On having children

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My priest actually bought a phone that is from this startup company where it looks like a mini IPhone but it can only call, text, and have music.
I agree that online learning is not the best
Which is a reason I’d also be hesitant to choose homeschooling
I homeschool.
Homeschool is not “online” learning, like the children have “distant school” because of covid.

Some families may choose an option like this. But I don’t agree. I think it is vital for children to stay out of computer, and screens as much as they can and the longer they can. I have seen the difference in my life before and after. Brain and attention develop better if the work is done out of screens and screen just a support.

I promise that I don’t use anything online with my young child, and she has a very good level.
I don’t live in a country where homeschooling is very developped, so we don’t have a solid community of homeschooling families.
But when there is no covid (now impossible!) my child have a LOT of outside activities where there is children and people. To have many activities can tired a child. She is better disposed to work now when are confined again.

To conclude homeschool work well for many children. But sadly unless a miracle we will not been able to continue because the french government are determine to ban it completly, starting the next year.

Enjoy your freedom!
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Thank you for your kind words! I have faith that all will be provided for.
I think homeschooling is usually a better than online schooling. I think homeschooling can provide an even better education than some schools if done correctly. I’m more concerned about the potential of homeschooling to be more isolating than going to school just like online classes can be more isolating for children due to more time spent at home rather than among peers.

That is great that you have a solid homeschool community where you live. Depending on where you live that may be the case. That would be important to me before I could consider homeschooling as an option for my kids.
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thanks you for your precision!

I don’t think that children need to be much of their awake time in a children’s collectivity such as school. They learn quicker and better with their parents (hopefully) than in a class among 34 children, noisy with children’s conflicts.

It is also an artificial environment, and unless we choose to work in a school when an adult, we didn’t have to live like that after.

School is a good opportunity to met a lot of people and choose our friends, but also a good opportunity to bully, and definitely the best way to let other people and a governement to educate our children. Families can have a different opinion.

We can also have friends and met people outside of it. Of course, they will not be all the time together, only for some time each week or for opportunities. parents have a great jobs in creating opportunities, and in normal circunstances, I think of that a lot.
That is great that you have a solid homeschool community where you live.
No, that’s the contrary. i know only one other homeschool child last year in the area we met a lot. But now she is in school. Homeschooling children are very rare, around 0,3% of children, and we live in an area that is not a lot populated…
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Thank you for all of your advice! We’ll have to see about schooling but I want to avoid sending my children to public school at all costs. Having just come out of it myself, it really is poisonous if you want to have any kind of morality or a good education for that matter. For that reason I am definitely considering homeschooling. Yes, it will be difficult to not be able to do everything that other people get to do but in the end, your life is not about you. It’s about what God wants you to do, and we have to follow that, wherever it may lead. Thank you for your time!
Yes I do mean what you said about waiting a little bit before having children if you get married early. But being open to life does mean that things aren’t always going to work out as you have planned them, but that’s what’s so beautiful about it. You will never regret making the right decision, only the wrong one. Whatever happens, you will figure it out one way or another.
I agree that it’s beautiful that nothing work exactly as we have planned!

yet it can be a challenge. I was anxious when I din’t fall pregnant. I think either it’s because their was something wrong with me or that self observation was fake. We were prepared that we may never have children one day.
This experience humble me a lot over the little power we have over natural process, unless we sinfully modify the nature.

But when I fall pregnant in a strange circunstance, I felt a immense guilt, internal strugles. After birth, the transition seems well, but after we have many others struggles with this child, and I have struggles to homeschool a child and care for a baby at the same time, at first.

