Original Sin question

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Oh well, that question will never be answered then (i.e. why we are held temporally responsible for Adam and Eve’s sin)

Oh well, that question will never be answered then (i.e. why we are held temporally responsible for Adam and Eve’s sin)
Hey, Bob!

You are making a lot of very pertinent observations.

Don’t forget: there is another option, an option that upholds our omnibenevolent creator
:Oh well, that question will never be answered then (i.e. why we are held temporally responsible for Adam and Eve’s sin)
I wouldn’t really say we are responsible, but here is a Ukrainian Catechism’s response to this question:

Was God Unjust?

We call it original sin, our paradise lost. It was the first sin, the original, committed on earth. Our first parents were personally guilty of it, we are not. But they and all of us have lost our glorious inheritance, something like millionaire parents squandering their fortune and leaving nothing for their children. Such children are born like ordinary babies but will not inherit any of the squandered wealth.

The simile is not exact but the idea is there. We are the children, Adam and Eve the parents. Their original good fortune, like millions of dollars, was not something due to their nature but an added bonus, added endowments by an all-generous God.

As human beings, our first parents were creatures of body and soul. All of us are. Their spirit-soul was immortal by nature; it would never cease to exist. Their body by its nature, like all living material things, was mortal, subject to dissolution and death and liable to all the things leading to death such as sickness, disease, etc. Their bodily immortality, therefore, was something beyond its nature, added to it by divine dispensation. So was sanctifying grace with its inherent right to see and enjoy God in heaven. These bonuses were outright gifts, in no way due to them, and conditional on their fidelity to God. In taking away these gifts from them and their descendants, God cannot be said to have acted unjustly in any way. The special gifts were not our right as human beings in the first place, so we are in no way wronged that they were taken away.

Furthermore, God in his goodness gives each and every one of us a chance to regain these gifts for all eternity by being personally loyal to him in his life. Because of Christ, we still have a chance. It is up to us.


Not only did He not have to give us these gifts in the first place, but He also offers them again to those not responsible for original sin. Thank God 😃

Christi pax,

OK, so show me the location of the Garden of Eden.
I want to be able to live in Paradise with only one rule to follow.
I’ve asked you multiple times, why are you hiding this information?
The garden is back in time. That spinning sword keeps us out. No going back, good buddy.

But the garden with the wood at its centre is seen again in the Flood, again on the path followed by Isaac carrying it on his back, on the door frames splattered with the innocent lamb, eaten by the Jews in the Exodus, and in Jesus Christ, hanging on the cross, lifting us to a new Jerusalem where God is King, everywhere.

The information is hidden in the obvious - love. Love is painful you say? It does get very much better, and worse, sometimes.

As Moses went up the mountain where He met God and returned with the commandments, Jesus, from the mountain reveals a deeper truth:
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 5:3)
Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted. (5:4)
Blessed are the meek: for they will inherit the earth. (5:5)
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they will be filled. (5:6)
Blessed are the merciful: for they will be shown mercy. (5:7)
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they will see God. (5:8)
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they will be called children of God. (5:9)
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (5:10)
Good Morning, Vico

Here was the statement I put forth:

Humans are inclined to do what they think is best, but are capable of sin.

If a human is seeking to gratify his senses, does that mean he is not doing what he thinks is best? You see, we already determined this:

So, the human seeking to gratify his senses will still be in his own “judgment of reason” doing what he thinks is best, though his “judgment of reason” is altered.

Therefore, where is the conflict with the Catechism?

The tendency to sin is expressed objectively rather than subjectively. This is important because sin remains harmful even if the act or omission is not intended to be so. Scandal is given both intentionally and unintentionally.

Human inclination is to gratify the senses, not to do the good of the entire human nature, so the inclination should not be phrased as doing the best, since it is not the best. It should be phrased as inclined to do what is sinful. Sin occurs when the objective action is a sin, and this is without consideration of weather the act or omission is a mortal or venial sin.

CCC 405 … “inclined to sin - an inclination to evil that is called concupiscence”.

If a person makes an error in different ways (Catechism):

1791 This ignorance can often be imputed to personal responsibility. This is the case when a man "takes little trouble to find out what is true and good, or when conscience is by degrees almost blinded through the habit of committing sin."59 In such cases, the person is culpable for the evil he commits.

1793 If - on the contrary - the ignorance is invincible, or the moral subject is not responsible for his erroneous judgment, the evil committed by the person cannot be imputed to him. It remains no less an evil, a privation, a disorder. One must therefore work to correct the errors of moral conscience.
Yes, the judgment of reason may be effected by passions. It is effected by emotions, drives, resentment, desires, etc.

These do not seem to conflict with this premise: Humans are inclined to do what they think is best, but are capable of sin.
Whether one sees a conflict would depend upon one’s paradigm. For a Catholic, perspective, one would embrace the teaching of the Church that humans are inclined to sin, due to concupiscence.

