Thank her for me! But, don’t dismiss those teachers that are very afraid to return to the classroom. I wish there was a solution but until we actually see what happens, there isn’t much more we can do. Our district has installed plexiglass dividers all over the place. They will take each child’s temp each day. Masks are mandatory and social distancing will somehow be tried! Janitors will be constantly cleaning and disinfecting surfaces (no ones mentioned them!).She is not scared of COVID.
I think we just need to swallow our fears and move ahead. I truly wish any teacher in fear would be allowed to do the online classes or just be put on paid medical leave…that won’t happen…and teachers that want to go back to the classroom handles the kids being sent. I have no idea what that ratio would turn out. I know in my community, very few signed up for only online classes. I don’t dismiss their fears. Besides my husband and I being in our late 60’s, my daughters fiancé is a liver transplant and my daughter is his primary caregiver. She’s terrified of contracting covid and killing him. He’s scared she might! But we do have to sensibly move on with our lives and I think we can if we just follow the guidelines! I’m sick of mask deniers. I’m sick of those that think it’s a hoax and those that make fun of this deadly bug. I can’t change their minds but I’m glad my state put in mandates. Someone’s taking it seriously! Thank you, governor!