Just to said that having children can be hard, and it will be harder if not everything is like we expected. Of course, it is just my story, and many women will be stronger than me and adapt very well.
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I’ve heard about that objection, but even in these times, I think that it has shown to be unfounded. I think that you can get your children involved in different clubs and activities to get that social interaction, that’s where I got all of my meaningful friends. That way you can also avoid the evils of public school, depending on where you live, it can be truly detrimental. Thank you for your thoughts!
Yes I totally agree with you. Parents are going to be better to educate their own children instead of one teacher teaching 30 children. You can always get your child involved in activities outside of the home when they are old enough so they can have friends.
Well I don’t know your circumstance but you are very brave to care for your child, even in a difficult situation. It also shows your commitment when you choose to homeschool them.
One final thought on homeschooling…I’m very much in favor of having that choice but while I was a pretty good mom (my kids turned out great!) I would have been a terrible homeschool teacher. We all have our gifts but teaching isn’t one of mine. Please, if your future wife doesn’t feel up to the task, believe her! There are still other options should that be the case.

For the record, I also wasn’t the one to teach my kids to drive either…I knew their dad would be great at it and I would have turned my kids into a nervous wreck! I did teach my son to play guitar, though. That’s about my only teaching success…oh, and to cook! Both my kids are great cooks…I do excel at eating! 😂😂😂
Thanks you!

My situation was good. I was married, a stay at home mother, with a husband who have a job (even if not steady and low paid) and a home that wait us. Children with a reasonable gap.

But that’s not does determine all. Reasons that brings to conception, family and couple’s struggles, a mooving in a catastrophic circustances, to start to live on our own, social isolation, unresolved traumatic situation that makes a pregnancy emotionnally a turmoil. And the fear to not success in caring for two children at the same time when It’s already difficult with one. Hormonal changes that come with motherhood can be very hard on a woman.

And then, after the child is born all add and add. Birth defect, child health struggles, educational struggles, job insecurities, marital struggles, a difficult break up that lead to depression, problems with social services which could have lead to the lost of the custody of our children.

Thanksfully we are still all together, and able to provide for our needs, and homeschool, my best joy. It’s a delight to see my oldest child very happy and making huge progress all days!

No, I am not brave or organized or strong. I am only very determined to do what I think is right for my family, but there is cost. I also know that many will have given up before.

The morality is that it is very important that a couple agree on what is important before getting married, and able to adapt themselves to less important things even if it is frustrating. It’s so easy to grow up apart our spouse, as when we have youngs chidren our life and views may be very differents.

It is also a huge benefice to have a spouse that is able to adapt easily to challenges, an aptitude to happiness and have a strong mental health. Being fearful in general and pessimism is not good signs.

But we cannot choose someone perfect in everything. And some people like me, also they were sign that might alert, where happy before something happened (like a trauma) and they were unable to overcome it.
I would also never teach my children how to drive! I would be too afraid and nervous!

For homeschooling, I agree that not all parents will be great at it, and even more, many will not be interested in it. They would prefer to use their skills to another area, such as a work outside the house where they may feel more competent.

But my opinion is that it is more a matter of desire than competence. And of fear. I would not be able to be a teacher in school myself. I didn’t know how I would do before day 1, we struggle, but I manage and success because of conviction and I don’t see myself to choose otherwise.
I sent my children to parochial school. I do see some good results from Catholic kids in public schools. There are a couple of seminarians that I know who are public high school grads (although they might have gone to parochial elementary). So they didn’t turn out too poorly, but of course, they might be the exception.

OP - if I would offer another piece of advice - since you know you want to go to law school, I would try to avoid debt in your undergrad as much as possible.
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Yes I do understand that not everyone is meant to be a teacher. I’ll have to look into it more, but definitely my future wife and I will have to be on the same page before we make those decisions. Thank you for all of your advice!
Yeah the only way that you can get out of public school with a good head on your shoulders is if you work for it. I felt like I was always fighting when I was there, depending on the class. Yes thankfully I will be close to debt free from undergraduate so that’s very good.
I regret not getting married in my youth.
There was one girl in our village, and not only she alone, from my church, and for sure we would have many children now.
But I flew in the clouds, I flew I don’t know for what and for whom, and I acquired a lot of things, but did not acquire a wife and children.
Perhaps at 40 everything is ahead, and even at 40+, but if something remains after you here on earth, it will be your offspring.
, but the dynamism of modern life dictates something completely different, so getting married in youth is going against the wind.
But all my cousins, who got married early, now admire children, grandchildren, and a life lived for a reason.😊
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