For a Humanist, humans are inclined toward the good, and are capable of failing toward that end by passions, emotions, drives and resentments. In a Humanistic view, humans are inherently good and inclined toward the good.
 Another way of wording it: Human inclination to do what he thinks is best is the strongest inclination in human nature.
Do those two wordings necessarily conflict with CCC 405& 406?
The strength of the inclinations are affected by spiritual maturity and disciplines. If one feeds the inclination toward evil, it becomes stronger. If one feeds the desire to follow God, it will become stronger.

A Humanistic approach would frame this as the human “doing what he thinks is best”. For a Catholic, this creates a problem with the construct, since we are not omniscient and cannot always know what is best.

Centering the measure on “what the person thinks is best” places the human at the center, rather than God at the center. This is consistent with a Humanistic approach, which in it’s ultimate form, replaces God with the individual person/conscience/intellect.
So, there are cases of this inclination demonstrated that are not in accordance with human nature?
That would depend upon how one defines “human nature”.

Concupiscence means that we are inclined toward that which is most influenced by our “lower” nature - desire, emotion, drives, etc. over and against the higher nature (that which is made in the image and likeness of God, and seeks toward Him).
It is important to distinguish a “general feeling of negativity toward the human”, which is a devaluation in the mind of man, from delineation of human natural capacities, which come from God, and are exhibited in actual human behavior. Feel free to question this “importance”.
Our “natural human capacities” are part of God’s creation, but concupiscence draws us under the power of them in such a way that we are oriented toward sin and away from holiness.
So, question for you:  Is it contrary to the Catholic faith to say that the human has a major inclination to do what he thinks is best, but is capable of sin (sin as an offensive act) because the passions, appetites (emotions, desires, etc.) effect his ability to reason?
The framework seems to be suitable to deny the doctrine of concupiscence in that it replaces the “major inclination” away from God with a “major inclination” that somehow human thinking about what is “best” is stronger than the human tendency toward sin.

It also makes a presupposition that what humans think is best is somehow consistent with what God thinks is best, which is not always the case.

There is a “major” difference between being inclined toward sin, and being “capable” of sin.
The theological context is as follows:

Man has only one creator, God, of his nature.
God is omnibenevolent, and his creature, the human, is created in this image.
Though the passions and appetites are not of God’s nature, they serve the human in terms of his own survival and ability to thrive.
If passions and appetites are “not of God’s nature”, does that mean our need for them to survive and thrive is also “not of God’s nature”?

Other animals have these passions and appetites also, but the Church teaches that concupiscence has oriented ours toward evil, which one does not see in nature.
Being born separate from God, never sits comfortable with me, or separating oneself from God…
And indeed, nothing can separate us from His love. This is a major difference between Jewish/Catholic theology and Calvanism, because Calvanism teaches that our relationship is not just wounded/lacking, but that we are separated to the point where we cannot even seek Him. That is a significant departure from what the Apostles believed and taught.
Here was the statement I put forth:
You asked if the position could be within the boundaries of Catholic faith, then when told it was not, are trying to support that it is. It seems like you want this position to be Catholic.
Humans are inclined to do what they think is best, but are capable of sin.
Do you have an Catholic source, such as Scripture or catechism, that will support this assertion?
If a human is seeking to gratify his senses, does that mean he is not doing what he thinks is best? You see, we already determined this:
You have inserted a new standard into the discussion. Rather than using the Church’s standard, you are re-creating the standard to be about man doing what man thinks is best.
So, the human seeking to gratify his senses will still be in his own “judgment of reason” doing what he thinks is best, though his “judgment of reason” is altered.
Altered how?
Therefore, where is the conflict with the Catechism?
It puts as the standard the human desire to do good, which is flawed. As Jesus said, there is only One who is good.
Well, we are born without wisdom.
Adam and Eve were created with Divine Revelation already within, from which they were separated at the Fall, so now humans are born deprived of it.
Do you think we have a sinful nature? Or is it more like “we are capable of sin.”?
The Church teaches that both things are true. We have a sin nature, referred to in Scripture as “the flesh” that competes with the Spiritual nature, which yearns for God and the doing of good.

It is not within the bounds of Catholicism to replace concupiscence with “capable of sin”.
The “stain” makes sense for people who have a lower opinion of humanity, who think of us as more of a negative value than the “unstained” approach.
What you seem to be saying here is that the Catholic Church has a “lower opinion of humanity” than those who embrace Humanism as a philosophical paradigm. You have classified the “stain” as a “negative value”, where a “higher” or more positive value would be that human beings are not born with any “stain” and that humans have the desire to do good, but are capable of falling short.
Adam and Eve sin. God kicks them out of the Garden of Eden. So are we.
We suffer the same punishment.
So we are “kicked out of the garden of Eden”? It is hard for us to even know what it was like for them to lose the state in which they were created, since we have not had it.

