You have no quarrel wth me. I, personally, believe in Limbo Infantum. But, the Church has not ruled one way, or the other.But this is Catholic doctrine:
The Church never defined it. That is not to say it is not true. Most truthes of the Faith are not defined. The infallibility of the Church has never been defined…yet all Catholics must believe it.
Yes, it is a result of spectulative theology. Actually, and contrary to the English meaning of the word, “speculative” in this context does not refer to “speculation” as though the matter was uncertain. Speculative theology is the Scholastic Theology (theology developed by applying reason to the data of revelation), as distinct from Positive Theology (which is the arrangement of proofs from Scripture and Tradition).
Dogmatic theology since the Reformation tends to consist of a combination of the speculative and positive methods. That is what the theologians do…they abstract a thesis (speculative theology), explain it (speculative theology), and prove it from the data of Revelation (positive theology). They do the latter because they know that we have all heard the Protestant objections and therefore our Faith may need the support of knowing what data of Revelation supports our doctrines. This was unnecessary prior to the Reformation, for obvious reasons.
A Catholic is free to believe, or disbelieve in Limbo Infantum.
God Bless