Ouija Boards???

  • Thread starter Thread starter Megzy
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Megzy I implore you to take that board and BURN IT! (I mean this literally not figuratively.)

Please, go talk to a priest. You are being tricked. Listen to the logic of everyone else on this board, as yours may be impaired. Just go and talk to the priest in your local parish. If you are scared ask Jesus for strength.

Especially since you say something tried to possess you. It doesn’t matter that you think you may have stopped it. You may be wrong. I would seriously recommend that you talk to your local parish priest.

You also must go to confession because what you have done is a mortal sin. Do not fear! Say a perfect act of contrition (repentance because of your love of God) and go to confession as soon as possible. The mercy of Jesus is limitless, he will forgive you.
Or she could just sue Parker Bros. Honestly, I find it disturbing a company with the purpose to entertain children would put out something that can bring on such problems.
Or she could just sue Parker Bros. Honestly, I find it disturbing a company with the purpose to entertain children would put out something that can bring on such problems.
Jay Leno would be all over that case. 😃
I can’t help but place little concern on something apparently so silly. The Ouija Board is a little device designed (I assume) innocently by someone employed as a game designer. The intent was to entertain much like the intent of Mr Potatoe Head (am I dating myself?) or Candyland was to entertain.

What I find silly is, God, allowing such a silly thing to influence us in such a dreadful way. I equate this to some child placing a flashlight under his chin and making ghostly noises to scare his younger siblings. Should we ban flashlights?

Sorry, it just seems to me that believeing in something so apparently silly (I’m careful to use the word “apparently” because I almost hope I am mistaken, if the devil exists, certainly God does too) undermines the Catholics credibility with someone maybe on the fence of believing in God. I don’t mean to offend with this post, it is my innermost feeling on the subject. However I do notice that in the forums on this subject I am in the minority.
Hi everyone, I just caught sight of this thread and re: the above quote I’d say the main silly thing about Ouiji boards is using them…although I can relate to the curiousity of some expressed, the stories I have heard, the experiances of my dad and my aunts when they were young and my Grandpa bought one (and Parker Brothers did not make up the Ouiji, I googled it’s history one time, they just bought the rights and produce it nowadays) and finally personal experiance led me to accept that for whatever reason, the Ouiji board is a “doorway” or whatnot to the “other side”:bigyikes: , and I firmly believe we are forbidden to mess with it as it states in the bible, not to mention the church or my parents 😉 the fact is, how on earth do we know who we are “talking” to 🤷 ??? Because they say certain things? Do you not believe the devil is a liar? Do you not believe evil spirits KNOW what your dead realitives or friends or whoever would say or have done? Of course they do… Do you reall think just because you proclaim only good spirits may come within the circle, or some such stuff, the powers of evil will have to listen and obey?
Do not be a fool.
If you or anyone is psychic for real, that does NOT mean you are being told the truth or the truth is being revealed to you…:nope:
I’m a big skeptic and only came back towards God after realizing I believed certain people I knew that had experianced “ghosts” in one way or another 🤷 …but the Ouiji board is not to be played with, it is very important to get rid of it and the only way to be safe from evil spirits is to cling to the Lord.
If you want to help the spirits of the dead trapped here if that is what they are, PRAY FOR THEM!
and in the meantime, destroy (preferrably literally, in my experiance) the Ouiji board NOW. :knight2:
then pray “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner” with all your heart and git yer butt ta church.
If your not Catholic, become Catholic, and if you won’t or can’t, become some kind of Christian :bible1: , you’ll be hell of better off than wicca or new age or whatever when your heart stops beating, and probably better off on this earth as well. :gopray2:
well, that was the closest thing I’ve typed to preaching, so sorry, but I know from experiance you really shouldn’t f with the “spirit world”
I can’t help but place little concern on something apparently so silly.
Well, the Church feels differently, clearly speaking out against such things in the CCCC #2117. I suspect priests involved in exorcisms of individuals whose possessions were the result of what started as innocent fun with a board game. Evil is real, not imagined. There is nothing harmless about that. Do I walk in fear every moment? No, of course not, but I am very much aware of the presence of evil and our need to guard against it.
What I find silly is, God, allowing such a silly thing to influence us in such a dreadful way.
God gave us free will. If we humans are foolish enough to use our free will to welcome demonic in influences, that is our own foolish choice. God won’t halt this if it is our desire (at least without intercessory prayer). We get to choose God, or a lack of God.

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