Had you ever considered that expelling Adam and Eve from the Garden was an act of compassion, so that humankind would not eat of the tree of life, and be eternally in a wrong relationship with HIm?
 I used the example of a parking ticket.
You get a letter from the city. Apparently you got a parking ticket. Reading closer, you see that the license plate number is transposed and the car make/model is incorrect so someone else clearly did the parking violation but you got the notice in the mail.

So you go to the hearing and argue your case. You show proof you didn’t do it.

The judge rules against you and fines you $100 for the parking ticket.

You’re not responsible for the parking violation, but you are being held responsible.
You didn’t do the deed, but you’re paying the price.
I think you are saying that God has been unjust. You also seem to be saying that God acts contrary to reason, since there is evidence an injustice occurred, but God has ignored that. It seems like quite a cynical concept of God.
 Hello!   I didn't eat that forbidden fruit!   If I were in the Garden of Eden and had only one rule I'd follow it no problem!   But I don't have that option.   I'll never have that option.
So yeah, I’m punished. So are everyone else.
It says a lot about a person when they perceive themselves as punished, rather than graced. In the liturgy, it is referred to as “oh necessary sin of Adam”, for we are now able to acquire through grace freedom from all punishment, and grace to endure the pains of this life with joy and peace, rather than victims with no hope. 👍
God imposed the punishment of Adam and Eve being kicked out of the Garden of Eden. We suffer that same punishment because God won’t let us back in. This is 100% God imposed punishment.
It is certainly a consequence to us, created by the choices of our first parents. But Jesus was clear the Kingdom of Heaven is for NOW, in this life, as well as the next. There is nothing holding us back from entering that Kingdom except ourselves. Some people refuse to go in.
And God could restore that easily, which he chose not to do. And God kicked them out. God refused to say “OK your kids can come back in” Nope, he kept the punishment going on them.

RIght, children ARE punished. We are punished!

And Adam and Eve didn’t “cause” us to be kicked out of the Garden of Eden, that was a punishment imposed on us by God.

We got the Cosmic Parking Ticket:

We are held temporally responsible for Adam and Eve’s sin. And pretty much other people’s sins as well.
Such a paradigm, in addition to representing a victim mentality and pessimism, completely leaves out God’s plan to rescue us, in which we are made free of all sins, all slavery, and are able to walk in grace without punishment. It is like looking at only one side of a coin.

Christ took care of the SPIRITUAL punishment.

He didn’t take care of the TEMPORAL punishment.

If He did, please tell me the GPS coordinates of the Garden of Eden and my family and I are packing our bags.
He took care of it all, Bob. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.
If I were in the Garden of Eden this would not be an issue. So, please provide me the GPS coordinates.
This is clearly false, as Adam and Eve were not created with an inclination to sin. They chose to disobey God, and inherited the consequences all while they were still in the Garden of Eden. Being created in a state of original justice (right relationship with God) does not prevent us from free will, and the consequences of choosing to sin.

In fact, Bob, you do have this freedom in Christ. You can choose not to suffer consequences for sins, and to walk in grace, liberated. Or you can reject what Christ has purchased for you, and walk in slavery. It is entirely up to you.
We are temporally held responsible for Adam and Eve’s sin.
Such a statement is inconsistent with the Catholic faith.
Oh well, that question will never be answered then (i.e. why we are held temporally responsible for Adam and Eve’s sin)
Not by anyone who is Catholic, at least. 😃
Hey, Bob!

You are making a lot of very pertinent observations.

Don’t forget: there is another option, an option that upholds our omnibenevolent creator
You seem to be saying that the punishment of concupiscence is inconsistent with an “omnibenevolent creator”. You have described God’s love as being even more expansive than the love we have for one another as human beings. If you would not punish your child with concupiscence, then, surely God would not.

This is a Humanistic approach that places human standards of human love at the center, rather than a Catholic approach of placing what God has revealed about Himself to humankind.
The tendency to sin is expressed objectively rather than subjectively. This is important because sin remains harmful even if the act or omission is not intended to be so… Sin occurs when the objective action is a sin, and this is without consideration of weather the act or omission is a mortal or venial sin.
This is problematic if one is trying to support the position that no one every knowingly and willingly rejects God.
"In such cases, the person is culpable for the evil he commits. "
This notion is problematic to the premise that all sin occurs because of blindness and ignorance, so if a person could see the value of others, one would not deliberately sin. Therefore the ignorance and blindness relieves one of all culpability.
The very basis of Christianity is the original sin upon which the crucifixion of Jesus is justified. If original sin were thrown away, then the crucifixion would become a meaningless happening.

