Online Quiz ...find out what your spiritual type is

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Cradle said:
:eek: Whoops, I don’t know what happened with my previous post (I hope no one thought I was agreeing with it!), but what I wanted to say to Barbara was that the male-only priesthood is not a matter of discipline, it is infallibly-defined doctrine. The Church DOES NOT have the power to ordain female “priests” and this is not going to change. (Thank you, however, for your words of comfort. I’m soooooooo tired of Uni… :whacky: )

As for the quiz thingie… I got 82, Confident Believer! o.O There were some questions that weren’t worded exactly as I would have liked them to be, so I had to choose the next-best answer… hrrumph…

Hi there Cradle…I just caught this post by accident…

It sure is news to me that the male priesthood is an infallibly-defined doctrine… I’ll do some checking of my own. Not that I personally favour a female priesthood…what I ask myself is - is my bias against female priests purely conditioning?
Am I so used to male priests that the idea of a female priesthood is negative. That is my question is not really male/female priests, but ‘where am I coming from’? (a spiritual question, not a doctrinal question)…
Bethany South Australia
Hi there Cradle…I just caught this post by accident…

It sure is news to me that the male priesthood is an infallibly-defined doctrine… I’ll do some checking of my own. Not that I personally favour a female priesthood…what I ask myself is - is my bias against female priests purely conditioning?
Am I so used to male priests that the idea of a female priesthood is negative. That is my question is not really male/female priests, but ‘where am I coming from’? (a spiritual question, not a doctrinal question)…
Bethany South Australia
Hi Barb,

Here is the relevant paragraph dealing with the issue from the Apostolic Letter, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis:
  1. Although the teaching that priestly ordination is to be reserved to men alone has been preserved by the constant and universal Tradition of the Church and firmly taught by the Magisterium in its more recent documents, at the present time in some places it is nonetheless considered still open to debate, or the Church’s judgment that women are not to be admitted to ordination is considered to have a merely disciplinary force.
Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church’s divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32)** I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful. **
Now, this letter is not an *ex cathedra *pronouncement by the Holy Father, but that is only because it can’t be. The ordinary Magesterium has already infallibly declared a male-only priesthood (as described in the first paragraph above). This letter, then, seved the purpose of reiterating the position of the Magesterium, and to make it known that it is binding on all the faithful.
Wow, I just realized what a big hijack my last post was! Sorry. However I left it up rather than sending it as a PM for the benefit of others that might be unsure of the Church’s true position.
Wow, I just realized what a big hijack my last post was! Sorry. However I left it up rather than sending it as a PM for the benefit of others that might be unsure of the Church’s true position.
Dear Mtr

🙂 Hijack away! I didn’t like some of the questions on that quiz, but I thought it was just a bit of fun. You do right to answer the issue of women Priests. There just cannot and never will be women Priests in the Catholic faith. (Maybe you could open a thread to discuss all of that, I’d like to see what folks have to say about it)

However I look at the quiz like this, we are all called to be Priest, Prophet and King by rite of Baptism.

No need to apologise, I enjoyed reading your post

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

My score was 91 - Candidate for Clergy.
Sorry, beliefnet - you’re not gonna have me strutting around in a purple scarf, clamoring for women’s ordination!
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