Original Sin question

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If having a perfectly informed conscience is “perfection”, then we all share in such imperfection, correct?
But I’d rather be in the Garden of Eden with one rule to follow, but living in paradise.
Yes, we have “lustful thoughts” and those of a developed conscience will resent the rise of such thoughts, while animals do not have these restrictions. The story of A&E describes how we acquired the added feature.
We got that feature, but that created a bug called concupiscence.
Yes, but you can see that this is not a problem of “buggy software”, right? People do not “fix” their ignorance because they do not know the disvalue of their own ignorance, which is in itself a matter of ignorance. Notice my theme?: we do not have “buggy software”?
concupiscence is a big bug.
Then surely you experience God in those you love?
I hope not!

I have a son with autism who I cannot connect with, no matter how much I try. He’s momma’s boy, and he’s affectionate and loving toward her, while me I’m lucky if I’m the “distant second” - and when I mean distant, I mean diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiistant.

If that is an experience of God, that means God has truly rejected me and I have no way of ever bonding and connecting to him.
Hmmm. I am wondering how one might distinguish whether a person is “faking it”.
Hypocrites who say one thing and won’t follow what they say.
I like your structure, but allow me to throw in a “yeah, but”. So, with growth in love we come to include others in our sense of “self”. So, on level 2, with development of love your “wanting” includes the well being of children, parents, friends, all of those who you love. Ultimately, our love grows to include everyone, right? And then, such “putting myself first” comes to include all. “My wants” are for the well-being of everyone, even my “enemies”. In that sense, level 2 is not so bad, is it? In that sense, is it distinguishable from level one?
Level 1 has room for others. Level 3 does not. Level 2 may have room for others, but depends on the person.
He may have a very undeveloped empathy, but sociopaths and psychopaths are probably pretty rare among CEO’s, right?
I can’t tell you how many are there. There are too many of them. I don’t think such bad CEOs are rare.
Of course, a commitment is a commitment to action. Does that seem vague?
A commitment without the action is just an executed contract.
Well, I appreciate your charity and stimulating discussion, so we have appreciation in both directions, Bob.
Thank you, and God Bless your day! 🙂
Thanks! 🙂
Good Morning Bob!
But I’d rather be in the Garden of Eden with one rule to follow, but living in paradise.
Yes, you are feeling despair, I think. Not because of lack of Eden.
We got that feature, but that created a bug called concupiscence.
concupiscence is a big bug.
Well, can you describe how the “bug” is a bug? Can you give a specific instance?
I hope not!
I have a son with autism who I cannot connect with, no matter how much I try. He’s momma’s boy, and he’s affectionate and loving toward her, while me I’m lucky if I’m the “distant second” - and when I mean distant, I mean diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiistant.
If that is an experience of God, that means God has truly rejected me and I have no way of ever bonding and connecting to him.
I’m really sorry to hear about that, Bob. I pray that you may someday connect with him. Do you not experience God in others you love?
Level 1 has room for others. Level 3 does not. Level 2 may have room for others, but depends on the person.
Okay, so bringing us back to Original Sin, are you saying that the human does not naturally grow to love those around him? A child, his parents, siblings and greater family, then his friends, classmates, teammates, etc., and becomes more and more inclusive unless something happens to stop such growth?
A commitment without the action is just an executed contract.
Yes, but “perfection” is difficult to control in actual action, as there are too many uncontrollable parameters. Therefore, “perfection” has to at least begin with a commitment to follow Jesus’ two commandments to their fullest. In context:

Love Your Enemies (Matt 5)

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers,* what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.*

Is there a “perfect” action to love one’s enemies? It begins with understanding and forgiveness, yes, but actions are very complex. We can have a perfect commitment, though. It is a commitment to love God and love everyone. Perfection in commitment means a commitment to action, right? Now, one may be thinking “It is unjust for the committed person who does nothing to gain a place in heaven” or something like that. However, what we “earn” is a separate question, it is unrelated.

Thanks for your response! 🙂
Yes, you are feeling despair, I think. Not because of lack of Eden.
More like going through the dark night of the senses without the initial warm fuzzies that should be following them. Of course, I could be wrong and be abandoned.

In the Diary of St. Faustina, Jesus complains that people treat him as a dead object when they take communion. I wish he would stop treating me as a dead person! I’m supposed to be alive in him!
Well, can you describe how the “bug” is a bug? Can you give a specific instance?
Let’s take a look at the imperfections. Each imperfection is a bug, which caused devastating consequences.

