Out of nothing comes nothing, So how is creation exnihilo possible?

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I have my own philosophical position on this matter, but i like to hear why you think creation exnihilo is possible.
Some people contend that the universe was always present in one form or another, so there is no need for a creation.
I have my own philosophical position on this matter, but i like to hear why you think creation exnihilo is possible.
Because God 😃

Nothing can’t create anything. So creation ex nihilo is only possible if an uncaused agent did something to create.
Some people contend that the universe was always present in one form or another, so there is no need for a creation.
They are the people who subscribe to the ABG theory of creation. They will subscribe to anything, as long as it isn’t God.
They are the people who subscribe to the ABG theory of creation. They will subscribe to anything, as long as it isn’t God.
The Big Band Theory does not rule out God. The Big Bang was an effect; the theory behind it does not attempt to surmise the cause.
They are the people who subscribe to the ABG theory of creation. They will subscribe to anything, as long as it isn’t God.
The lw of parsimony or Occam;s razor dictates that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.
I have my own philosophical position on this matter, but i like to hear why you think creation exnihilo is possible.
Because God is Almighty; he has omnipotent, infinite power. The CCC#296 quotes St Theophilus of Antioch:
If God had drawn the world from pre-existent matter, what would be so extraordinary in that? A human artisan makes from a given material whatever he wants, while God shows his power by starting from nothing to make all he wants.

Two, we have it from divine revelation (and the teaching of the Church), i.e., Holy Scripture that God created the world out of nothing. The Bible begins with “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1) and this implies creation out of nothing which is explicitly stated in 2 Macc. 7: 28. St John begins his gospel with “In the beginning was the Word…and without him was made nothing that was made.” Throughout the entire Holy Scriptures where ever it speaks of God’s works or God creating or making the heavens and the earth, the implication is that before God made the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, i.e., the universe of creatures, the heavens and the earth didn’t exist.

Three, creation out of nothing can be demonstrated philosophically from many vantage points. God is the first being and the first cause of the being of anything that has being outside of him. And the universe of creatures that have their being from God are not God or a part of him. It follows that creatures were created out of nothing. Before God created anything he alone existed.

In regards to the ancient philosophical axiom that from nothing comes nothing or nothing is made from nothing, St Thomas Aquinas has this to say in the ST, Pt. 1, Q. 45, art. 2 which is titled ‘Whether God can create anything’:
Objection 1. It would seem that God cannot create anything, because, according to the Philosopher (Phys. i, text 34), the ancient philosophers considered it as a commonly received axiom that “nothing is made from nothing.”

Reply to objection 1. Ancient philosophers, as is said above (Question 44, Article 2), considered only the emanation of particular effects from particular causes, which necessarily presuppose something in their action; whence came their common opinion that “nothing is made from nothing.” But this has no place in the first emanation from the universal principle of things.
Creation is based on the biblical theology that God can create by reason of His eternal knowledge of pre-existing truth.
God is the first cause of all that exists, and a necessarily existing being. He is existence itself. As a First Cause he has within himself the power to cause whatever effect. So, while physical reality did not previously exist, its cause and means to cause its effects had to exist in God. In fact God is the explanation of all that exists contingently. By setting into motion all that was necessary for its existence.

Alternatively, if God did not exist and physical reality did not exist then you would neither have the cause nor the means to bring about any effects like the universe for instance. This is why people say that nothing comes from nothing.
The Big Band Theory does not rule out God. The Big Bang was an effect; the theory behind it does not attempt to surmise the cause.
I agree that the Big Bang Theory doesn’t rule out God. God said “let it be” and the universe banged into existence (although I think now they’re saying it wasn’t so much of a bang as an expansion.)

I’d be interested in hearing about your Big Band theory 😃
I agree that the Big Bang Theory doesn’t rule out God. God said “let it be” and the universe banged into existence (although I think now they’re saying it wasn’t so much of a bang as an expansion.)

I’d be interested in hearing about your Big Band theory 😃
I’m "in the mood "to hear it also
I believe the Big Bang Theory because it postulates a beginning is in line with thousands of years of Judea Christain thinking .
The reason it was fought so long is because ,although it doesn’t provide proof of God it also doesn’t rule a beginning by God out ,which their solid state universe model absolutely did .
Contrary to much of the thinking on this board it’s the atheist community that is forced to come up with alternate creation theories.I find their uneasiness and anti science quite humorous.
The other thing I find amusing is these great minds whose theories of life creation are completely shot down by microbiology looking for space aliens. The random creation of life which seemed possible in the 50’s is dubious st best.
Their science is reduced to alchemy.a and little green man.
I agree that the Big Bang Theory doesn’t rule out God. God said “let it be” and the universe banged into existence (although I think now they’re saying it wasn’t so much of a bang as an expansion.)

I’d be interested in hearing about your Big Band theory 😃
‘Let it be’. Apparently, God was one of the first Beatles. 😃
Lots of atheistic scientists disagree with you, including Stephen Hawking and Lawrence Krauss.
Lots of theistic philosophers disagree with Hawking and Krauss. They say that their ‘nothing’ isn’t really nothing.
We are talking about creation from absolutely nothing here.
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