Sparky, my dawg, what happened is what happened.
In a way we can be said to be looking, through technological extensions of our senses, to the beginning of time. Our intellect allows us to be literally standing there watching it happen as we gaze into the depths of space.
I would describe the beginning of all this, is as follows:
There was the Plank Era, what happened during the smallest conceived first fragment of time. Not much is or can be known about that.
The very early universe includes what happened between the Plank Era and the cosmic expansion. Here too, not much is known other than it lasted a picosecond and resulted in a 10 to the power of 26 increase in volume.
The early universe comprised of the Quark and Photon epochs lasted 380,000 years and saw the beginning of familiar particles and forces. The universe at that time was a plasma.
What followed this is described as a dark age, lasting 150,000,000 yrs, in which the universe was transparent but contained no large structures.
Stars, galaxies, galaxy clusters and superclusters formed subsequently. Our galaxy is about 9 billion years old, our solar system about four and a half and life’s been here for about four billion years.
We have been around for a while but since science cannot detect the human spirit, I really can’t say whether it’s in the tens or hundreds of thousands or more years. But, here we are discussing; at some point humanity started.
While this summary is more elaborate, it fits the template of Genesis. God as Love, perfect timeless relational Existence, Truth, and Beauty, brought all this into being in a step-wise fashion, casting what He had previously created into new being.
The physical universe is what it is, and we are trying to understand it workings. However, to see the cosmos as merely a collection of particles, forces and other material events is like approaching your beloved in the same manner. But, if you don’t see it, you don’t see it.