Only 31 deaths of children under age 15 involving COVID-19. Common flu-related child deaths from 37 to 187 during regular flu season. Should Governors

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Back to my posts #218 and #236 about N. Spaulding H.S. in Georgia.

Followup–After having students back 3 days, 6 students and 3 staff tested positive the next weekend. Now a further 35 have tested positive. But you have to admire their perseverance–they are re-opening with only half the students at a time. After all, none of them has died yet. Although…up until two days ago Georgia had never had more than 91 deaths from Covid in a single day. But yesterday and the day before they set new records: 122 and 105. So yeah, why not open schools???

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Sturgis S. Dakota. 250,000 bikers in a small town. What could possibly go wrong?
This will be a good litmus test.If the numbers are minimal,if at all th n we know how to proceed.🤨
this is the trumpvirus.
I was going to let you off the hook, but since you keep at it:

Calls to protect the elderly went unheeded by Democratic Governors Cuomo, Whitmer, Wolf, and Newsom.

They appear to have willfully endangered those most at risk by forcing nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients.

USA Today noted: “New Jersey had 3,200 residents of long-term care homes die due to complications from the virus, about 40% of the statewide total”.
In New York, over 5,000 nursing home dwellers died on Governor Andrew Cuomo’s watch. That’s a quarter of the state’s deaths.

In Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Wolfe (D) approved nursing homes’ mandatory acceptance of previous virus patients from hospitals, and “about 65% of coronavirus deaths were nursing-home residents.

According to Nancy Pelosi, impeachment didn’t slow down the CoronaVirus response because everybody knew about the problem.

During the Senate trial of President Trump, the President began fighting the spread of the virus, Senators were forced to act as the jury for the trial and couldn’t work on anything else, and Pelosi did nothing. So which one was it madam speaker? Did you ignore the issue, or are you incompetent?

While Trump was issuing foreigners’ travel bans, Democrats and the media were doing absolutely nothing to help stop COVID-19. Only criticizing Trump for “over-reacting.”
I was going to let you off the hook
Fake news; this is a government of the people, but your news sources are sponsored by people trying to fool people to think the president is believable.
It is the virus of the person in charge of handling it, for better or, as we are now experiencing, for worse; it is now the trumpvirus.
In January we can begin calling it after the new person in charge who will subdue it; it will be Biden who brings the recovery.

It is not legislative but it is executive failure at the national level (not governors) for a national pandemic needing a single national management.

Calls to protect the elderly went unheeded by Democratic Governors Cuomo, Whitmer, Wolf, and Newsom.

They appear to have willfully endangered those most at risk by forcing nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients.

USA Today noted: “New Jersey had 3,200 residents of long-term care homes die due to complications from the virus, about 40% of the statewide total”.
In New York, over 5,000 nursing home dwellers died on Governor Andrew Cuomo’s watch. That’s a quarter of the state’s deaths.

In Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Wolfe (D) approved nursing homes’ mandatory acceptance of previous virus patients from hospitals, and “about 65% of coronavirus deaths were nursing-home residents.
This is sort of ( 🙂) like saying: “All those nasty governors forced people to get drivers’ licenses. Then some of those drivers died in car crashes!”

Two distinct things happened:
  1. Nursing home administrators had the ultimate responsibility–one large one near me had 0 cases and obviously 0 deaths. They did things right. Other nursing homes clearly didn’t take the necessary precautions and had a lot of cases and deaths. Because of the experience of Spain and Italy, everyone–esp. nursing home administrators–should have known what was coming. I’ve personally only studied the NY and Michigan situations, and in both cases the governors early on listed nursing homes as a probable problem and told them to take logical steps. If they had all done that, it would have been only a minor problem. They did not.
  2. Yes, some people were either returned or admitted to nursing homes after they had become “medically stable” in the hospital and a doctor signed off on that and confirmed it by phone. But there is no evidence that any of these returned patients spread the virus after going to a nursing home. It is almost impossible to trace how the virus spreads unless there is some obvious thing like 100 people go to the same party and 50 of them suddenly test positive. Even then it’s not “proof,” it’s simply a logical conclusion.
I have a feeling that Jacinda in NZ didn’t ask her Parliament what to do. She asked her health officials. And then she did it. The blame in the US falls squarely on one person, DJT.
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Surely know one really believes that the impeachment trial spread the virus, do they? I mean, I have heard some illogical arguments, but that one takes the prize. While I do not think President Trump is in the top 40 smartest, he is not so far gone as to be limited to handling one item a month. If this false dichotomy is the best that can come up to shift blame, then the GOP must be desperate.
While I do not think President Trump is in the top 40 smartest,
But only Trump knows that the Spanish flu of 1917 (really 1918, but who’s counting?) ended WW II–because “all the soldiers got sick.” Clearly this knowledge has been suppressed by the Deep State since 1945.
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Yeah and Biden will cure cancer too,he promised…:roll_eyes:
I don’t recall Biden promising that, but I do recall a president promising the trumpvirus would go away in April 2020 when the warm weather began. It is just going away; go back to work. If we stop testing the virus will vanish.
Yeah and Biden will cure cancer too,he promised
And how about Trump on June 18, 2019:

“We will come up with the cures to many, many problems, to many, many diseases, including cancer and others,” he said.
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At that point in time that was the belief,per Fauci .This virus is an ever evolving issue.To blame our president is ridiculous. China may have suppressed this virus intentionally to create this spread as they are scared to death of president trump.Pretty sue they would much rather have a Biden’s the president !he is in their back pocket along with hunter Biden.
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!he is in their back pocket along with hunter Biden.
As you made that a statement of fact please present to all of us in this thread your evidence to back up this ludicrous comment.
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Pretty sue they would much rather have a Biden’s the president !he is in their back pocket along with hunter Biden.
I notice that as election time nears every year the posts here tend to get crazier, veering all over the map from the topic. I guess we best get ready for it to get worse.

Again, this is on COVID affecting children under 15. Hunter Bided is older than that.
So perhaps COVID-19 has just given us a golden opportunity to end the whole farce of public education.
I like the way you think. I’m personally kind of hoping the post-secondary system collapses and is replaced too. Although that would probably take a few years.
So perhaps COVID-19 has just given us a golden opportunity to end the whole farce of public education.
I may need you to extrapolate a bit on this one. I understand you have some underlying thing against teachers, and you’re not happy about how public education is run in your area, but that doesn’t mean it’s “a farce” overall.
I understand you have some underlying thing against teachers, and you’re not happy about how public education is run in your area, but that doesn’t mean it’s “a farce” overall.
Yes, I agree with you. Whenever I talk to people who don’t live in Illinois, I hear a different story about their public schools. My husband and I lived in Raleigh, North Carolina for ten years, and our older daughter had the opportunity to spend two years in the public schools there–her teachers were wonderful, and the public schools were run very differently than what we found when we moved to our current city in Northern Illinois. The first five years after our move were spent banging our heads against a wall that was built and maintained by the teachers’ union, backed up by a Chicago political machine. It was dreadful, and when we had the opportunity to put our children in a private school, we did so, and the rest of their school years were delightful. (It was a secular private school, BTW.)
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