On the Number of Sins which God Pardons No More

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And that doesn’t answer my clearly asked question. Why does God not forgive? Because the man doesn’t repent? Or because the man reached a limit, and even sincere repentance cannot avail him anymore?
because his limit has been reached.
And that doesn’t answer my clearly asked question. Why does God not forgive? Because the man doesn’t repent? Or because the man reached a limit, and even sincere repentance cannot avail him anymore?
Nothing has been implied about permitting, but committing
My take of the OP is; Upon creating a new soul does God say well soul X I know you will commit 5,000 sins but after the 4,774th time I will forgive you no more.
i understand inocente’s answer to say after just one sin we will not be forgiven any more.
Nothing has been implied about permitting, but committing
My take of the OP is; Upon creating a new soul does God say well soul X I know you will commit 5,000 sins but after the 4,774th time I will forgive you no more.
i understand inocente’s answer to say after just one sin we will not be forgiven any more.
Why? ill God refuse forgiveness for the 4,775th sin if the man truly repents and comes to God? Or are you saying that God knows when the man will no longer repent of his sins?
I don`t know why God would do such a thing but that is not what the discussion is about.
The discussion is about whether God will forgive the sincere repentance of the person after the 4,775th sin or not.
I know the teaching of the Church in this matter and have been promoting that position.
Not sure how you gleaned that off my post(God knows when one will not repent). God,knowing that one will not repent, does not send grace knowing it will be rejected.
you think you are confused:confused::confused:
your post makes no connection to what i asked of you. where o where did i say anything about earning?
Without Christ’s sacrifice we could not be righteous, as none of us are without sin. If God pardoned sin freely without the Cross then the sacrifice wouldn’t have been needed.

“There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” - Romans 3

With Christ’s sacrifice, God’s forgiveness must be infinite, since if it was limited in any way then that would mean the sacrifice wasn’t perfect. If grace depended on not exceeding a number of sins, we could earn grace by staying below the limit. None of us deserve redemption, yet Christ’s sacrifice was perfect.
"Jesus is the “Good Shepherd” who goes in search of lost sheep, who knows his sheep and lays down his life for them (cf. Mt 18:12-14; Lk 15:4-7; Jn 10:2-4, 11-18). He is the way, the right path that leads us to life (cf. Jn 14:6), the light that illuminates the dark valley and overcomes all our fears (cf. Jn 1:9; 8:12; 9:5; 12:46).

He is the generous host who welcomes us and rescues us from our enemies, preparing for us the table of his body and his blood (cf. Mt 26:26-29; Mk 14:22-25); Lk 22:19-20) and the definitive table of the messianic banquet in Heaven (cf. Lk 14:15ff; Rev 3:20; 19:9). He is the Royal Shepherd, king in docility and in forgiveness, enthroned on the glorious wood of the cross (cf. Jn 3:13-15; 12:32; 17:4-5)."

~Pope Benedict XVI


"I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day. No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since “no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord”.[1] The Lord does not disappoint those who take this risk; whenever we take a step towards Jesus, we come to realize that he is already there, waiting for us with open arms. Now is the time to say to Jesus: “Lord, I have let myself be deceived; in a thousand ways I have shunned your love, yet here I am once more, to renew my covenant with you. I need you. Save me once again, Lord, take me once more into your redeeming embrace”. How good it feels to come back to him whenever we are lost! Let me say this once more: God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy.
Christ, who told us to forgive one another “seventy times seven” (Mt 18:22) has given us his example: he has forgiven us seventy times seven. Time and time again he bears us on his shoulders.

No one can strip us of the dignity bestowed upon us by this boundless and unfailing love. With a tenderness which never disappoints, but is always capable of restoring our joy, he makes it possible for us to lift up our heads and to start anew. Let us not flee from the resurrection of Jesus, let us never give up, come what will. May nothing inspire more than his life, which impels us onwards!"

~ Pope Francis


Without Christ’s sacrifice we could not be righteous, as none of us are without sin. If God pardoned sin freely without the Cross then the sacrifice wouldn’t have been needed.

“There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” - Romans 3

With Christ’s sacrifice, God’s forgiveness must be infinite, since if it was limited in any way then that would mean the sacrifice wasn’t perfect. If grace depended on not exceeding a number of sins, we could earn grace by staying below the limit. None of us deserve redemption, yet Christ’s sacrifice was perfect.
In keeping with the op you are now saying the opposite of your first post my friend. The topic is not grace rather God`s forgiveness. Yes i fully understand one needs grace to repent but that does not necessarily follow God is going to forgive one.
In keeping with the op you are now saying the opposite of your first post my friend. The topic is not grace rather God`s forgiveness. Yes i fully understand one needs grace to repent but that does not necessarily follow God is going to forgive one.
No, I’ve said without Christ the limit is zero, otherwise Christ never needed to die on the cross. And with Christ the count is infinite or his sacrifice wasn’t perfect. Any Christian who is confused by such basic teachings needs to go back to Sunday school!!!
No, I’ve said without Christ the limit is zero, otherwise Christ never needed to die on the cross. And with Christ the count is infinite or his sacrifice wasn’t perfect. Any Christian who is confused by such basic teachings needs to go back to Sunday school!!!
Oh my goodness
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