Ouija board working a fact?

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In his Autobiography G.K. Chesterton brings up an experience with a ouija board. He mentions it while describing a period of his life which he deems “the period of youth which is full of doubts and morbidities and temptations; and which, though in [his] case mainly subjective, has left in [his] mind for ever a certitude upon the objective solidity of Sin.”
Chapter IV: How To Be A Lunatic:
My brother and I used to play with planchette, or what the Americans call the ouija board; but we were among the few, I imagine, who played in a mere spirit of play. Nevertheless I would not altogether rule out the suggestion of some that we were playing with fire; or even with hell-fire. In the words that were written for us there was nothing ostensibly degrading, but any amount that was deceiving. I saw quite enough of the thing to be able to testify, with complete certainty, that something happens which is not in the ordinary sense natural, or produced by the normal and conscious human will. Whether it is produced by some subconscious but still human force, or by some powers, good, bad or indifferent, which are external to humanity, I would not myself attempt to decide. The only thing I will say with complete confidence, about that mystic and invisible power, is that it tells lies. The lies may be larks or they may be lures to the imperilled soul or they may be a thousand other things; but whatever they are, they are not truths about the other world; or for that matter about this world.
He also said that his “period of madness coincided with a period of drifting and doing nothing; in which [he] could not settle down to any regular work.”

Maisie Ward writes about it in her biography of him:
He told Father O’Connor some years later* that “he had used the planchette freely at one time, but had to give it up on account of headaches ensuing . . . ‘after the headaches came a horrid feeling as if one were trying to get over a bad spree, with what I can best describe as a bad smell in the mind.’”
Intellectually Gilbert suffered at this time from an extreme scepticism. As he expressed it he “felt as if everything might be a dream” as if he had “projected the universe from within.” The agnostic doubts the existence of God. Gilbert at moments doubted the existence of the agnostic.
So I would say the main lesson might be: Don’t mess with it, or anything like it. Ever.
Ouija boards are very dangerous. The Church condemns them and for good reason. They are known to cause demonic possession in some people. Even if they did work, they would just demonstrate the evil of satan. Playing around with ouija boards is a very foolish thing to do. Remember that the Church condemns superstition.
My dad told me that when he was young they had one he said nothing ever happened to him but I have read stories of other people having things happen and I have never used one myself.
Thanks for your answer.

I do not deny this.

Even when ignoring the question, in what ways excorcist might make errors, as far as i understand an excorcists has no intention to exactly analyse and establish which specific part of an action opened the human mind for demonic influence.

E.g. a person uses a board and calls some demon and some not nice situation develops. Was it the board, was it the calling, was it the persons mindset, was it a combination of that, was an unoticed third factor plying a role, e.g. what the person did last week?

I think one could not establish “quija boards work” without knowing answer to that questions. And as i said, i do not think excorcist are interested in verifying which exact components lead to the demonic influence.

I read some stories online from people claiming to have experienced demonic influence due to board use and in analyzing the thread question the problem is, that so many other things problematic normally happened in such stories, that one cannot decide whether a board and maker made of wood played a role or whether demons actually played a role.

E.g. one story:
6 18-20 years old gathered for a weekend in a lone house in woods. At least one of these had previous suicidal tendencies and another at least tendency to harm herself (supposed author of story). After some 30 hours or so of drinking and drug use with little sleep, one suggest around 2 AM in the morning to use quija board. They experience strange things, author has visions of some demon-like figure, feels attracted to it. Then one person suffers a serious nervous and maybe also circulatory breakdown (gets cold, shivers and is not able to talk). Author attempts suicide without being realy aware of doing it, gets saved. 1 decides to drive the ill person with his motorcycle to hospital and the 2 have a fatal accident. Authors live takes from that point on a “downward turn” (depression, further drug abuse, further visions of the demon-like figure).

Point is, i do not need demons to explain anything there. If one already has a psychological history and then spends a weekend in drug and alcohol abuse with 2 friends ending up dead, its not unusual to develop a serious depression.

