the media that mortal sin is acceptable behavior but now also by the government and corporations such as Amazon. 😦

Also, we have to keep in mind that the pharicies of today are not the pharicies from 2000 years ago. Today’s pharicies are the luke-warm, moral relativist christians that denounce the possibility of hell and damnation and completely reject the existence of mortal sin.
You know, I was just joking, but the more I look around, the more liberal my home seems to be getting. And that word “seems” is the issue. People with money are making the laws. People with money listen to what other people with money have to say. I think that in this age of communication, a more “pure” democracy might be in order. As in every law must have the nation’s vote. There are too many laws being snuck under the rug, or being made in back-door arrangements, or hidden in other laws. I’m amazed lawyers can even function these days.

And what defines a “bikini” anyway? I’ve seen some swimwear that’s perfectly acceptable, and some that is clearly NOT in line with proper catholic thinking.
The reason why we oppose homosexual unions is not out of a desire to oppress or condemn. We do so out of love for gay people and concern for their souls. I oppose gay marriage because I want to see every single human being make it to heaven and I will do everything in my power to prevent an intrinsic evil such as sodomy from being legitimatized in our society. My greatest fear is for the young gay teen who’s growing up in our society not only being told by the media that mortal sin is acceptable behavior but now also by the government and corporations such as Amazon. 😦

Also, we have to keep in mind that the pharicies of today are not the pharicies from 2000 years ago. Today’s pharicies are the luke-warm, moral relativist christians that denounce the possibility of hell and damnation and completely reject the existence of mortal sin.
Very well said. Let’s put this in perspective: whenever same-sex marriage was put on the ballot, the people voted it down. So, instead, a small number of politicians, judges and now, corporate executives, are being convinced to offer their support and make their support public.

This is a scandal to themselves and does indeed, damage the reputation of their companies. It does, without a doubt, help to convince the general public that gay behavior is OK or good. The Church has nothing against gay people - but the normalization of the behavior does concern the Church.

Keep in mind that even before gay marriage was on the radar, gay people lived together and acted out gay behavior. That prior to a vote that was taken by the American Psychiatric Association in 1973, that was orchestrated by gay activists, homosexuality was considered a disorder.

Let me add that those who bully, tease, threaten or physically harm a gay person are 100% wrong. However, making gay marriage seem normal is against Church teaching.

Find alternatives to Amazon. And boycott Amazon. These are legitimate, peaceful ways to let amazon’s owner know that we will not provide additional funds to his company to further his personal ideology, which, combined with other companies doing the same thing, will lead people, especially the young, to view gay behavior as good or OK.

At first, all those who lived in “alternative lifestyles” in the 1970s, said, “Leave us alone! We’ll do what we want! We’re responsible adults!” And they were left alone. But it caused heartache for parents who asked their kids, “Why are you two living together? If you really love the girl, why don’t you just get married?”

That was a time (I was there) when their radical, anarchist peers told them to reject all authority, including the Church, The cry was Freedom!! Freedom from what? Freedom from anyone that told them that having sex with whoever they wanted, outside of marriage, was wrong. They had new teachers now: radical sexual perverts who wanted to gradually make sexual perversions normal, OK and even celebrated. It took 40 years, but here we are.

The Body of Christ was gradually poisoned by the media and laws that were and are totally against life and the family.

Get real.
There are companies out there that are selling products knowing they kill.

There are companies out there sponsoring international “family planning” programms that promote abortion and abortion inducing drugs.
Some of these even claim to be Catholic.

These are far more serious issues than the CEO and former owner (before he made a mint selling his company on the Stock market) using his hard earned money to aid a cause he probably sincerely believes in.
If you want to change the world. they you need to show him in Love why is conscience is deformed, and bring him to know Jesus.

I do Boycott Nestlé, Kraft and News Corporation.
The Nestlé boycott has been on-going since before I was born and is for Pro-Life and Human rights reasons. - they are guilty of massive and multiple abuses.
The latest is using a machine for “Quality Controll” on their food production lines that “Tastes” samples of the food - using Kidney cells from aborted babies.

Kraft also use this Technology. That is now my main reason for boycotting them

The News Corp was a personal one, and mostly political but the true colours of that corporation are being dragged out into the light of day & I’m no-longer alone. - I’m not aware of them being baby killers though.

You know, I was just joking, but the more I look around, the more liberal my home seems to be getting. And that word “seems” is the issue. People with money are making the laws. People with money listen to what other people with money have to say. I think that in this age of communication, a more “pure” democracy might be in order. As in every law must have the nation’s vote. There are too many laws being snuck under the rug, or being made in back-door arrangements, or hidden in other laws. I’m amazed lawyers can even function these days.