Church history shows the doctrine of original sin is a distinctly Christian doctrine first expounded upon by Augustine. The original sin concept has NO basis in Judaism, and Judaism completely rejects it. Therefore this teaching seems to be a distinct phenomena of Christianity which was developed to strengthen the other developing ideas of the Roman Church concerning who Jesus was and what his purpose was for mankind. Original sin is vital to Christian theology but not relevant in Jewish theology which precedes it. Is original sin a fact??

Jesus Taught That Little Children Are Without Sin. Original or otherwise? Look it up.

Children Have No Knowledge Of Good And Evil At Birth. The Bible teaches that children cannot be sinners and guilty and condemned at birth, for they do not yet know the difference between good and evil, and have not yet come to the “age of accountability” Look it up.

No Man Can Be Guilty For A Sin He Did Not Commit. Look it up.

The Bible says that man is guilty for his own sins and for his own sins alone. He is not guilty, and cannot be guilty, for the sin of Adam or any other man. Look it up.

The Bible teaches that every sin is a free and voluntary act. There is no involuntary sin. Man must will evil and choose evil before he can be a sinner. He cannot be born a sinner, for he has no choice in his birth. The idea that man can be a sinner without a voluntary act of his own will is completely contrary to the Bible. Man must voluntarily choose evil before he can be a sinner. Its in the book.

However it was Augustine of Hippo who, in the fifth century (354-430), was largely responsible for transforming Paul’s teachings on the Fall into the doctrine of Original Sin, teaching as he did that man is born into this world in a state of sin. Why do we believe his opinion ??

One would think that if Adam’s transgression had such a monumental effect on all future generations it would at least be mentioned in the account. Yet, nowhere in the Old Testament is it explicitly stated that Adam’s sin was passed down. In fact, the silence in the book of Genesis is deafening. All we are told is that, in view of Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of Good and Evil, God did not want them to also partake of the Tree of Life, and live for ever (Genesis: 3:22), therefore He banished them from the garden (Genesis: 3:23). The man was cursed with having to work for food and the ground that was also cursed would hand him thorns and thistles (Genesis: 3:17-19). The woman was cursed with great pain in childbirth (Genesis: 3:16). Not a single word is breathed about this original sin being put upon Adam’s descendants. Are we to believe that God forgot to mention the most devastating consequence of all as it effects us?

I can see how some have a hard time accepting Original Sin as a fact. Any opinions?
And yet man, once the age of accountability is reached at least, inevitably sins. Where does this predisposition come from? Why is sin so universal? Why would anyone, ever, sin??? Why would anyone, ever, compromise the truth with the tiniest white lie? Why do people commit wrong knowing full well that it is or may well be…wrong?? What is at the heart of this anomaly of nature? Do you recognize an innocence lost in humanity? Something that should not be-or should be otherwise?

At the heart of man’s sin is pride, ugly self-righteousness, arrogance, etc. This is ultimately what often compels him to act other than how he should-and contrary to what is right and reasonable. It’s to self-justify-to make oneself God for all practical purposes. Man is divided with his very own self; he stands apart from the 100% truth of who he is- from holiness IOW: from wholeness, justice.

Jesus finally reveals this to us in no uncertain terms. The Old Covenant, no matter how perfectly obeyed, was hypocrisy and phoniness- a pretense of righteousness-compared to the true righteousness obtained when one is brought back home to God. “Apart from Me you can do nothing” He tells us in John 15:5. “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”, He affirms in Matt 19:26. The heart of the New Covenant is communion with God, rather than mere obedience of the Law. Man is born separated from God; this is the essence of Original Sin. He’s dead, lost, in need of being found and reborn.

This stark reality, of man’s awkward and compromised relationship to truth and righteousness, of man’s state of sin, is what Jesus came to demonstrate and then reconcile by reconciling man with God, by redeeming us and showing us how to return to choosing the highest good over lesser created goods-and helping us to achieve it as we cooperate with this effort. To have union with Him the way He has union with the Father. This reparation is the first step in our becoming who we were created to be.
The tendency to sin is expressed objectively rather than subjectively. This is important because sin remains harmful even if the act or omission is not intended to be so. Scandal is given both intentionally and unintentionally.

Human inclination is to gratify the senses, not to do the good of the entire human nature, so the inclination should not be phrased as doing the best, since it is not the best. It should be phrased as inclined to do what is sinful.[/INDENT]
Hi Vico,

I think you misread my statement. Here is is again, with emphasis:

Humans are inclined to do what they** think** is best, but are capable of sin.

It would take an unemotional, objective, omniscient observer to have a 100% match of “what is best” with “what one thinks is best”. Those of us who are not objective (i.e., all humans) will only be able to attempt to do “the best”.

Is there actually any Catholic doctrine that denies that the human does what he thinks is best?

Which of these makes more sense:

A human is inclined to do a sinful act because it is what he thinks is best.

A human is inclined to do what he thinks is best because it is sinful.

If sinfulness was the greater inclination, the latter would make more sense, correct? However, do you know any humans who make choices because the choice is sinful?

