JMJ / MMM 081002 Thursday
Hey Fellows ande Girls, Sons and Daughters of God –
New wine is needed … and in new wine skins!
More mature understanding of the truth in “Original Sin” … and this presented, formulated, in new and true terms.
Very good idea. Here’s my two bits worth mostly taken from “Why does God permit evil?” by Dom Brunno Webb. I posted this in another thread but think it relevant to this discussion.
Why does God permit Evil (in a nutshell)
All of God’s creation is good. God created the angels and they were all good and given free will. But Lucifer of his own free will defies God - wanting to be God (pride emerges).
God creates Adam and Eve full of sanctifying grace. But like Lucifer they wanted to be God. In defying God they were in effect stating that, they, not God, are to be the arbiters of what is good or evil. And so with their own free will, in their desire to be God (because this is what the serpent promises, that they will become gods) they partake of the fruit.
If we consider Adam as being the first cell of creation, by virtue of his pride/disobedience, this loss of grace caused the cell to be deformed” (can’t think of a more appropriate word). Therefore any cell that is generated from this cell is similarly “deformed”. It becomes genetically imbedded in the human gene. From this loss of sanctifying grace issued all suffering.
So this is the Original Sin.
The suffering that ensues from this state of being “deformed” is not a punishment but a consequence of the lack of sanctifying grace.
To illustrate, the nasty bump on your head that resulted from walking into a door, was not a punishment from God but a result of you walking into a door.
But, thank goodness, this is not the end of the story.
God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son.
God instead of punishing humanity and leaving them to the consequences of their folly, becomes man.
Christ’s counters Adam’s sin of pride, by humbling himself and becoming human.
Because it is man in his nature that disobeyed, God allowed man to redeem himself by becoming Man, so that man’s NO may be drowned by Man’s loud and triumphant YES to God.
God in Christ then uses suffering to conquer suffering.
Now for the magnificent part:
In the order of creation, man is below the angels, the angels being pure spirit.
By virtue of Christ’s redemption however, we become God’s children by adoption, and so become gods. By virtue of Christ then, we are elevated to status higher than the angels.
A good analogy I have always used is that of the broken vase.
A very beautiful vase was broken to pieces. To mend it the Craftsman used the finest of gold to put the pieces back together and decorated it with precious stones such that the finished product was even more beautiful than before it was broken.
Man therefore after redemption, was better than man before the fall.
And this is why we sing at Easter: “O Happy Fault , O necessary sin of Adam, which gained for us so great a Redeemer”
In our lives, we see glimpses if this. But because of our fallen state, and Satan’s fallen state, there will always be suffering until we come home to God.
Suffering does not have the last word. I think this is why Christ repeatedly says: be not afraid.
As He told Julian of Norwich: All will be well. All manner of things shall be well.
God made us for glorious union with Him and Adam’s fall was not going to stop that.