Ouija board working a fact?

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How will I know when I can be of service? There are 9 lesser initiations in the 7 mystery schools but as far as I know I have never been welcomed into the temple. Unless it’s done invisibly.

Study, learn, practice, question. Learn whatever there is to be learned about mind. Master simple techniques like hypnosis and Biotouch. There are many others. Replace the ouija board with applied kinesiology and pendulum dowsing, to be on the safe side. I recommend doing this on your own.

Forget about levels and initiations in arcane organizations, but do be open to finding the teacher who will arrive when you are ready. Mystery schools are concealing much more ignorance behind their shadowy facades than knowledge. If you are ever “welcomed into the temple,” whatever that means, run as fast as possible in some other direction.

You will be ready when someone shows up who needs help, and you find that you can provide it. Remember, there are levels of readiness. Do what you can, work only from what you know, risk yourself freely but never risk another’s well being. Age helps.
Study, learn, practice, question. Learn whatever there is to be learned about mind. Master simple techniques like hypnosis and Biotouch. There are many others. Replace the ouija board with applied kinesiology and pendulum dowsing, to be on the safe side. I recommend doing this on your own.

Forget about levels and initiations in arcane organizations, but do be open to finding the teacher who will arrive when you are ready. Mystery schools are concealing much more ignorance behind their shadowy facades than knowledge. If you are ever “welcomed into the temple,” whatever that means, run as fast as possible in some other direction.

You will be ready when someone shows up who needs help, and you find that you can provide it. Remember, there are levels of readiness. Do what you can, work only from what you know, risk yourself freely but never risk another’s well being. Age helps.
I used to use a penelum for dowsing and I developed mental illness and it doesn’t work anymore. I get swings in all different directions. I don’t know how to do kinesiology on myself. Though I’ve worked with others that have used it on me.

In the sense and context of your question, ouija boards work. If you want evidence, get a friend and try using one. Once, only.

You will be in touch with a force or forces about which you know absolutely nothing. They could be friendly or angry. altruistic or malevolent, good or evil, competent or imbecilic.

You can verify that the forces exist, and assume as I do that they represent some form of conscious intelligence. But you cannot measure the I.Q. of that intelligence unless you give it a test, and you may not be qualified to do that. It has no face from which you can read an impression of intent, nor tone of voice that you can filter through a voice-stress analyzer.

Why seek information from such a source? You have a perfectly good mind. Why not use it to find answers? All you need to do is feed it valid information— information that comes from God’s universe itself (physics, chemistry, mathematics), and ignore the stuff that man made up. That’s all you’ll get from a ouija board, the town drunk, or your nearest accessible theologian.
Without being anything but genuinely curious it seems there could be confusion in matching above with thoughts which seem very related to re-incarnation. There must be a missing link. Trying to fit it in somehow. Are some life forms in opinion trapped with a frustrated comprehension believing in some strange way, they are still with us ? . If this is so, the outcome may be further advantageous than picking a straw at human life.

I have a theory that everyone cross’s the line relative to success in the moment, at the same time…(NDE an already primed and set bridge)… Although there would be very few who do not, they hang around a little. Extreme personalities fixated on continuing a strong interest influencing humanity. Severe expectations denied or other enormous initiatives. Surprised to see above quote .
You’ve given even less thought to the logic of your post than you have to the spelling and grammar involved.

From experience on CAF I’ve learned that pointing out logical errors to someone who cannot get his spelling right (despite an excellent spell-checker underlining every mistake in red), is similarly incapable of recognizing his logical errors when they are pointed out to him by someone else.

Your arguments are a perfect example of why bother?

While pointing out your logical errors and incompetent understanding of physics is likely to be as successful as teaching a hamster to play piano, someone else might be reading. So for their benefit, not yours…

Energy conservation has nothing whatsoever to do with time. The Laws of Thermodynamics are entirely time independent. They have nothing to do with time, whatever it is or however many dimensions it might have.

Put simply, your statement, (emphasis mine)…“Energy conservation is the other side of the coin of unchanging physical laws and a one dimensional time,” is something that only a dreadfully ignorant person would write.

I’ll guess that two levels of ignorance are involved. The second is yours, and the first is that of the writer from whom you cribbed that particular turn of phrase.

What follows from it shows the same deep levels of understanding. Based upon the observation that you do not know squat about physical laws (except for some low-level textbook readings), I shall assume that your claim, “When physical laws are changed energy is not conserved,” is an equally incompetent statement that you invented because it suits your religious beliefs.