We don’t have to be closed-minded about matters that catechism does not directly address, correct?

Consider this:

Christian doctrine, he added, “is not a closed system incapable of generating questions, doubts, queries, but it’s alive, and able to unsettle, animate.” Doctrine, Francis said, “has a face that isn’t rigid, a body that moves and develops, it has tender flesh: that of Jesus Christ.”


I must add, Vico, that I really thank you for presenting good, solid, Catholic opinions based on solid information and doctrine. I appreciate your charity and your mature, level-headed, merciful approach. It says volumes. Your sincerity and integrity add so much to the forum; somehow I know that even though we may see things differently sometimes, I am not judged by you. You are a living example of what it means to discuss matters with love and mercy as the greatest objective. While writing this I know that you will be too humble to respond, and that is part of who you are. Your humility says volumes too.

God Bless you, friend.
Hi Vico,

I think you misread my statement. Here is is again, with emphasis:

Humans are inclined to do what they** think** is best, but are capable of sin.

It would take an unemotional, objective, omniscient observer to have a 100% match of “what is best” with “what one thinks is best”. Those of us who are not objective (i.e., all humans) will only be able to attempt to do “the best”.

Is there actually any doctrine that denies that the human does what he thinks is best?

Which of these makes more sense:

A human is inclined to do a sinful act because it is what he thinks is best.

A human is inclined to do what he thinks is best because it is sinful.

If sinfulness was the greater inclination, the latter would make more sense, correct? Do you know any humans who make choices because the choice is sinful?

We don’t have to be closed-minded about matters that catechism does not directly address, correct?

Consider this:

Christian doctrine, he added, “is not a closed system incapable of generating questions, doubts, queries, but it’s alive, and able to unsettle, animate.” Doctrine, Francis said, “has a face that isn’t rigid, a body that moves and develops, it has tender flesh: that of Jesus Christ.”

Yes I know of humans who make choices because the choice is sinful.

No I did not misread what you posted.

A human is not inclined to do a sinful act because it is what he thinks is morally best, but because it is more desirable. Inordinate desires are opposed to morality. The dogmatic teaching of the Church is given at the Council of Trent, shown below, especially notice that concupiscence of an inclination left to be wrestled with:
  1. If anyone denies that by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is conferred in baptism, the guilt of original sin is remitted, or even asserts that the whole of that which has the true and proper nature of sin is not taken away, but says that it is only touched in person or is not imputed, let him be anathema. For in those who are born again, God hates nothing, because “there is no condemnation, to those who are truly buried together with Christ by baptism unto death” [Rom. 6:4], who do not “walk according to the flesh” [Rom. 8:1], but putting off “the old man” and putting on the “new, who is created according to God” [Eph. 4:22 ff.; Col. 3:9 ff.], are made innocent, immaculate, pure, guiltless and beloved sons of God, “heirs indeed of God, but co-heirs with Christ” [Rom.8:17], SO that there is nothing whatever to retard their entrance into heaven. But this holy Synod confesses and perceives that there remains in the baptized concupiscence of an inclination, although this is left to be wrestled with, it cannot harm those who do not consent, but manfully resist by the grace of Jesus Christ. Nay, indeed, “he who shall have striven lawfully, shall be crowned” [2 Tim. 2:5]. This concupiscence, which at times the Apostle calls sin [Rom. 6:12 ff.] the holy Synod declares that the Catholic Church has never understood to be called sin, as truly and properly sin in those born again, but because it is from sin and inclines to sin. But if anyone is of the contrary opinion, let him be anathema.
To overcome requires one to “manfully resist by the grace of Jesus Christ”.
I think you misread my statement.
Those who disagree with you must not have understood your point?
 Here is is again, with emphasis:
Humans are inclined to do what they** think** is best, but are capable of sin.

It would take an unemotional, objective, omniscient observer to have a 100% match of “what is best” with “what one thinks is best”. Those of us who are not objective (i.e., all humans) will only be able to attempt to do “the best”.

Is there actually any Catholic doctrine that denies that the human does what he thinks is best?
Indeed, the arrogance that the human can know what is best for himself is exactly the kind of hubris involved in the events of the Fall. And seen in that account,such hubris has grave consequences. Were it not for the manifestation of such hubris prior to the Fall, one might concluded that it is a consequence thereof.
Which of these makes more sense:

A human is inclined to do a sinful act because it is what he thinks is best.

A human is inclined to do what he thinks is best because it is sinful.
This is very well done, OS, especially with regard to setting up that “slippery slope” you referred to earlier.

But neither one of these is true. We are inclined toward sin because our nature has become disordered. Yes, we often commit sinful acts when we think we are doing what is right. Unfortunatly, our ignorance and blindness to what is best for us does not excuse us from the sins that result, since we have a moral responsibility to become educated and enlightened.
If sinfulness was the greater inclination, the latter would make more sense, correct?  However, do you know any humans who make choices *because* the choice is sinful?
Actually I do. I have encountered a great many people who seem quite eager to distinguish themselves through wrongdoing.

