The reason why we oppose homosexual unions is not out of a desire to oppress or condemn. We do so out of love for gay people and concern for their souls. I oppose gay marriage because I want to see every single human being make it to heaven and I will do everything in my power to prevent an intrinsic evil such as sodomy from being legitimatized in our society. My greatest fear is for the young gay teen who’s growing up in our society not only being told by the media that mortal sin is acceptable behavior but now also by the government and corporations such as Amazon.
Also, we have to keep in mind that the pharicies of today are not the pharicies from 2000 years ago. Today’s pharicies are the luke-warm, moral relativist christians that denounce the possibility of hell and damnation and completely reject the existence of mortal sin.
Very well said. Let’s put this in perspective: whenever same-sex marriage was put on the ballot, the people voted it down. So, instead, a small number of politicians, judges and now, corporate executives, are being convinced to offer their support and make their support
This is a scandal to themselves and does indeed, damage the reputation of their companies. It does, without a doubt, help to convince the general public that gay behavior is OK or good. The Church has nothing against gay people - but the normalization of the behavior does concern the Church.
Keep in mind that even before gay marriage was on the radar, gay people lived together and acted out gay behavior. That prior to a vote that was taken by the American Psychiatric Association in 1973, that was orchestrated by gay activists, homosexuality was considered a disorder.
Let me add that those who bully, tease, threaten or physically harm a gay person are 100% wrong. However, making gay marriage seem normal is against Church teaching.
Find alternatives to Amazon. And boycott Amazon. These are legitimate, peaceful ways to let amazon’s owner know that we will not provide additional funds to his company to further his personal ideology, which, combined with other companies doing the same thing, will lead people, especially the young, to view gay behavior as good or OK.
At first, all those who lived in “alternative lifestyles” in the 1970s, said, “Leave us alone! We’ll do what we want! We’re responsible adults!” And they were left alone. But it caused heartache for parents who asked their kids, “Why are you two living together? If you really love the girl, why don’t you just get married?”
That was a time (I was there) when their radical, anarchist peers told them to reject
all authority, including the Church, The cry was Freedom!! Freedom from what? Freedom from anyone that told them that having sex with whoever they wanted, outside of marriage, was wrong. They had new teachers now: radical sexual perverts who wanted to gradually make sexual perversions normal, OK and even celebrated. It took 40 years, but here we are.
The Body of Christ was gradually poisoned by the media and laws that were and are totally against life and the family.