Naivete: Someone says something, they accept it uncritically. So a snake tells them to do something using ridiculous reasoning and they’re like “OK! Sure! We’ll go for that!” We all know what happened next.

Stupidity: It causes people to do stupid things like listen to a snake. We all know what happened next.

Pride: It causes people to say “I don’t have to listen to God!” Oh look, they don’t listen to God and listen to a snake. We all know what happened next.

Fear: One interpretation is the snake was 50 feet tall and really scary looking. OK, Fear causes people to do things that make no sense simply because they’re filled with fear. So they get intimidated by the snake and then do as he says. We all know what happened next.

The fall is the Blue Screen of Death when the System Crashed due to the bug(s) above.
Do you not experience God in others you love?
Jury is out.
Okay, so bringing us back to Original Sin, are you saying that the human does not naturally grow to love those around him? A child, his parents, siblings and greater family, then his friends, classmates, teammates, etc., and becomes more and more inclusive unless something happens to stop such growth?
Naturally yes. This assumes no bug in the software such as narcissism, sociopathic tendencies, mental illness, autism, etc.
Yes, but “perfection” is difficult to control in actual action,
Perfection is impossible to obtain unless God provides the proper resources.
Now, one may be thinking “It is unjust for the committed person who does nothing to gain a place in heaven” or something like that. However, what we “earn” is a separate question, it is unrelated.
We don’t earn heaven. We only “don’t lose it” by being perfect.

I see Grace like this.

God gives us a glass of water. We must make it to the finish line with water in the glass or else we go down elevator. Oops, we spill the water. Look, a confessional where one can get more water. Oh look, Eucharist, where we can get more water. Oh look, other sacraments to get more water.

However, grace is fragile, it is easily lost.
Good Morning, Bob
More like going through the dark night of the senses without the initial warm fuzzies that should be following them. Of course, I could be wrong and be abandoned.

In the Diary of St. Faustina, Jesus complains that people treat him as a dead object when they take communion. I wish he would stop treating me as a dead person! I’m supposed to be alive in him!
This is an expression of the despair, correct? If so, I am hearing correctly. I am not immune to despair, so I can relate.
Let’s take a look at the imperfections. Each imperfection is a bug, which caused devastating consequences.

Naivete: Someone says something, they accept it uncritically. So a snake tells them to do something using ridiculous reasoning and they’re like “OK! Sure! We’ll go for that!” We all know what happened next.
Well, I suppose you are right, that can be seen as an imperfection. Omniscience would be wonderful, right? Indeed, A&E hungered for any awareness to be gained by eating of the tree. In that respect, naivete cannot be part of the “original sin” content. Here is a related question, though: does naivete take away from the beauty of people?
Stupidity: It causes people to do stupid things like listen to a snake. We all know what happened next.
This is “naivete” with a touch of resentment on it. 😃 Again, yes, we are not born omniscient. I can definitely see this as an imperfection, but does it take away from beauty?
Pride: It causes people to say “I don’t have to listen to God!” Oh look, they don’t listen to God and listen to a snake. We all know what happened next.
Well, let’s investigate that. Did A&E really say that they didn’t have to listen to God at all? Or did they say, “This fruit looks so good, God must be kidding us.”? In addition, how were they to know that God was not talking to them through the snake?

However, if we say that they actually said what you quoted, which is certainly possible, what aspect of “pride” was the root cause? Was it desire for autonomy? Desire for dominance? IMO it behooves us to look into these things before saying that there is a bug in the the programming.
Fear: One interpretation is the snake was 50 feet tall and really scary looking. OK, Fear causes people to do things that make no sense simply because they’re filled with fear. So they get intimidated by the snake and then do as he says. We all know what happened next.
If we take fear out of the context of our own species, though, does it not serve all of God’s creatures? It seems to work just fine for rabbits. Is ours much different?
Jury is out.
That sounds like a “maybe”. That is, you may experience God in people that you love and who love you. Did I hear that correctly?
Naturally yes. This assumes no bug in the software such as narcissism, sociopathic tendencies, mental illness, autism, etc.
Hmmm. Lots of labels. I once took a class in Abnormal Psych just to see if there were any disorders I could not relate to. The prof. would describe some disorder, and the class would fall silent, all certain that they had the disorder. I would raise my hand and ask “Aren’t we all a little like that?”. She would hesitate, and say, “yes, we are”. Labels can be dehumanizing sometimes, distracting us from beauty.