You seem to be searching for a rationale to set aside the Catholic Teaching that the human soul is inclined toward evil, while still being able to somehow claim to be within the boundaries of Catholic faith. Denial of the doctrine of original sin is not within the boundaries of Catholicity.
We don’t have to be closed-minded about matters that catechism does not directly address, correct?
By all means, be open to a more Humanistic approach! One that places humanity, human goodness, and human wisdom above that of the Creator.

If one does not accept the Scriptures as inspired and inerrant, I can’t see why such a one should stumble over anything in the Catechism, which is rooted in Scripture.
Consider this:

Christian doctrine, he added, “is not a closed system incapable of generating questions, doubts, queries, but it’s alive, and able to unsettle, animate.” Doctrine, Francis said, “has a face that isn’t rigid, a body that moves and develops, it has tender flesh: that of Jesus Christ.”

I don’t think you will find the Pope supporting that we jettison basic doctrines of the faith, such as concupiscence. 😉

When doctrine develops, it does so from a foundation of all the understanding that has previously occurred. The Holy Spirit does not contradict Himself, teaching one concept in one century then the opposite in the next. You may notice that Francis did not say that doctrine can be CHANGED or reversed, as you seem to be advocating.
No I did not misread what you posted.

A human is not inclined to do a sinful act because it is what he thinks is morally best, but because it is more desirable. Inordinate desires are opposed to morality. The dogmatic teaching of the Church is given at the Council of Trent, shown below, especially notice that concupiscence of an inclination left to be wrestled with:
  1. If anyone denies that by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is conferred in baptism, the guilt of original sin is remitted, or even asserts that the whole of that which has the true and proper nature of sin is not taken away, but says that it is only touched in person or is not imputed, let him be anathema. For in those who are born again, God hates nothing, because “there is no condemnation, to those who are truly buried together with Christ by baptism unto death” [Rom. 6:4], who do not “walk according to the flesh” [Rom. 8:1], but putting off “the old man” and putting on the “new, who is created according to God” [Eph. 4:22 ff.; Col. 3:9 ff.], are made innocent, immaculate, pure, guiltless and beloved sons of God, “heirs indeed of God, but co-heirs with Christ” [Rom.8:17], SO that there is nothing whatever to retard their entrance into heaven. But this holy Synod confesses and perceives that there remains in the baptized concupiscence of an inclination, although this is left to be wrestled with, it cannot harm those who do not consent, but manfully resist by the grace of Jesus Christ. Nay, indeed, “he who shall have striven lawfully, shall be crowned” [2 Tim. 2:5]. This concupiscence, which at times the Apostle calls sin [Rom. 6:12 ff.] the holy Synod declares that the Catholic Church has never understood to be called sin, as truly and properly sin in those born again, but because it is from sin and inclines to sin. But if anyone is of the contrary opinion, let him be anathema.
To overcome requires one to “manfully resist by the grace of Jesus Christ”.
Good Morning, Vico

Yes, we have covered this. Concupiscence is “strong desire”, and desire effects our ability to reason.

You added the word “morally” to the statement I made, which changes it. When I stated this:

“Humans are inclined to do what they think is best, but are capable of sin.”

The “best” was not necessarily the morally best, but merely what the person thinks is best. As soon as we add the word “morally”, we might assume that the person has a developed conscience and is aware in the moment to engage their conscience (their conscience is not altered by passion, etc). On the other hand, a person may be always doing what they think is morally best, but because their conscience is extremely undeveloped, there is little to show for such inclination to do what they think is morally best. A person of undeveloped conscience reasons: “What is morally best is what satisfies my wants and desires, I am looking out for number one. That is morality.” Do you see, Vico? This person is doing what he thinks is best.

I can’t see yet where you have presented something that denies that the human does what he thinks is best. Did I miss it? Yes, the human has strong desires, which motivate a person to do what may be wrong. However, even though the person does what may be wrong, he in the moment will be reasoning (if he is operating under any reason at all) that what he is doing is best. The inclination (capacity) to sin is there, but the greater inclination is to do what he thinks is best.

It is through Christ that we come to see that what is best is what is objectively, morally best, correct? To do what is morally best, in a truly merciful, loving way, becomes our greatest desire.
Yes I know of humans who make choices because the choice is sinful.
Did you mean that they make choices because the choice is what they desire? If you know of humans who make choices because the choice is sinful, please provide an example.

Thanks for your response. 🙂
Is there actually any Catholic doctrine that denies that the human does what he thinks is best?
I think concupiscense is such a doctrine. But we can also add that the entire New Testament is a collection of Catholic books, written by, for, and about Catholics.