So even without calling to any demons, just sitting down with a board and asking a question to no one would be a sin?
You’ve gotten some really good answers from the people on this thread.

The ouija board is an instrument of evil that invites the user or even the curious stander by to it’s evil influence.

There is no valid reasoning with intruments of evil. You don’t just go and draw a pentagram on the floor and stand inside of it for kicks. It is taunting and enticing evil regardless of your mindset or reasoning.

We cannot assume a cavalier attitude with matters of evil.

Instead choose a life of prayer and a life of the spirit, nurtured by the sacramenst of Confession and Communion…pray the Rosary, daily.

In hoc signo vinces.
This is a demonic board. I experienced it when I was young, which made me so scared, and promised to myself that I will never do it again. However, it made me believe that there is more than just our physical bodies, that we are bodies and spirits.
That is how a demon got into me, through that stupid game, the Ouija Board.

That game works but it works to infect a persons mind with a demon.

I played that game when I was a kid once with my cousin. The demon which was in me for a good 13 years was from that game. I asked the Lord how did I get this demon which played with my eyesight…he showed me that it was from the Ouija Board.

If you own one of these, trash it…the Ouija Board installs a demon which manifests itself as the child grows older.

Just it being in the house will bring in negative elements. Humans cant see therefore will be dumb to whatever that board decides to bring in.
My mother scared me out of ever using one. She never told me what happened to her, just to never use one because they can draw demons to you.
If you own one of these, trash it…the Ouija Board installs a demon which manifests itself as the child grows older.
I agree that you should get rid of it, however I wouldn’t just throw it in the trash. I gave all my occult related artifacts to my priest so he could dispose of them properly.

A little background story: My family had changed our last name in 1920s during the Cristero War to escape persecution by the Calles government and in order to seek asylum in the US. For political reasons till this day, our family’s real last name has been a secret. My father had told me our real last name before, but I never told a living soul what it was.

Now the incident. When I was thirteen, my friends were messing around with the ouija board. I remember my mom and dad getting very upset when my brother expressed an interest in checking one out, so I decided to sit on the couch while they played. Eventually, after asking a few silly questions, my friends had me ask “the spirit” something. I thought the whole game was bunk, so to prove my friends wrong, I asked “the spirit” to reveal my family’s real last name. Remember, I’m on the couch, just watching. Well, the planchett moved and spelled out my real last name. :eek: I had NEVER told any of them my family’s real last name. They never spoke to anyone in my family because we’re a very secluded family and I was lucky to just spend an hour at my friend’s house for an evening, so when that thing revealed my family’s secret I freaked out inside. Of course, with my friends, I lied and said it was wrong but ever since then, I flee at the sight of one. This stuff is very real, and bad stuff happens as a result of playing it usually. My friend who played that thing had some pretty horrible stuff happen to her soon after. A week after playing, her money was stolen, her aunt died, and stuff in her house either went missing or was rearranged. Just stay away from that stuff and don’t get involved. My cousins also messed with that stupid board when they were kids and had a horrible experience as well. Just stay away!
My opinion is that a Ouija board is just that, a piece of inert wood, or now a piece of cheap particle board. It has no power for good or evil in and of itself. It is the people touching the table that cause it to move. The only time the pointer table will move ‘by itself’’ is if it is sitting on the knees of those playing with the board.

The evil in the ‘game’ is that people may believe they are getting information from beyond, more often from sinister powers than powers for good. It is that person who then looks for other entrys into the occult who can get into trouble spiritually and mentally.

Many people buys these things for their children for a lark. Usually it doesn’t take children long to realize that one or the other of the members playing is directing the outcome of the message and the board is relegated to the toy box or the trash.
That is a common misunderstanding, some people may have this experience, but I know for a FACT ouija boards are the real deal…and CAN work if taken seriously, A group of friends and myself got into using one back when I was in my teenage years, I never had any luck using it, but we found it worked best with these 2 particular females in our group, and the rest of us would stand around asking questions.

