I believe you’ve all been taken in by a huge put-on
As much proof as Catholics do - faith. Doesn’t make me right or wrong. Doesn’t make Catholics right or wrong. I think it is wrong that Catholics assume that whatever does not coincide with their beliefs is evil. They refuse to accept the fact that they might be wrong. There have been many cases of apparitions, spirits, etc. that are far from being evil encounters. Just because Catholics may believe that all souls go directly to hell, heaven or purgatory, does not mean that these spirits people encounter are just the devil in disguise.Well, when it comes to that, do YOU have proof of your belief (or non-belief) about the after-life?
So in your version of the afterlife, people are just mindless zombies?If a person could still “hang around” with us after he dies, then this must mean that the afterlife is also some sort of a temporal world, a world bound by change, where people could still choose their actions.
That is a rash generalization. As far as I’m concerned, I could say the same about the Catholic faith.Frankly, such an afterlife is no different from those of the pagan mythologers, whose religions were merely a compendium of fairy tales and ghost stories.
Jesus died for his beliefs.Such an afterlife would be an insult to Christ’s death. Do you think that Jesus died on the cross merely to give us some modernized Hades?
When did I say the afterlife could be affected by ouija boards? Never. I said that it’s a possibility spirits of the deceased could be contacted. That’s not going to change the afterlife.But if afterlife is something that could be affected by pieces of wood, then atheists would certainly have a more logical view of the world.
Take it as a blessing also that you’re not going to be 16 forever.i take my abilities as a blessing…
You’ll have to excuse us. We do not believe in moral relativity or agnosticism.As much proof as Catholics do - faith. Doesn’t make me right or wrong. Doesn’t make Catholics right or wrong. I think it is wrong that Catholics assume that whatever does not coincide with their beliefs is evil.
Mindless zombies live in a temporal world (that is, hypothetically speakingSo in your version of the afterlife, people are just mindless zombies?
So I suppose the argument “He died to save us from eternal damnation” won’t work for you, would it?Jesus died for his beliefs.
Megzy said she used it to “help” souls “cross-over”. Seems like a claim to affect the afterlife to me.When did I say the afterlife could be affected by ouija boards? Never.
A. Speech: incantations, spells, chants, etc.
B. Feats: dancing, jumping, rocking, etc.
C. Pain: fire walking, beds of nails or glass, fishhooks, cuts, burns, etc.
D. Divination: messages from the spirit world--mediums, séances, crystal ball, a table, stars, hand, head, ears, eyes, feet, tea leaves, pendulums, dice, talking boards, etc.
A board used to receive messages from the spirits.
1. The board has letters, numbers and words (yes/no).
2. There is a pointer which spells out the messages pendulum, planchette, pencil, etc.
A. Ancient pagan religions used them: Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Europe.
B. Reintroduced in the 19th century.
1. In France: 1853 a spiritualist invented the "planchette" as a tool for mediums.
2. In U.S.: 1892 William Fuld invented "Ouija" board.
3. Other talking boards: witch board, finger of fate, mystic moodoo, E.S.P., psychic, aye-see, etc.
A. Fuld asked the board to name itself. It spelled out "Ouija."
B. It combines two words for "yes" -- French "oui" and German "ja."
A. Fuld's company went to court in 1920 to establish it as a religious device to contact the spirit world. They denied it was a "game." They went all the way to the Supreme Court where it was acknowledged as a mediumistic tool.
B. Witches, Psychics, Parapsychologists view it as a mediumistic tool for automatic writing.
C. Serious users of it claim it is not a game.
D. Christian scholars do not think it is "just a game."
E. Psychologists and Doctors do not view it as a harmless game.
F. Who views it as a game?
1. ignorant parents
2. silly teens
3. uneducated pastors
A. Spiritualists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Medical Doctors, Theologians and Scholars all say it can be very harmful.
B. Earnest Turley and Nellie Hurd would say so if they were alive. They were murdered through it.
C. Francisco Madero used it to justify overthrowing the Mexican government in 1910. Revolution came through it.
D. Fraud, immorality, drugs, divorce, assault, etc. have been traced back to a message from Ouija.
E. Demon possession can happen! "The Exorcist" was based on a true story which began with Regan playing with Ouija.
F. Psychics say so.
G. Christian scholars say so.
H. Psychiatrists/Doctors say so.
I. Dr. Kurt Kock compiled hundreds of case histories.
Yeah, I know people who have used it too. I have read some really crazy, “out there” stories also on other message boards.I know someone who used it. He said he would never use it again because of some things that took place. He refuses to tell me what happend. I would love to know though. I am going to ask him again about it.
Really? Do tell !!Yeah, I know people who have used it too. I have read some really crazy, “out there” stories also on other message boards.
Dear Megan,sorry, but i don’t think trying to help is bad. i don’t use it for bad purposes and i have powers that were given to me BY GOD so why can’t i use them. i have alot of power and i’m very in touch with spirits. That’s a God-given gift and i’m sure i have it for a purpose.
If it is true that you have these powers that you speak of, then it looks to me like you wouldn't *need* a ouija board to do what you do. I have heard of psychics doing things like helping the police solve crimes, and if I had psychic ability, I'd like to do something like that. However, these folks don't use ouija boards, just their minds. If a spirit contacts you, that's fine. But if you try to contact a spirit, you don't have any way of knowing who is "answering the phone," so to speak. My mom, of all people, was bored and started playing around with a ouija board, and it started cursing her, calling her b**** and the like. I told her to throw it in the dumpster, and that I wouldn't get off the phone until she did. This was a while back, so she's fine now.
I don't know much about psychic ability or the church's teaching on it, but I thought I'd share my opinion, anyway. :)
God does not grant psychic abilities to anybody.
If you have them, you got them from Satan.
Satan will get you any way he can. Even through a board game.
You are in BIG trouble.
I’m glad you made a point to say this, because I wasn’t sure, to be honest with you. I thought God did give psychic abilities to some people.
From *Angels (and Demons); What Do We Really Know About Them? *by Peter Kreeft (Ignatius Press, 1995) … Ghosts are the spirits, or souls of human beings whose bodies have died. They may hover around the earth “haunting” material places, usually houses. There seem to be four possible reasons for this:Well, when it comes to that, do YOU have proof of your belief (or non-belief) about the after-life?
We believe that there is no possibility of change after one dies, since beyond this world there is only eternity. Thus, a person who dies cannot have any possible choice any more. If a person died in the state of grace, he cannot possibly postpone his going to heaven, because that is his place for eternity, even if he necessarily has to go through the temporal punishment of purgatory first. If he died in a state of sinfulness, then he must go to hell, and that’s that. There is no hesitation after death; there can only be either glory or suffering. That is the dogma of the Church, and that is what we believe is infallible, proof or no proof.
But think about this: If a person could still “hang around” with us after he dies, then this must mean that the afterlife is also some sort of a temporal world, a world bound by change, where people could still choose their actions. Frankly, such an afterlife is no different from those of the pagan mythologers, whose religions were merely a compendium of fairy tales and ghost stories. Such an afterlife would be an insult to Christ’s death. Do you think that Jesus died on the cross merely to give us some modernized Hades?
See my post above. Some Catholic theologians believe that they might.Souls don’t ‘hang out’ for a while. When you die, you go to Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell.
Didn’t the blessed Virgin Mary bring knowledge of future events to some that she appeared to?Do the spirits you contact try to give you any future knowledge or do you ask for any future knowledge? If so, this is not something God wishes you to do since He expressly forbids it.
I will send you a PM !!Really? Do tell !!