8 Yet in like manner these men in their dreamings defile the flesh, reject authority, and revile the glorious ones. … 10 But these men revile whatever they do not understand, and by those things that they know by instinct as irrational animals do, they are destroyed. 11 Woe to them! For they walk in the way of Cain, and abandon themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam’s error, and perish in Korah’s rebellion. 12 These are blemishes on your love feasts, as they boldly carouse together, looking after themselves; waterless clouds, carried along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted; 13 wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars for whom the nether gloom of darkness has been reserved for ever. (Jude)

These words are describing false teachers. Now perhaps you may say that they are “doing what they think is best”, so let’s say for the sake of discussion that this is true. It does not appear to matter from the Aposlte’s point of view.

Now for a person who does not consider the Bible to be inspired and inerrant, one can classify such passages as the projection of the human psychology - the tendency to blame - rather than a prophetic word from God.

Bottom line, even when we are doing what we “think is best” we are still influenced by concupiscence.
Good Morning, Vico

Yes, we have covered this. Concupiscence is “strong desire”, and desire effects our ability to reason.

You added the word “morally” to the statement I made, which changes it. When I stated this:

“Humans are inclined to do what they think is best, but are capable of sin.”

The “best” was not necessarily the morally best, but merely what the person thinks is best. As soon as we add the word “morally”, we might assume that the person has a developed conscience and is aware in the moment to engage their conscience (their conscience is not altered by passion, etc). On the other hand, a person may be always doing what they think is morally best, but because their conscience is extremely undeveloped, there is little to show for such inclination to do what they think is morally best. A person of undeveloped conscience reasons: “What is morally best is what satisfies my wants and desires, I am looking out for number one. That is morality.” Do you see, Vico? This person is doing what he thinks is best.

I can’t see yet where you have presented something that denies that the human does what he thinks is best. Did I miss it? Yes, the human has strong desires, which motivate a person to do what may be wrong. However, even though the person does what may be wrong, he in the moment will be reasoning (if he is operating under any reason at all) that what he is doing is best. The inclination (capacity) to sin is there, but the greater inclination is to do what he thinks is best.

It is through Christ that we come to see that what is best is what is objectively, morally best, correct? To do what is morally best, in a truly merciful, loving way, becomes our greatest desire.

Did you mean that they make choices because the choice is what they desire? If you know of humans who make choices because the choice is sinful, please provide an example.

Thanks for your response. 🙂
I think it’s more accurate to say that a person is drawn to do what he perceives to be the greatest good, at least at the moment he commits the act. It’s not necessarily as if he’s made a full assessment of the act as being right or wrong and then chosen the “best” moral path. Nor is it generally true that he’s pulled willy-nilly into committing a sin, as though he’s a morally irresponsible beast, unavoidably overwhelmed by desire.

Our culpability depends on our level of knowledge and the deliberateness of our consent. And while these may be moving targets to one degree or another for humans, sin has been described as a* willingness to commit an act even though one may think or know that it is or might be wrong.* Something inside must be overridden IOW. The best path must be ignored-or twisted into one that fits with my agenda. Culpability for the act may be diminished nonetheless due to ignorance or habit, etc, but the integrity of the person is harmed by the sin in any case because it is foreign to his very nature in some way or another.
“Humans are inclined to do what they think is best, but are capable of sin.”

The “best” was not necessarily the morally best, but merely what the person thinks is best.
Which, because of concupiscence, is strongly influenced by our desires/fleshly passions.
. A person of undeveloped conscience reasons: “What is morally best is what satisfies my wants and desires, I am looking out for number one. That is morality.” This person is doing what he thinks is best.
I think you are right about the impact of the underdeveloped conscience on moral choices, but I am not sure that always equates to a person doing what he thinks is best. People can make a poor moral choice, and be able still say “I know I should have…” which demonstrates that they have knowlege but chose contrary to it.
I can't see yet where you have presented something that denies that the human does what he thinks is best.  Did I miss it?
Yes. There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see. 😉
 Yes, the human has strong desires, which motivate a person to do what may be wrong.  However, even though the person does what may be wrong, he in the moment will be reasoning (if he is operating under any reason at all) that what he is doing is best.
That is just the sticking point, though, is it not? People do not always follow reasoning, or only listen to in partially, and make decisions based on the passions. People make such choices even knowing they are not “good”, but they do it anyway.
The inclination (capacity) to sin is there, but the greater inclination is to do what he thinks is best.
This statement is not consistent with Catholic faith. A “capacity” is quite different than an “inclination”. Further, only those who have advanced in sanctity have a greater inclination to do what they think is best, because they have learned to conquer the control of the passions. Those who have not attained to such sanctity will always be pulled toward thinking that it is best to satisfy desire.
It is through Christ that we come to see that what is best is what is objectively, morally best, correct?  To do what is morally best, in a truly merciful, loving way, becomes our greatest desire.
Yes, this is the goal of sanctification. 👍