I was skeptical at first, and then I decided to ask it a question that NO ONE there could possibly know…it answered correctly…that was enough for me.

btw, I asked the board what color dress my mom was wearing at her funeral, my mom died when I was 13 yrs old, I started hanging out with these friends when I was 17, and while they did know she died, NONE of them had any idea what color dress she had on, I thought about it, and there is NO way anyone there could have known that…
  1. There were NO pictures of her in the casket at the funeral. (obviously)
  2. NONE of these friends even knew me at the time.
  3. Her dress was blue and yellow, the board answered this question within 2 seconds…I can still remember how I got a very cold chill up my spine when I saw it spelling out those colors…still do get a chill actually when I think back to this.
Can you think of ANY possible explanation for how this board got this correct?, oh yeah, since we were young and did not have much money, our ‘ouija’ board was just a piece of cardboard with the letters/ numbers drawn on it in marker and used a broken piece of glass for the oracle.

I think what we call a ‘ouija board’ is probably something much older and darker and just the name we gave it in modern times…I assume ancient civilizations probably dabbled with such a device as well, namely the Egyptians.
The fallaciousness of the Catholic Answers article beggars belief.
The fact of the matter is, the Ouija board really does work,

Argument by assertion.

It’s true that many people view the Ouija board as harmless. They often claim, “Oh, I don’t believe in it,” or something to this effect. However, a disbelief in something does not necessarily mean that something isn’t real.
Argument from ignorance.
The Ouija board has an objective reality that exists apart from a person’s perception of it. In other words, it’s real even if you don’t believe in it. And we know this because God himself tells us so.
The Lord repeatedly condemns any and all occultic practices, including divination. While many Bible passages could be cited, the following one is typical of his view of occultic practices: “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord” (Dt 18:10–12, NIV).
Accepting that God condemns divinatory practices is not the same thing as saying that any practice that is alleged to be divinatory must be functional.
On the experiential side of the issue, we have the testimony of the Church’s exorcists. Their experience shows that Ouija boards are far from harmless. Some investigating supernatural phenomena from a Catholic perspective have gone so far as to say that 90 percent of their very worst cases involving demonic activity have been linked to the use of the Ouija board.
All of which the article fails to cite + appeal to authority.
There is one very simple solution to the paranormal activity surrounding the Quija board, with firm faith command the deceiving spirit to cease his activities and begone in the Name of Jesus. I know If you don’t believe me, try it when the occasion presents itself. It is an offense against the first commandment, Have no false gods before Me. Society is deceived very much by such manifestations, and I say this from experience. Paganism is wide spread in an incredulous society, Satan’s play ground
  1. I’m not sure if there is anyway in the earth you can commute with devils at your will but I believe not.
  2. There is no spiritual thing that always work for anybody. Every legit thing on earth is work based on natural laws (like if you put mentos in coke, it explode, nothing surprisingly). So unless there is a scientific explain of why the Ouija board move without anyone touching, I wouldn’t believe it.
    __________Why the Ouija board can’t answer you questions
    People use Ouuja board to play for fun and often used to ask questions about the past and future that no one can know for sure. Some think the piece on the board move by a dead person/soul/spirit to help the living and some think they are talking to the devil when they use the board.
  3. If it’s the soul who talk with you: God controls the living and the dead, no soul can escape purgatory or hell and go talk with human without His permission. So the Ouija board is invalid.
  4. If it’s the devil who tempt you to sin talk with you through the board: You will never get the right answers or only get what will harm your soul. So playing with the board is no use.
Sorry I has to stop now, if you still not believe me and want to discuss then later. Talking about it make me chilled since I watch the movie Exorcism.
A few years ago, my friends noticed a Ouija board I had received as a child tucked away in my closet. They insisted on using it, and I eventually yielded. Naturally I thought the whole thing was just psychological trickery, so I made sure to pay conscious attention to my hands during the game. They didn’t move. My friends said I was being uncooperative, so I allowed them to move the board in the directions they pleased. If I recall, they misspelled a word, much to my amusement.

