OK–now you really have me confused. Isn’t the above what everyone posting on this thread been saying to you? I bolded a couple of the things you said above–isn’t this contrary to what you have been saying with regard to Hitler on this thread–indeed in the post below the one I am quoting you once again say you’ve determined Hitler to be there [hell].Judgment of Condemnation:
Judgment in this passage is referring to condemning (“pronouncing” judgment on a person’s soul). We are not the “Judge” to pronounce condemnation on anyone (not even ourselves). Only God can do that. The Church, for example, never pronounces “anyone” in hell. And even in the assessment of a person declared a saint, it is done by special dispensation granted to the Church by her authority of the “keys”. But even with this authority, we need to note that it is never applied to judging a person in hell. **If the Church, who has the authority of the keys will not judge a person to condemnation, how can we? We are never to judge a person’s state of soul. **Jesus tells us that we will receive ourselves the judgment of soul that we place on others if we attempt this usurpation of God’s sovereignty.
They will not judge anyone specifically, but they do have the power to announce hitler in hell, they just do not want to go down that road.
How does this square with what you have written above? Above you write “we are never to judge a person’s state of soul”–yet isn’t that what you have done with regard to Hitler? You write “we are not the ‘judge’ to pronounce condemnation on anyone (not even ourselves). Only God can do that.” If this is true how is it that you can state Hitler is in hell–by stating that aren’t you doing what you state only God can do? You have me confused. This seems contradictory doesn’t it?
The peace of Christ,