What I don’t want to do is to live life as if it’s something to be endured. When it’s not about enduring life, it’s about embracing life. It’s about appreciating the wonders of the world, and not worrying about earning rewards in the next one. Live life as if you love it, as if it’s precious, as if it’s fleeting, as if it’s a gift.
There’s no greater purpose than being alive. To love, and hope, and marvel, and dream. And yes even to struggle, and persevere, and grow old, and die. But to do so with an honor and a glory that befits the wondrous gift that is life. The purpose of life is to live it with the passion that such an unwarranted gift deserves.
I see life. I don’t see death. Things come, and they go, and that’s part of life, and we marvel at what has come before us, and we wonder at what shall come after us, and each in their own way contributes to the beauty that is us. Life is precious precisely because it ends, not in spite of its end. Life is a gift. How great of a gift it is, is up to you.
The purpose isn’t merely to die, the purpose is to live. Not forever, but for today, and in honor of that which came before us, and in the hope of that which shall come after us. We live, and we die, and hopefully we do so with the same fortitude, and passion, and grace, that we admire in those who have come before us.
I don’t advocate a purposeless existence, I advocate an impassioned one.
I’m not an atheist.
God has given me life, what greater purpose can there be but to live it well. I don’t get to determine its length. But I do perhaps, get to determine its worth.
What others choose to do is up to them. I expect to be ridiculed and dismissed, but in that I find no shame. The value of my life isn’t to be judged by the opinions of others.