We all have the same set of general appetites and capacties, IMO. All of us are capable of growth and healing, right?
Perfection is impossible to obtain unless God provides the proper resources.
We don’t earn heaven. We only “don’t lose it” by being perfect.
This depends on one’s image of God. I agree, heaven is a gift, and like all gifts, it is given without strings attached, right? Otherwise, the strings themselves are a way of “earning”. And then, why would a God who loves without limit, without condition, infinitely merciful, deny such a gift to anyone? It comes back to human choice; we have already been chosen.
I see Grace like this.
God gives us a glass of water. We must make it to the finish line with water in the glass or else we go down elevator. Oops, we spill the water. Look, a confessional where one can get more water. Oh look, Eucharist, where we can get more water. Oh look, other sacraments to get more water.
However, grace is fragile, it is easily lost.
A priest once told us his opinion: “If we do choose to go to hell, we do so screaming and kicking against God the whole way.” Do you see that this presents a more involved God than the “down elevator”? Doesn’t grace come from God’s infinite mercy? Or, let me put it this way: Is your own image of God such that He loves us as least as much as the person who loves you most?

I appreciate your nonjudgmental responses, and I do hope you can read the same in mine. Please don’t take my questions as non-acceptance of your POV. I respect your standpoint; it is not unCatholic, nor is it unwarranted.

Thanks! 🙂
However, if we say that they actually said what you quoted, which is certainly possible, what aspect of “pride” was the root cause? Was it desire for autonomy? Desire for dominance? IMO it behooves us to look into these things before saying that there is a bug in the the programming.
Yes. You should look into these things.

Pope JPII addressed “these things” quite eloquently here:

Veritatis Splendor

The desire for* power to decide* what is Good and Evil is what was the “root cause”.
Yes. You should look into these things.

Pope JPII addressed “these things” quite eloquently here:

Veritatis Splendor

The desire for* power to decide* what is Good and Evil is what was the “root cause”.
Hi PR,

That is a really long document, please feel free to quote the relevant parts. 🙂

Why do people want to decide what is Good and Evil? (please be specific) I.E., can you quote what might be running through a person’s mind?

Hi PR,

That is a really long document, please feel free to quote the relevant parts. 🙂
Have you really not yet read this?!!

It’s all one big seamless garment, and I hate to take just one snippet out, because everything there is related to something else…and it’s so meaty and delicious…but here goes:

In the Book of Genesis we read: "The Lord God commanded the man, saying, ‘You may eat freely of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die’ " (Gen 2:16-17).

With this imagery, Revelation teaches that the power to decide what is good and what is evil does not belong to man, but to God alone. The man is certainly free, inasmuch as he can understand and accept God’s commands. And he possesses an extremely far-reaching freedom, since he can eat “of every tree of the garden”. But his freedom is not unlimited: it must halt before the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, for it is called to accept the moral law given by God. In fact, human freedom finds its authentic and complete fulfilment precisely in the acceptance of that law. God, who alone is good, knows perfectly what is good for man, and by virtue of his very love proposes this good to man in the commandments.
Why do people want to decide what is Good and Evil? (please be specific) I.E., can you quote what might be running through a person’s mind?
“I really want to have sex with that person. I have been told that this is wrong. But I want to have sex with that person. I know! I will say that it is not wrong!”
Originally Posted by PRmerger
“I really want to have sex with that person. I have been told that this is wrong. But I want to have sex with that person. I know! I will say that it is not wrong!”
Yes, how easily it is for us to, in some way, trick our conscience. If a person is told something is wrong, but the desire to act is so strong, they are able to forget what they were told. I think it’s the aftermath that decides. If after the “deed” they feel guilty, then they know it was wrong, and would possibly strive to never commit the same mistake. Yet if they feel no guilt, then it was never wrong in the first place.

A&E felt shame when they “ate from the tree” so they knew they had done something wrong.
Yes, how easily it is for us to, in some way, trick our conscience. If a person is told something is wrong, but the desire to act is so strong, they are able to forget what they were told. I think it’s the aftermath that decides. If after the “deed” they feel guilty, then they know it was wrong, and would possibly strive to never commit the same mistake. Yet if they feel no guilt, then it was never wrong in the first place.

A&E felt shame when they “ate from the tree” so they knew they had done something wrong.
I think that if we cannot say: I personally believe that there is nothing wrong with “A”, but since God said that “A” is wrong, I conform my views to His…

then we have created a god after our own image.

There are not a few Catholic posters here on the forum who, I daresay, seem to be worshipping an idealized version of themselves. "I don’t like it that “X, Y and Z” so I’m going to say that God doesn’t like it that “X, Y and Z”.
I think that if we cannot say: I personally believe that there is nothing wrong with “A”, but since God said that “A” is wrong, I conform my views to His…

then we have created a god after our own image.