For others, who might have both mind and curiosity…

The time-dependent laws of physics are entirely consistent with the Three Laws of Thermodynamics.

Look at them like a Tinker Toy set. The toys, out of the factory carton, define a set of laws. They are entirely time independent. The spindles and sticks do not care if they stay in their box forever or are put to use.

Putting them to use means assembling them into various structures by putting sticks into holes, in different sequences and configurations. It is impossible to build something from tinker toys which their geometry disallows. No structure violates the laws of tinker toys, however many they might be.

The assembly of tinker toys can be made analogous to the assembly of the time-dependent laws of physics.
  1. The tinker toys may not be created or destroyed. (There are obvious exceptions in this human example. The family cat peed on my set, whereupon my mother consigned them to the trash.)
  2. Tinker toys will not self assemble. Any assembly made from them will, however, eventually disassemble.
  3. No sequence of physical processes can restore tinker toy parts to the trees from which they were manufactured.
“I’m Greylorn, and I tactlessly insult folks with blanket one-liners and dry, witty barbs because I think it makes me sound good. Look at my large, large…ego.” :rolleyes:

Do you honestly expect anyone to take you seriously if you’re going to be as rude as you have been?
I stand corrected, thank you. Chances are that I will repeat the same error, especially when I write late at night or early am, and treat these responses in more of a conversational than a formal style.

Yet, even then, and after a bottle of wine, I try to pay attention to basics like proper tenses. I always pay attention to words which the handy, built-in spell checker underlines in squiggly red for me. If I find that I’ve misspelled a word that I’ve not recently made-up, I will check a dictionary if necessary to get it right.

That level of basic responsibility is something which all of us should expect from everyone posting on CAF.

Being human, we all make errors and take shortcuts. We were born ignorant, and ideally are trying to improve that sorry state. Yet, someone who ignores an easily correctable error that a machine points out to him is clearly ignorant and determined to stay that way.

Make your own choices, but mine are to assume that such individuals are not intellectually responsible for anything that they write.
“I’m Greylorn, and I am incapable of making the mistakes others make because I’m just awesome that way.”

Please, continue.
Unfollowing this thread… not interested in hearing about the intricacies of paganism :rolleyes:
I used to use a penelum for dowsing and I developed mental illness and it doesn’t work anymore. I get swings in all different directions. I don’t know how to do kinesiology on myself. Though I’ve worked with others that have used it on me.

I did not realize that you were only doing this psychic stuff on yourself. Sorry about that. Everything I wrote was in the context of you working for the benefit of another. I take it all back. Here are revised suggestions.

Do not use psychic stuff to evaluate yourself and plot courses of action. It does not work. You cannot be objective. Use it only for the benefit of others.

Ouija boards work because there is another entity assisting their control. The usual tricks which malevolent entities use to access the mind of an embodied person are to first use the board to help you. This gains them your trust. They will seque into malevolence.

It is possible that the spook who wants your brain made certain that pendulums did not work so as to turn you in the direction of the board. The mental illness was its doing, perhaps more the consequence of its frustration.

If you need to test yourself for dosages and such, have a friend (or perfect stranger) use A.K. on you. Otherwise, stay away from psychic stuff until you study more about it, and then find a mentor. You are not ready yet.

Finally, cleanse your quarters with wild sage smoke. Then, get a bottle of holy water and contribute generously for it. Go out in the woods and burn your ouija board. Get rid of any other psychic artifacts at the same time. Do not sell or give them away. Sprinkle the holy water on your pillow and place a drop atop your head every night before bedtime for a week after the burn.
Without being anything but genuinely curious it seems there could be confusion in matching above with thoughts which seem very related to re-incarnation. There must be a missing link. Trying to fit it in somehow. Are some life forms in opinion trapped with a frustrated comprehension believing in some strange way, they are still with us ? . If this is so, the outcome may be further advantageous than picking a straw at human life.

I have a theory that everyone cross’s the line relative to success in the moment, at the same time…(NDE an already primed and set bridge)… Although there would be very few who do not, they hang around a little. Extreme personalities fixated on continuing a strong interest influencing humanity. Severe expectations denied or other enormous initiatives. Surprised to see above quote .
Attempting to match the thoughts of one person with the opinions and beliefs of others always results in confusion.

I’ve had some experience with spooks. Not much. My book explains my take on reincarnation in better detail.
“I’m Greylorn, and I tactlessly insult folks with blanket one-liners and dry, witty barbs because I think it makes me sound good. Look at my large, large…ego.” :rolleyes:

Do you honestly expect anyone to take you seriously if you’re going to be as rude as you have been?
I’m rarely rude to those who are capable of understanding what I write, and who therefore are capable of taking me seriously.

