Without the Holy Spirit we can do no good…but He doesn’t make us puppets, we need to co-operate with His graces and inspirations.
EENS, I chose one of your phrases to repeat, although many others were good. I sense that Sobolll and EA_Man are “afraid” to look at Holy Scriptures which would indicate our response to our Loving God is a lifelong process, not a one time event.
You guys have offered thoughtful answers to their OSAS verses (which we all know quite well), but neither Sobolll nor EA_Man have offered any response to even one of the numerous passages in Scripture alluding to our free wills allowing us to fall away from God. (Lazer, thanks for the Scripture list…I re-read every one of them carefully and will add a few to my list).
If these two are like one of my dear friends, their fear is based on a misconception of our beliefs. How many of us out here believe we alone are responsible for our good works in the Lord? Or that we are trying to “earn” our way to heaven? I hope none.
I wonder if EA_Man and Sobolll think they alone are responsible for their wonderful gift of faith in Jesus Christ and the Trinity. I think they know that their faith is a pure gift, given in grace by God.
Well, that is exactly how I see our good works—as a pure gift, given in grace by God. The good deeds that we do, as we do them as part of Christ’s mystical body, are truly, literally, not our own. They are a result of God’s free gift of grace to us.
Our Faith, Our Good Works… they both come as free gifts, through our “free will acceptance” of God’s wonderful grace.
we must nurture both of them in our lives, by giving our free will assent to this grace. If we do, we have His guarantee that His grace will continue to flow.
There is a fair amount about our faith in Jesus Christ that we all could agree on, but a fair amount that we cannot agree on as well.
These two folks at least appear to recognize that Truth does exist, that we can search for Truth, and that Truth matters to us in the end. They have evidently come to this forum to try to spread their beliefs, and for that I would commend Sobolll and EA_Man. But for their selective ignorance of certain biblical passages I cannot commend them.
I say let them pick a few of
Lazer’s passages, for starters, and we can all discuss them, and why they think their OSAS doctrine is not affected . These verses are also truly God’s word to us, just like “their” verses are, and they deserve to be discussed!
In the mean time, GOD BLESS US ALL!