On a scale of 1 to 9, where do see yourself?

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2 or 3. I still don’t know what I believe but I’m open to God existing and me being wrong. I love living but life has no meaning without the existence of God. I struggle with the fact God is a non physical being since I know of no other non physical beings that are believed in now. I pray to one day climb above a 3!
I think I learned a long time ago (like junior high). That I am slightly above average. No matter how hard I try, there I am.
Honestly, I haven’t a clue. I would like to say a 5 or so, but at the same time I have a very careless attitude because I have trouble caring about my faith. At the same time, however, I care very much about my faith and want to grow in faith and become a Saint. The one thing that is a constant though is that I will always accept all the Church has always taught since it’s beginnings so I will know when my actions are wrong and I need to go to confession. It’s just that sometimes I get really lazy (Sin of Presumption + Spiritual Sloth) that gets to me. I dunno lol 🤷‍♂️
2 or 3. I still don’t know what I believe but I’m open to God existing and me being wrong.
That means you are at least a 5 or 6.This is the paradox in Christianity. The lower you rate yourself, the higher your actual rating. So it is always better to “go lower” just in case. There are only exceptions like me who can rate themselves highly. (my actual rating is off the charts 9+)
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Would I be so lucky :confused: my brain is a 3 but my heart is a 2 :/. I am so enamored with the possibility of God and eternal life it brings such immense hope! I hope you are having a wonderful night.
Just curious, is this your own rating system, or is it a well-known scale found in many books and articles?
Actually I got it from the Church Fathers. Bishop Leopold I think it was who started it. I’ll just look up the link for you now.
Oscillating from 6 to 4.
I think Jesus is the ultimate role model and truth but on the other hand I also have a “fear of commitment” (to Gods ways) and get drawn to worldliness and sensuality.
Definitely don’t like things like hookups(!) but at the same time not 100 % agreeing that people have to be married before intimacy.

I doubt St Paul was ever a 1 because while he might have disdained Christians I don’t think he ever would have liked satan or major evil?
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No idea, and although the mental image of my Angel trying to ‘hide his giggles’ behind ‘his hand’ might be amusing/disheartening to behold, I wouldn’t hazard a guess. What I or we think and how accurate our self-assessment might be, only God really knows.
A person can be pious, do all the right things, but be lacking in some important virtue, like humility or charity.

1 Corinthians 13: 1-3

If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast,* but do not have love, I gain nothing.
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Just remember Jesus loves you All the time 🙂
I don’t hate myself when I do a mortal sin,I hurt badly feeling that seperation ,I feel distraught until confession
I’m probably a 3 or a 4. I’ve kinda gone backwards and gotten worse over time. 😅
I know that but its maybe not hate but I feel very bad, sad that I fell another time into the lie of tempation.
With all due respect, this exercise is insanely dangerous in the spiritual life. One of the surest signs of not being as advanced as one thinks one is in the interior life is this type of exercise. It’s one of the primary reasons why Teresa says the three most important virtues in the spiritual life are humility, humility, and humility.

When someone claims to be in one of St. Teresa’s castles, it’s a virtual stone cold lead pipe lock that the person is NOT at the level of sanctity that he or she thinks.

I hate to burst ya’all’s bubble, but this particular thread seems to be as far away as one could be from the likes of St. Francis, St. Terese of Lisieux, and St. Paul, all of whom said they were the greatest of sinners. Even if someone does happen to be advanced in the spiritual life, it’s solely the result of God’s grace, so such a person would have no reason to boast.
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