Read the data that was posted up thread. Rather than clinging to talk g points,
Jan 8 - First CDC warningTrump took the pandemic seriously.
They are government employees their job is whatever society says it is since they’re the ones footing the bill.The fact that society expects them to be a babysitter is really society’s problem, not the teacher’s problem.
The content history stream of your last two posts is why it is correctly known as the trumpvirus.Mr. Trump told reporters. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”
I’m not sure where you live, but in the state that I live this is highly…highly incorrect. As of right now, teachers (Districts) do what the Governor, State Department of Education, State Department of Health say to do via state guidelines. If you have an issue, go yell at your governor and state departments, not teachers.They are government employees their job is whatever society says it is since they’re the ones footing the bill.
Hmm, I just went through a job description and educator contract. Nowhere was this laid out in said contract.But you signed up for a profession that meant endless exposure to every kind of virulent disease, and the need to develop a strong immune system.
And there you good, the rest is moot. You made a decision to move from a position of low risk to high risk with no option of remote work. We’ve know for years (decades) that online education is a definite viable option.When I signed up to work at a grocery store, I was well aware that I was going from work in an office, with little exposure to disease, to work with the public.
Ditto.And when I probably caught WuFlu back in February (along with most working people in my town), before we were even hearing much about it, I dealt with the mysterious dry cough, high fever, and breathing problems without mucus… like a normal adult, not like someone determined to freak out. I bundled up, took my vitamins and drank fluids, stayed away from other people, and worked on getting well.
This was an easy one, I’m collecting a paycheck in my profession, just now from my basement. I haven’t seen my office since February. My workflow and work output hasn’t changed (actually I think it’s gotten better). Many educators did the same thing, online, this isn’t anything new.You have to make a decision for yourself. Are you going to collect a paycheck in your profession, or are you going on unemployment with all your obligations? Well, the answer should be pretty clear, for you, one way or the other. Pick one choice, stick with it, and don’t complain about the unfairness of life. You will feel better right away.
No, it’s the trumpvirus, no question about it.Perhaps you mean Dem-virus:
That is fake news issued to force his base to deny it is the trumpvirus.Actually it’s the wuhan Chinese virus.Period
This has got to be the worst case of a false dichotomy I have ever seen, along with the lamest attempt to shift blame and shirk responsibility.Instead of dealing with the virus, Dems focused on getting Trump.