So human can fall again if they have free will.Not pure slave: “The Human Will remains free under the influence of efficacious grace, which is not irresistible.” – this means that efficacious grace is resistible.
That is how do you define relatively perfect: when a thing attains perfectly the exact end for which it is intended. God must make the world do that. Hence any being has a fate since the end is defined.Each creature does not have an unavoidable fate no matter how hard s/he or it tries.
Unfortunately I have no time to read a text-book on this subject so I would appreciate the opinion an expert on subject matter.See A Brief Text-book of Logic and Mental Philosophy By Charles Coppens to read about relatively perfect. It is valid contrary to your opinion.
You unfortunately didn’t pay any attention to the argument. SO I repeat again: Foreknowledge in the case of God means that his knowledge is constant. Lets consider the state of creation as a series of snapshots. The state of creation is subjected to change at the moment so called now. God however sustains the creation hence it must exist a reference point in God’s mind which changes over time. The knowledge of the reference point is necessary since otherwise God cannot sustain the creation. This means that the knowledge of God is subjected to time which is contradictory to the concept of changeless knowledge. Hence, the concept of foreknowledge is wrong.God is beyond the limits of time. The knowledge of what the outcome is within His creation is due to omniscience of the infinite.