There are not a few Catholic posters here on the forum who, I daresay, seem to be worshipping an idealized version of themselves. "I don’t like it that “X, Y and Z” so I’m going to say that God doesn’t like it that “X, Y and Z”.
The only thing I would say to that is, how do we create a god after our own image if we are made in the image of God?..

We have our own intellect, emotions, feelings and desires, all come from God, all need to be controlled to ensure life continues.
The only thing I would say to that is, how do we create a god after our own image if we are made in the image of God?..

We have our own intellect, emotions, feelings and desires, all come from God, all need to be controlled to ensure life continues.
We create a god that follows our own desires, not God’s.

Obviously, everything we are is NOT God’s image.

We create a god that follows our own desires, not God’s.

Obviously, everything we are is NOT God’s image.

And Jesus said we are gods…I’ll never understand this image/likeness, something that seems far to difficult to reach according to some people.
Have you really not yet read this?!!

Another sin of omission. 😉
It’s all one big seamless garment, and I hate to take just one snippet out, because everything there is related to something else…and it’s so meaty and delicious…but here goes:
In the Book of Genesis we read: "The Lord God commanded the man, saying, ‘You may eat freely of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die’ " (Gen 2:16-17).
With this imagery, Revelation teaches that the power to decide what is good and what is evil does not belong to man, but to God alone. The man is certainly free, inasmuch as he can understand and accept God’s commands. And he possesses an extremely far-reaching freedom, since he can eat “of every tree of the garden”. But his freedom is not unlimited: it must halt before the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, for it is called to accept the moral law given by God. In fact, human freedom finds its authentic and complete fulfilment precisely in the acceptance of that law. God, who alone is good, knows perfectly what is good for man, and by virtue of his very love proposes this good to man in the commandments.
Thanks for the info, but I don’t see any reference or implication of “root cause”. Did I miss something? The “root cause” I was discussing with Bob had to do with what particular aspect of our nature, specifically what aspect of “pride” that “causes” people to say “I don’t have to listen to God”.

What you quoted has to do with an appropriate discipline. What we are looking for is the root cause of inhibited normal growth in love of others, which is what we were discussing. I think all of it is part of the discussion of original sin.
“I really want to have sex with that person. I have been told that this is wrong. But I want to have sex with that person. I know! I will say that it is not wrong!”
Great example, PR. So, we have a person who has been told that it is wrong, but either his desire (I’ll use a male) has warped the discipline he values, or he did not value what he was told in the first place. Which one? Or, please suggest an alternative.
Great example, PR. So, we have a person who has been told that it is wrong, but either his desire (I’ll use a male) has warped the discipline he values, or he did not value what he was told in the first place.

And then he decides to create a god after his own image, “Hey! I know! God does not actually see that sexual behavior as immoral!”
Or, please suggest an alternative.
Why, the alternative, of course, is to conform your views to Christ’s and the Church.

Augustine didn’t invent the doctrine of Original Sin.

And it sure wasn’t elaborated by him or the “Roman Church” in order to justify their doctrines on Jesus and the atonement.

Just ask any Eastern Orthodox Christian, who is usually keen to say how they are not impressed by Augustine (Oh that Western father! :eek:;)). Eastern Orthodox basically, fundamentally, have the same understanding of Original Sin as Catholicism (when properly understood). And they will be the first to admit that Augustine sure didn’t give them *their *view!
Bare with me…

So we are in God’s own image when we are doing God like actions, and we are in the likeness of God when we do our own thing? :o

We are by grace what God is by nature.

Sometimes we have the grace, and cooperate with it…

and sometimes we don’t.

God is supernatural, we are never supernatural by grace.
Uh, no, simpleas.

Grace is, as its essential characteristic, supernatural.

From our Catechism (emphasis mine):

2000 Sanctifying grace is an habitual gift, a stable and **supernatural **disposition that perfects the soul itself to enable it to live with God, to act by his love. Habitual grace, the permanent disposition to live and act in keeping with God’s call, is distinguished from actual graces which refer to God’s interventions, whether at the beginning of conversion or in the course of the work of sanctification.
Grace only gets us so far.
Well, I can’t see how there’s anything further than heaven, so…🤷

Gracie is what we need to get to heaven.
Who is the guy in the picture?
The main character from Breaking Bad.

It’s a story of a guy who chooses NOT to cooperate with the supernatural graces that have been infused into him. Instead, he chooses to become…BAD
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