BO no longer has faithful Catholics on his show who have a public ability to proclaim the truth (several years ago he was booking people like Father CJ McClosey, an Opus Dei Priest–but nowadays he goes for the Father McBrien types on a regular basis). He consistently books people who he knows will side with his vision of what the faith should be…I have watched his show enough to know this is true. I have little respect for anyone who will so very publicly bash his own faith without giving a balanced point of view. He seems to think that his “fame” should somehow sway the Bishops into doing things he demands…yet I have never seen him act as if he is called to obedience and fidelity to of the teachings of the faith. BO is another lay Catholic, yet he seems to forget that.
He says his show is the no spin zone, yet he constantly spins everything he talks about, he spins it his way, especially regarding the faith. He supports the gay lifestyle (he even states that he is for civil unions, but not ss marriage). He constantly bashed Pope John Paul II about a plethora of issues, he constantly bashes the American Bishops on a plethora of issues and now he bashes them about Christmas without even having a clue about what he is saying.
I am not trying to be uncharitable, it is just that BO walks a very thin line between being a friend and foe of the faith. I respect your right to disagree, yet I would ask you to pay closer attention how bill handles issues surrounding the faith. If you view him with unbiased eyes, you might seem a different person then you think.
Beyond all that, Bill is a fantastically charismatic guy who attracts a ton of people with his style. He has much talent, I just pray he turns that talent towards helping to build up Holy Mother Church, rather then tear it down. He has a huge audience, and many of his people do know the faith well, all Catholics are called to use their talents responsibly.
Anyway…Merry Christmas.