But humankind are not naturally this way. We are only supernaturally transformed into this state. Unless, of course, one is a Humanist, in which case, God is replaced by Humanity, so that the human becomes capable of transforming oneself. without need for grace.
Did you mean that they make choices because the choice is what they desire? If you know of humans who make choices because the choice is sinful, please provide an example.
One only need look at the police blotter. I actually met someone who called himself a Satanist who told me that his mission in life was to make Christians as miserable as possible. The more sinful he could be toward them, the better it served Satan’s purposes. Perhaps you think that people like this don’t exist?
Good Morning, Vico

Yes, we have covered this. Concupiscence is “strong desire”, and desire effects our ability to reason.

You added the word “morally” to the statement I made, which changes it. When I stated this:

“Humans are inclined to do what they think is best, but are capable of sin.”

The “best” was not necessarily the morally best, but merely what the person thinks is best. As soon as we add the word “morally”, we might assume that the person has a developed conscience and is aware in the moment to engage their conscience (their conscience is not altered by passion, etc). On the other hand, a person may be always doing what they think is morally best, but because their conscience is extremely undeveloped, there is little to show for such inclination to do what they think is morally best. A person of undeveloped conscience reasons: “What is morally best is what satisfies my wants and desires, I am looking out for number one. That is morality.” Do you see, Vico? This person is doing what he thinks is best.

I can’t see yet where you have presented something that denies that the human does what he thinks is best. Did I miss it? Yes, the human has strong desires, which motivate a person to do what may be wrong. However, even though the person does what may be wrong, he in the moment will be reasoning (if he is operating under any reason at all) that what he is doing is best. The inclination (capacity) to sin is there, but the greater inclination is to do what he thinks is best.

It is through Christ that we come to see that what is best is what is objectively, morally best, correct? To do what is morally best, in a truly merciful, loving way, becomes our greatest desire.

Did you mean that they make choices because the choice is what they desire? If you know of humans who make choices because the choice is sinful, please provide an example.

Thanks for your response. 🙂

Sins have three sources: malice, passion, and ignorance. (This is without classification by gravity and imputability.) All sins done to rebel against the command are examples you ask for.

Best - Concupiscence

You said: “A person of undeveloped conscience reasons …” which is not rational but poor judgment in the example you give, which is why the result is sinful.

By that definition of best is strictly, concupiscence: “a desire of the lower appetite contrary to reason”.

So then, is would not be properly applied to you sentence “Humans are inclined to do what they think is best, but are capable of sin.”

It should be Humans are inclined to do what they think is most desirable, which is sin.
This is true.

I amend to say we are “punished” for the sin of Adam in the sense of a natural consequence: we no longer had access to the Beatific Vision.

But we bear no responsibility or guilt for the sins of Adam.
No personal sin with responsibility, but born with the death of the soul which is the same state in which an adult is placed by a grave and personal fault. Imputed guilt rather than fault guilt.
St. Augustine believed also that the suffering of babes who died stained in original sin would be lesser and different than anyone who died ruined by his own mortal sins.

What is the Doctor’s views on righteous pagans who died before the Incarnation of the Gospel? Does anyone know? I think the fate of infants and the fate of righteous pagans should be similar, correct?

Christi pax,

St. Augustine was uncertain on this issue (see: letter 167 to Evodius). He thought that at least Adam, the prophets and the patriarchs and some others that were just would be free.
  1. After having said that Christ was put to death in the flesh, and quickened in the spirit, the apostle immediately went on to say: in which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison; which sometime were unbelieving, when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water; thereafter he added the words: which baptism also now by a like figure has saved you. 1 Peter 3:18-21 This, therefore, is felt by me to be difficult. If the Lord when He died preached in hell to spirits in prison, why were those who continued unbelieving while the ark was a preparing the only ones counted worthy of this favour, namely, the Lord’s descending into hell? For in the ages between the time of Noah and the passion of Christ, there died many thousands of so many nations whom He might have found in hell. I do not, of course, speak here of those who in that period of time had believed in God, as, e.g. the prophets and patriarchs of Abraham’s line, or, going farther back, Noah himself and his house, who had been saved by water (excepting perhaps the one son, who afterwards was rejected), and, in addition to these, all others outside of the posterity of Jacob who were believers in God, such as Job, the citizens of Nineveh, and any others, whether mentioned in Scripture or existing unknown to us in the vast human family at any time. I speak only of those many thousands of men who, ignorant of God and devoted to the worship of devils or of idols, had passed out of this life from the time of Noah to the passion of Christ. How was it that Christ, finding these in hell, did not preach to them, but preached only to those who were unbelieving in the days of Noah when the ark was a preparing? Or if he preached to all, why has Peter mentioned only these, and passed over the innumerable multitude of others?
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