It is very simple:
A) Creation is perfect. Evil cannot exist since perfection can only lead to perfection.
B) Creation is in-perfect. Evil can exist in an in-perfect creation. God however is responsible for the emergence of evil since God’s creatures eventually fail.
C) Evil exists hence (A) is incorrect.
D) From (B) and (C) we can deduce that God and only God is responsible for all disasters.
Catholic Encyclopedia:God was absolutely free to create or not to create, and to create the present or any possible world. This is an article of Catholic Faith defined by the Vatican Council (Can., De Deo Creante, v). It is the explicit teaching of Scripture, God “worketh all things according to the counsel of his will” (Ephesians 1:11), and of the Fathers generally. It is an obvious rational deduction from the infinitude and absolute self-sufficiency of God. The creative act, as a subjective aspect of the Divine Will, is necessary, but the external positing of a term is free.** This doctrine of creative freedom excludes the exaggerated optimism of Leibniz and others, who held that God was bound to create the best possible world. **The Divine act must be perfect, but the effect need not, and indeed cannot, be absolutely perfect; the creature being necessarily finite, a more perfect creature is always possible and creatable by infinite power. The world is the very best possible for the Creator’s purpose; it is relatively, not absolutely, perfect.
Siegfried, F. (1908). Creation. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
The Old Testament does not say that creation was perfect, but that it was good or very good (except day two was not explicitly mentioned as good).
Day One - created heaven and the void earth, light
Genesis 1:1-5
1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good
Day Two - let there be a firmament
Genesis 1:6-8
Day Three - dry land, grass, herb, fruit tree
Genesis 1:9-13
1:12 … and God saw that it was good
Day Four - lights in the firmament of heaven (for signs, seasons, days, and years)
Genesis 1:14-19
1:18 … and God saw that it was good
Day Five - animals of the water and air
Genesis 1:20-23
1:21 … and God saw that it was good.
Day Six - bring forth the living creatures of the earth and mankind
Genesis 1:24-31
bring forth the living creatures
1:25 … and God saw that it was good.
1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.