Today’s gospel reading was timely. How could anyone read that and justify the way they treated black slaves in the US? It is very clear both slave and master were equal (plus, the Roman view of slaves was quite different).
The English somehow manage to come off squeaky clean in regards to slavery but they were the very ones responsible for the slave trade. Remember it was the Trianglular Trade that was responsible for American slaves. The English made vast fortunes off this.
The triangular trade routes were pivotal to the practise of Mercantilism by England by which colonies had one main purpose: to enrich the parent country (England). The premise of Trade was that the different regions would trade goods that they had in abundance in exchange for those goods which were needed but lacking in their own region. Money did not change hands.
Slavery had existed in Africa since ancient times. Enslaved Africans became part of the international trade network of the period used extensively by the Spanish and the Portuguese in the Americas. The English became involved with the Slave Trade and the pattern of Triangular Trade across the Atlantic was formed. Sir John Hawkins is often considered to be the pioneer of the British slave trade, because he was the first to run the Triangular trade route across the Atlantic, making a profit at every stop.
Leg 1: Ships from England would go to Africa carrying iron products, cloth, trinkets and beads, guns and ammunition. The ships traded these goods for slaves, gold and spices (pepper)
Leg 2: Ships from Africa would go to the American Colonies via the route known as the ‘Middle Passage’. The slaves were exchanged for goods from the Americas, destined for the Slave Plantations
Leg 3: Ships from the Americas would then take raw materials back to England. The English would use the raw materials to make ‘finished goods’
And the same process would start all over again…
Triangular Trade, coupled with the policy of Mercantilism, provided a “favorable balance of trade” so that gold and silver would not flow out of England to purchase raw materials and food from the colonies. Neither would gold and silver flow out of the colonies for much needed manufactured goods. However, Colonists brought in much more than they sent out so, the balance of trade was in England’s favor. England also prospered because the raw materials from the colonies were used to make different products in England - finished goods have a higher value than raw materials. Add to this the duties (taxes) collected by England on goods imposed by the Navigation Acts, the Sugar Act, the Townshend Acts and the Tea Act it becomes clear why the American Revolution was inevitable.
The Triangular Trade ended in the 1800’s. The reasons the Triangular Trade ended were:
The introduction of steam powered ships which meant Atlantic trade was not dependent on the trade winds
The American Revolution
The Abolition of Slavery