Ouija Boards???

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Are Ouija Boards considered “tools of the devil” if they are used for good (such as helping spirits to forgive so they can move on with God)??? Because in the past, i have contacted many good spirits that just needed a little bit of help or that were scared. And after i helped them, they went with God. I don’t think that can be bad if you use it for the right reasons… Some spirits even choose to stay behind to wait for someone or talk to someone and when they talk to them or get their message across, they go 2 heaven with God.
i just want some thoughts on the situation.
ouija boards are trouble - stay away from them at all costs. Catholics are not supposed to contact “spirits” and help them “cross over.” If you’re concerned about those who have died, why not pray for them instead?
Are Ouija Boards considered “tools of the devil” if they are used for good (such as helping spirits to forgive so they can move on with God)??? Because in the past, i have contacted many good spirits that just needed a little bit of help or that were scared. And after i helped them, they went with God. I don’t think that can be bad if you use it for the right reasons… Some spirits even choose to stay behind to wait for someone or talk to someone and when they talk to them or get their message across, they go 2 heaven with God.
i just want some thoughts on the situation.
Megan, I’m not a catholic, but am a Christian. It is not wise to use something that you are unsure of. You don’t know the source of the spirits - no.1 Not all sources of the supernatural are truthful with you - no.2. Just as there are truthful and untruthful people, there exists the same parallel in the spiritual realm.

My conclusion is simply this - don’t use it. Consider it similar to a well of water. You don’t know if the water in the well is good to drink or if it is poisonous. Therefore, find the well that you know has good water. I’m wondering what your motive is for using it? Child’s play? Or, are you looking for earthly answers for supernatural problems?
sorry, but i don’t think trying to help is bad. i don’t use it for bad purposes and i have powers that were given to me BY GOD so why can’t i use them. i have alot of power and i’m very in touch with spirits. That’s a God-given gift and i’m sure i have it for a purpose.

Do we really believe that some board game from some toy manufacturer even has the potential to contact the dead? Isn’t this a bit silly? Have we lost our sense of humor.

(think i am going to get flammed)
I’m actually quite sure of myself and i know how to use it right. I’m very experienced. I don’t think God will hate me for using the power he gave me.


You’re playing a very dangerous game. Stay away from it. These things such as contacting the dead to get information is a window for evil spirits to enter into the person. Go confess your sins to the priest for this is mortal sin. If you knew of somebody who is dead, pray for them instead and ask God for mercy on these souls so they can rest in peace. Only God can free/hasten their stay if they are in purgatory. Remember those persons in your prayer this coming All Souls Day.

God bless you.

i have been entered by an evil spirit and lemme tell ya it’s no fun, and i haven’t since then b/c i’ve learned to controll it.
The Exorcist was based on a true story of a boy in Washington, D.C. , who was possessed while fooling around with a Ouija Board. A local priest has told me of some teenagers he knew encountering similar problems.

There are only two sources for supernatural occurrences - God and satan. God is not behind an ouija board.
Although not named specifically in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Ouija boards seem to fall under the general condemnation of divination and magic as things contrary to the First Commandment:
Divination and magic
2115. God can reveal the future to his prophets or to other saints. Still, a sound Christian attitude consists in putting oneself confidently into the hands of Providence for whatever concerns the future, and giving up all unhealthy curiosity about it. Improvidence, however, can constitute a lack of responsibility.
2116. All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to “unveil” the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.
2117. All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one’s service and have a supernatural power over others - even if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion.
These practices are even more to be condemned when accompanied by the intention of harming someone, or when they have recourse to the intervention of demons. Wearing charms is also reprehensible. Spiritism often implies divination or magical practices; the Church for her part warns the faithful against it. Recourse to so-called traditional cures does not justify either the invocation of evil powers or the exploitation of another’s credulity.

After seeing the based-on-a-true-story movie Possessed, it is a wonder anyone would fool with Ouija boards.😉
Joe Kelley:
The Exorcist was based on a true story of a boy in Washington, D.C. , who was possessed while fooling around with a Ouija Board. A local priest has told me of some teenagers he knew encountering similar problems.

