In his Autobiography G.K. Chesterton brings up an experience with a ouija board. He mentions it while describing a period of his life which he deems “the period of youth which is full of doubts and morbidities and temptations; and which, though in [his] case mainly subjective, has left in [his] mind for ever a certitude upon the objective solidity of Sin.”
Chapter IV: How To Be A Lunatic:
Maisie Ward writes about it in her biography of him:
Chapter IV: How To Be A Lunatic:
He also said that his “period of madness coincided with a period of drifting and doing nothing; in which [he] could not settle down to any regular work.”My brother and I used to play with planchette, or what the Americans call the ouija board; but we were among the few, I imagine, who played in a mere spirit of play. Nevertheless I would not altogether rule out the suggestion of some that we were playing with fire; or even with hell-fire. In the words that were written for us there was nothing ostensibly degrading, but any amount that was deceiving. I saw quite enough of the thing to be able to testify, with complete certainty, that something happens which is not in the ordinary sense natural, or produced by the normal and conscious human will. Whether it is produced by some subconscious but still human force, or by some powers, good, bad or indifferent, which are external to humanity, I would not myself attempt to decide. The only thing I will say with complete confidence, about that mystic and invisible power, is that it tells lies. The lies may be larks or they may be lures to the imperilled soul or they may be a thousand other things; but whatever they are, they are not truths about the other world; or for that matter about this world.
Maisie Ward writes about it in her biography of him:
He told Father O’Connor some years later* that “he had used the planchette freely at one time, but had to give it up on account of headaches ensuing . . . ‘after the headaches came a horrid feeling as if one were trying to get over a bad spree, with what I can best describe as a bad smell in the mind.’”
So I would say the main lesson might be: Don’t mess with it, or anything like it. Ever.Intellectually Gilbert suffered at this time from an extreme scepticism. As he expressed it he “felt as if everything might be a dream” as if he had “projected the universe from within.” The agnostic doubts the existence of God. Gilbert at moments doubted the existence of the agnostic.