I do expect posters to a serious philosophy thread, who expect themselves to be taken seriously, to have at least enough intellectual integrity to get their spelling and grammar straight. If your ego is too fat to offer that basic courtesy to potential readers, couldn’t you go somewhere else and post on a Jersey Shore fan thread?
I know a spirit board works but can’t establish as to wether the way I use it opens you up to outside influences or not. …

I use herbs for medicine and the body knows what it needs and how much. I use the talking board to obtain this information. Not to commune with spirits. Asking if I need 2 capsules of herbs a day for 2 or 3 times is not opening up to anything. There are also ways to protect yourself. If anyone knows anything I don’t let me know.

I’ll explain it to you. You think some demon is going to show up to talk to you and say, "KILL YOUR MOTHER!!! No. He is going to tell you how many pills to take or whatever other thing is asked, and do it is such a way as to establish a bond of trust. You think it’s an object or a positive force. It’s not.

The secret to seducing you is keeping you in ignorance of the true source of the interaction and also making you believe you have control. You don’t make it happen and there is no “protection” but God.

The only tool you need to interface with knowledge is your own nervous system and Faith.

The Liar depends on ego and desire for control.

Anyway, that’s how it works. Try Catholicism, works much better and you get to go to Heaven later on.
I’ll explain it to you. You think some demon is going to show up to talk to you and say, "KILL YOUR MOTHER!!! No. He is going to tell you how many pills to take or whatever other thing is asked, and do it is such a way as to establish a bond of trust. You think it’s an object or a positive force. It’s not.

The secret to seducing you is keeping you in ignorance of the true source of the interaction and also making you believe you have control. You don’t make it happen and there is no “protection” but God.

The only tool you need to interface with knowledge is your own nervous system and Faith.

The Liar depends on ego and desire for control.

Anyway, that’s how it works. Try Catholicism, works much better and you get to go to Heaven later on.
It seems that the hebrewa when they talked to god used divination. Why does the church condemn it’s own heritage?


That makes no sense to me unless they’re trying to protect people who are ignorant of such things.

No, it does not work. People are moving it themselves. They don’t realize they are moving it though. Its called the ideometer effect.
I remember as a child we had a Ouija board. I think we got it at Toys R Us. We thought it was a game. This is not going to be a warning about Ouija being demonic.

It was basically cardboard and plastic. It did nothing. Several people put their hands on the plastic arrow thing that is supposed to spell words. Nope, it never moved. I think the idioticmotor (sp on purpose) effect is bs. If the thing moves then someone is moving it almost certainly consciously.

Ouija is just dumb. It is no more demonic than a fortune cookie.
I’m rarely rude to those who are capable of understanding what I write, and who therefore are capable of taking me seriously.

I do expect posters to a serious philosophy thread, who expect themselves to be taken seriously, to have at least enough intellectual integrity to get their spelling and grammar straight. If your ego is too fat to offer that basic courtesy to potential readers, couldn’t you go somewhere else and post on a Jersey Shore fan thread?
You, sir, are full of yourself. I would expect posters in any forum, regardless of topic, to present themselves with tact and diplomacy…you simply appear to enjoy “hearing yourself speak.” Afraid you’ve ruined this thread for me, thanks.
yes it does work i did it and wish i never had laid hands on it.told me things only i knew and i had nothing but bad luck after it i had to go a get a prayer of deliverence by our local excorist priest!!! stay well clear
My opinion is that a Ouija board is just that, a piece of inert wood, or now a piece of cheap particle board. It has no power for good or evil in and of itself. It is the people touching the table that cause it to move. The only time the pointer table will move ‘by itself’’ is if it is sitting on the knees of those playing with the board.

The evil in the ‘game’ is that people may believe they are getting information from beyond, more often from sinister powers than powers for good. It is that person who then looks for other entrys into the occult who can get into trouble spiritually and mentally.

Many people buys these things for their children for a lark. Usually it doesn’t take children long to realize that one or the other of the members playing is directing the outcome of the message and the board is relegated to the toy box or the trash.
My apologies if somebody else has already posted this, but I believe this to be the most likely explanation for the Ouija board:


To get an idea of how this might work, swing a pendulum back and forth. Try to mentally force it to swing in a circle, and after a minute, it will start doing so. Magic? No, just small muscle movements in your hand.
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