There are only two sources for supernatural occurrences - God and satan. God is not behind an ouija board.
My oh my, people here do put some credence in this. I had no idea. I’d have thought it no more dangerous then Monopoly. I’d have equated it about as dangerous as dressing for Halloween.
sorry, but i don’t think trying to help is bad. i don’t use it for bad purposes and i have powers that were given to me BY GOD so why can’t i use them. i have alot of power and i’m very in touch with spirits. That’s a God-given gift and i’m sure i have it for a purpose.

I find it hard to take this serious.
well i beg to differ lol… it is not a game for people to play w/ and i do NOT recommend anyone doing it unless they KNOW what they are doing because it IS dangerous. i was taught by my mother how to use it because she has supernatural power that she obviously has passed on to me. it’s all fun and games til somebody gets hurt… so DON’T DO IT UNLESS YOU’VE BEEN TRAINED OR KNOW HOW TO CONTROLL IT!!!
sorry, but i don’t think trying to help is bad. i don’t use it for bad purposes and i have powers that were given to me BY GOD so why can’t i use them. i have alot of power and i’m very in touch with spirits. That’s a God-given gift and i’m sure i have it for a purpose.

You make it sound as if YOU have the power to help people get to heaven. Sorry to tell you that YOU don’t have the power, GOD has the power to show people to heaven.

You also said that your powers were given to you, by God. How do you know this? How can you be so sure?
this an experience i have many years ago when i was a child my cousin give me this game for me and my sister to play. and once we started playing and asking question, we felt that thing was moving. is really hard to know were it was ourselves moving it or else, but we got scare an we putted it away. so know i wonder??? now as an adult i enjoy reading books of stephen king and anne rice. god bless you all:)
You act like i’m claiming to be God! i know i do not have the power to show people to heaven! but i DO have the power to be in touch with the spiritual rhelm. i can’t help that! and how is this i know?? because i have experienced many things that you will never know and many unexplained things have happened to me. my mother is a psychic and a healer. god gave her healing powers. she’s a catholic also. now, she doesn’t go to stupid carnivals and read a bunch of teenagers palms for 10 bucks but this is something she knows and is something God has told her. Also she has been told that these abilities have been passed on to me. it isn’t like it’s a choice of mine, to choose my abilities. And if by chance i help someone in the process of developing these abilities then i guess that was meant to be.

i have been entered by an evil spirit and lemme tell ya it’s no fun, and i haven’t since then b/c i’ve learned to controll it.
Megzy, if it happened once, it CAN happen again. Do not take such a risk. There is no reason to. Do you believe that God answers prayers? If so, then you should pray to get help for the people you wish to help. It will be effective.

God did not promise to help us through the Ouiji board, so I think it is unlikely that you are truly getting “good” help from it. Remember the devil will disguise himself as an angel of light until it is too late.

The illusion of control is just that, an illusion. Anyway, if God gave you the power to cast out spirits, you would not need to use a Ouiji board to do it.

Leave the board behind. Pray to God for guidance.
Do we really believe that some board game from some toy manufacturer even has the potential to contact the dead?
Mijoy2, no we don’t! Cardboard has no abilities, but demons do. Best not to give them engraved invitations.
Do we really believe that some board game from some toy manufacturer even has the potential to contact the dead? Isn’t this a bit silly? Have we lost our sense of humor.

(think i am going to get flammed)

I had one in high school, and that was my argument…“Come on guys, Parker Brothers makes it!!” Of course, we only used it to find out if you-know-who likes that snotty cheerleader. 😉
Have you ever considered that you are using your God given talents in the wrong way? Is it possible you are being deceived into thinking you are helping people cross over to God? You say that you were able to get rid of a demon that tried to possess you. Have you thought that maybe your talents should be used to help those who are possessed? That maybe the devil knows this and has sidetracked you?

I don’t know the answer to these questions, only you do, but seriously consider that there are many people who are in bondage to Satan. If you are one that has the God given ability to remove such demons, is that what you should be doing? I can’t help but think you are being deceived and are not using you talent the way God wishes. But once again, only you can answer these questions.

One other thing. Do the spirits you contact try to give you any future knowledge or do you ask for any future knowledge? If so, this is not something God wishes you to do since He expressly forbids it.

I have no doubt that you do have God given talents. My only question is whether or not you are using them in the way God intends.

Your sister in Christ,
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