Yes, the judgment of reason may be effected by passions. It is effected by emotions, drives, resentment, desires, etc.
These do not seem to conflict with this premise: Humans are inclined to do what they think is best, but are capable of sin.
Whether one sees a conflict would depend upon one’s paradigm. For a Catholic, perspective, one would embrace the teaching of the Church that humans are inclined to sin, due to concupiscence.
For a Humanist, humans are inclined toward the good, and are capable of failing toward that end by passions, emotions, drives and resentments. In a Humanistic view, humans are inherently good and inclined toward the good.
Another way of wording it: Human inclination to do what he thinks is best is the strongest inclination in human nature.
Do those two wordings necessarily conflict with CCC 405& 406?
The strength of the inclinations are affected by spiritual maturity and disciplines. If one feeds the inclination toward evil, it becomes stronger. If one feeds the desire to follow God, it will become stronger.
A Humanistic approach would frame this as the human “doing what he thinks is best”. For a Catholic, this creates a problem with the construct, since we are not omniscient and cannot always know what is best.
Centering the measure on “what the person thinks is best” places the human at the center, rather than God at the center. This is consistent with a Humanistic approach, which in it’s ultimate form, replaces God with the individual person/conscience/intellect.
So, there are cases of this inclination demonstrated that are not in accordance with human nature?
That would depend upon how one defines “human nature”.
Concupiscence means that we are inclined toward that which is most influenced by our “lower” nature - desire, emotion, drives, etc. over and against the higher nature (that which is made in the image and likeness of God, and seeks toward Him).
It is important to distinguish a “general feeling of negativity toward the human”, which is a devaluation in the mind of man, from delineation of human natural capacities, which come from God, and are exhibited in actual human behavior. Feel free to question this “importance”.
Our “natural human capacities” are part of God’s creation, but concupiscence draws us under the power of them in such a way that we are oriented toward sin and away from holiness.
So, question for you: Is it contrary to the Catholic faith to say that the human has a major inclination to do what he thinks is best, but is capable of sin (sin as an offensive act) because the passions, appetites (emotions, desires, etc.) effect his ability to reason?
The framework seems to be suitable to deny the doctrine of concupiscence in that it replaces the “major inclination” away from God with a “major inclination” that somehow human thinking about what is “best” is stronger than the human tendency toward sin.
It also makes a presupposition that what humans think is best is somehow consistent with what God thinks is best, which is not always the case.
There is a “major” difference between being inclined toward sin, and being “capable” of sin.
The theological context is as follows:
Man has only one creator, God, of his nature.
God is omnibenevolent, and his creature, the human, is created in this image.
Though the passions and appetites are not of God’s nature, they serve the human in terms of his own survival and ability to thrive.
If passions and appetites are “not of God’s nature”, does that mean our need for them to survive and thrive is also “not of God’s nature”?
Other animals have these passions and appetites also, but the Church teaches that concupiscence has oriented ours toward evil, which one does not see in nature.
Being born separate from God, never sits comfortable with me, or separating oneself from God…
And indeed, nothing can separate us from His love. This is a major difference between Jewish/Catholic theology and Calvanism, because Calvanism teaches that our relationship is not just wounded/lacking, but that we are separated to the point where we cannot even seek Him. That is a significant departure from what the Apostles believed and taught.
Here was the statement I put forth:
You asked if the position could be within the boundaries of Catholic faith, then when told it was not, are trying to support that it is. It seems like you want this position to be Catholic.
Humans are inclined to do what they think is best, but are capable of sin.
Do you have an Catholic source, such as Scripture or catechism, that will support this assertion?