So there you have it. You can test whether Ouija boards are real by having kindergarteners use it. If the words are mostly spelled incorrectly, you must be dealing with an illiterate spirit. 😉
  1. I’m not sure if there is anyway in the earth you can commute with devils at your will but I believe not.
  2. There is no spiritual thing that always work for anybody. Every legit thing on earth is work based on natural laws (like if you put mentos in coke, it explode, nothing surprisingly). So unless there is a scientific explain of why the Ouija board move without anyone touching, I wouldn’t believe it.
    __________Why the Ouija board can’t answer you questions
    People use Ouuja board to play for fun and often used to ask questions about the past and future that no one can know for sure. Some think the piece on the board move by a dead person/soul/spirit to help the living and some think they are talking to the devil when they use the board.
  3. If it’s the soul who talk with you: God controls the living and the dead, no soul can escape purgatory or hell and go talk with human without His permission. So the Ouija board is invalid.
  4. If it’s the devil who tempt you to sin talk with you through the board: You will never get the right answers or only get what will harm your soul. So playing with the board is no use.
Sorry I has to stop now, if you still not believe me and want to discuss then later. Talking about it make me chilled since I watch the movie Exorcism.
Well, if Jesus warned people against consulting the dead, I have to assume it is possible and happens, why else would he warn people against the action…especially if it was not even possible?
There is one very simple solution to the paranormal activity surrounding the Quija board, with firm faith command the deceiving spirit to cease his activities and begone in the Name of Jesus.
I am uncertain a person involved with the Ouija board to such a degree that they see paranormal activity is going to have sufficient faith or authority.
Reading this thread, it seem like there are two kinds of people: those who believe that demons exist and interfere in human lives, and those who don’t, who just want a scientific, secular explanation for paranormal experiences, such as Ouija board manifestations.

Christ firmly believed in demonic possession and spent much of his time casting out evil spirits. I definitely believe in the prescence of evil in this world, and to invite it in, using any means, is a truly bad idea.
On top of it being a sin for people who follow Jewish and Christian faiths, I think this fact is significant.

Most spiritual people would agree that the ability to connect/speak with spirits is improved through practice.

Catholicism is a faith that encourages involvement with spirits and relationships with those on the other side, praying to angels, saints, praying for souls in purgatory, etc.

So I would think that Catholics, due to this would be perhaps more likely to connect with something from the other side, being more adept. Though the Church encourages proper connection with holy spirits, I think that “ability” (awkward word, sorry) would transfer, even if a person was well intended.

Catholics seem a bit more prone to demonic possession etc that people of religions that do not engage in such beliefs and behaviors. And as people in the Church have often told me that demons are more interested in attacking those who are close to God than not, a ouija might be rather more dangerous for Catholics than others.

I fall under the camp that thinks on it’s own a piece of board and plastic and has no inherent power or tendency. Any power it gets is given to it by those who put it to use, rather like a statue of a saint, or a chain saw. It’s just inert material until we use it for some other use. Unless the board has either been intentionally blessed, cursed or dedicated, toss it in the trash or use it as a cutting board, no harm, no foul.
A few years ago, my friends noticed a Ouija board I had received as a child tucked away in my closet. They insisted on using it, and I eventually yielded. Naturally I thought the whole thing was just psychological trickery, so I made sure to pay conscious attention to my hands during the game. They didn’t move. My friends said I was being uncooperative, so I allowed them to move the board in the directions they pleased. If I recall, they misspelled a word, much to my amusement.

So there you have it. You can test whether Ouija boards are real by having kindergarteners use it. If the words are mostly spelled incorrectly, you must be dealing with an illiterate spirit. 😉
Well, that is the case sometimes, but not always. If you read my earlier post, I was not the one playing it, therefore, there was no way I could have manipulated the board unconsciously, etc. Remember, the board itself isn’t evil, but the person’s intentions can be thereby tempting a demon/evil spirit. I could go on and explain more, but seeing as how you don’t believe, there’s no point, but thought I should just mention the little tidbit from my own experience.
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