And what defines a “bikini” anyway? I’ve seen some swimwear that’s perfectly acceptable, and some that is clearly NOT in line with proper catholic thinking.
Apparently, you just did define a bikini and made a value judgement regarding certain swimwear. I invite everyone to read the following article:


Very well said. Let’s put this in perspective: whenever same-sex marriage was put on the ballot, the people voted it down. So, instead, a small number of politicians, judges and now, corporate executives, are being convinced to offer their support and make their support public.

This is a scandal to themselves and does indeed, damage the reputation of their companies. It does, without a doubt, help to convince the general public that gay behavior is OK or good. The Church has nothing against gay people - but the normalization of the behavior does concern the Church.

Keep in mind that even before gay marriage was on the radar, gay people lived together and acted out gay behavior. That prior to a vote that was taken by the American Psychiatric Association in 1973, that was orchestrated by gay activists, homosexuality was considered a disorder.

Let me add that those who bully, tease, threaten or physically harm a gay person are 100% wrong. However, making gay marriage seem normal is against Church teaching.

Find alternatives to Amazon. And boycott Amazon. These are legitimate, peaceful ways to let amazon’s owner know that we will not provide additional funds to his company to further his personal ideology, which, combined with other companies doing the same thing, will lead people, especially the young, to view gay behavior as good or OK.

At first, all those who lived in “alternative lifestyles” in the 1970s, said, “Leave us alone! We’ll do what we want! We’re responsible adults!” And they were left alone. But it caused heartache for parents who asked their kids, “Why are you two living together? If you really love the girl, why don’t you just get married?”

That was a time (I was there) when their radical, anarchist peers told them to reject all authority, including the Church, The cry was Freedom!! Freedom from what? Freedom from anyone that told them that having sex with whoever they wanted, outside of marriage, was wrong. They had new teachers now: radical sexual perverts who wanted to gradually make sexual perversions normal, OK and even celebrated. It took 40 years, but here we are.

The Body of Christ was gradually poisoned by the media and laws that were and are totally against life and the family.

There was a time, not too terribly long ago when the right of Catholics to educate their children in their own schools or hold certain jobs would have failed at the ballot box. There may some day be a time when Catholics are once again a minority who would lose in a popular vote.

Be careful of the rights you want denied today, someone may be after yours tomorrow.
Be careful of the rights you want denied today, someone may be after yours tomorrow.
So, therefore your logic is just to let everyone do what they want.
You might take that logic back after you saw Clinton practicing his right to wear a bikini. Where’s the editing software around here…

Ed! you are a forum master.

I realize it’s a Saturday night. Wow. I didn’t know it would come to this…
Very well said. Let’s put this in perspective: whenever same-sex marriage was put on the ballot, the people voted it down. So, instead, a small number of politicians, judges and now, corporate executives, are being convinced to offer their support and make their support public.
And at one time 41 of the 50 states had laws prohibiting interracial marriage. Equal protection under the law is not left to a popularity contest and rights and legal protections are not voted on.
This is a scandal to themselves and does indeed, damage the reputation of their companies. It does, without a doubt, help to convince the general public that gay behavior is OK or good. The Church has nothing against gay people - but the normalization of the behavior does concern the Church.
On the one hand you have “nothing against gay people” on the other hand you have the marginalization of a minority. You can’t have it both ways.
Keep in mind that even before gay marriage was on the radar, gay people lived together and acted out gay behavior. That prior to a vote that was taken by the American Psychiatric Association in 1973, that was orchestrated by gay activists, homosexuality was considered a disorder.
That’s really a misrepresentation of the facts. The removal of homosexuality from the DSM by the American Psychiatric Association came after years of dialogue and debate. The deciding factor was simply that those trying to claim that homosexuality was a mental illness were unable to support their claim. Homosexuality does not meet even the basic criteria for mental illness.
Let me add that those who bully, tease, threaten or physically harm a gay person are 100% wrong. However, making gay marriage seem normal is against Church teaching.
Is not implying that homosexuality is a mental disorder and was only removed from the diagnostic manual because of a vote “orchestrated by gay activists” bullying?
Find alternatives to Amazon. And boycott Amazon. These are legitimate, peaceful ways to let amazon’s owner know that we will not provide additional funds to his company to further his personal ideology, which, combined with other companies doing the same thing, will lead people, especially the young, to view gay behavior as good or OK.
You do realize that there are thousands of companies that are opposed to discrimination will you hunt them all down and refuse to patronize them all?
They had new teachers now: radical sexual perverts who wanted to gradually make sexual perversions normal
Isn’t this another example of bullying?
The Body of Christ was gradually poisoned by the media and laws that were and are totally against life and the family.
gay people don’t have families :confused:
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