Out of nothing comes nothing, So how is creation exnihilo possible?

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Lots of theistic philosophers disagree with Hawking and Krauss. They say that their ‘nothing’ isn’t really nothing.
We are talking about creation from absolutely nothing here.
By quantum uncertainty, a seed for the cosmos is bound to pop up from the void sooner or later. In any case, God was always there and He created the universe from nothing.
When did God decide to create the universe? Why didn’t He decide at an earlier time, so that at the time of Christ, people could have had access to computers and the internet? In that way, the Chinese and Japanese people would have known about His Son and they would have been able to be baptized of water and attain eternal salvation.
Contrary to much of the thinking on this board it’s the atheist community that is forced to come up with alternate creation theories.
I think that most atheists would disagree with you. Inasmuch as atheism is simply a rejection of theistic claims, there is no requirement for them to come up with an alternative explanation just because they reject the God claim. Most atheists would argue that theists need to demonstrate that God is necessarily the only explanation for the existence of our universe. Until that is done, any claim that God is a sufficient explanation is useless.
God is the first cause of all that exists, and a necessarily existing being. He is existence itself. As a First Cause he has within himself the power to cause whatever effect. So, while physical reality did not previously exist, its cause and means to cause its effects had to exist in God. In fact God is the explanation of all that exists contingently. By setting into motion all that was necessary for its existence.

Alternatively, if God did not exist and physical reality did not exist then you would neither have the cause nor the means to bring about any effects like the universe for instance. This is why people say that nothing comes from nothing.
God’s first cause allows that all states of the universe to exist at once. This however does not explain how the universe could have any dynamic. This also does not explain how God could sustain the universe as well.
By quantum uncertainty, a seed for the cosmos is bound to pop up from the void sooner or later. In any case, God was always there and He created the universe from nothing.
No. Where there is nothing, there is no quantum anything.
When did God decide to create the universe? Why didn’t He decide at an earlier time, so that at the time of Christ, people could have had access to computers and the internet? In that way, the Chinese and Japanese people would have known about His Son and they would have been able to be baptized of water and attain eternal salvation.
If he had decided to do so at an earlier time, you would have asked why he didn’t do so at an even earlier time. In fact, he did reveal himself to us in the very beginning of our existence. Baptism is the normal means of salvation, but it is certainly not the only one and those who did or do not know of Christ have no sin for not accepting what they did or do not know.

Who knows if we would even have computers and the Internet had the timeline not proceeded the way it did, with Jesus coming and dying when he did. And isn’t analog photography and video enough for you? Or perhaps the current Internet and computers are not enough- What about holographic video or a neural-link? You think that people would accept the truth if it popped up on their screens, but many people today don’t accept the truth about even much simpler and provable matters.

That said, this has nothing to do with creation exnihilo.
I think that most atheists would disagree with you. Inasmuch as atheism is simply a rejection of theistic claims, there is no requirement for them to come up with an alternative explanation just because they reject the God claim. Most atheists would argue that theists need to demonstrate that God is necessarily the only explanation for the existence of our universe. Until that is done, any claim that God is a sufficient explanation is useless.
Most people would disagree with this. Theism has always been and continues to be the default position for most of humanity. And though I went through a lot of learning and thinking to get to where I am now, I can reasonably say that there is far more evidence for the existence of God than for his absence. I think most people know that intuitively. Historically, democratically and intuitively, atheism is the position which holds the greater burden of proof. That said, as you no doubt know, there are many arguments, both classical and new, for the existence of God, which, whether you agree with them or not, are at least reasonable.

Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter which one holds the burden of proof for others. It only matters which one you will hold to the greater- and perhaps unreachable- burden of proof. The one who benefits or suffers form this is you…

And this has still nothing to do with creation exnihilo.

So, here goes:

Creation exnihilo is possible because God does it.

Here’s another question:

How could anything always have existed?

I look forward to theological and philosophical speculation on these questions, but I suspect that they cannot be definitely answered from this side of eternity. I’ll give you the classic (though overused) response that some learn to appreciate, while others don’t: It’s a mystery. Because it really is.
I don’t know what that means. Speaking involves sending sound waves through the air by vibrating your vocal cords. How does doing that make a universe?
Also, there was no air before God created the universe. How would it be possible to speak, in such a case?
He said “let there be light” and there it was. As for the mechanics of it, I leave that to a cosmologist to explain.
I’m not an expert by any stretch but I’m pretty sure no cosmological model of the early universe involves someone saying anything about light.

Why do you say God is the creator of the universe when you don’t even have a basic hypothesis of how he did it? What, in your mind, justifies that belief?
Also, there was no air before God created the universe. How would it be possible to speak, in such a case?
Exactly. Also, does God have vocal cords? What medium carries the sound? How does sound create matter from nothing? By what means did you determine that the matter coming into existence was created by God speaking and not some other unseen thing? And the list goes on…
I think that this highlights one of the major problems atheists have with theistic arguments. We generally explain things in terms of other things that we understand. We don’t try to solve mysteries by appealing to bigger mysteries. So, in trying to explain how or why the universe came to exist, the explanation that God did it but we have no idea how simply carries no weight.
Exactly. Also, does God have vocal cords? What medium carries the sound? How does sound create matter from nothing? By what means did you determine that the matter coming into existence was created by God speaking and not some other unseen thing? And the list goes on…
In many cases theists describe things in therms of flexible poetic metaphors, whereas scientists describe the workings of nature in terms of exact mathematical equations.
I think that this highlights one of the major problems atheists have with theistic arguments. We generally explain things in terms of other things that we understand. We don’t try to solve mysteries by appealing to bigger mysteries. So, in trying to explain how or why the universe came to exist, the explanation that God did it but we have no idea how simply carries no weight.
It’s a bit like if I, as a naturalist, simply said “nature did it, but it’s a mystery how.” It’s not really an explanation at all, but it seems every bit as good as “God did it, but it’s a mystery how.”
It’s a bit like if I, as a naturalist, simply said “nature did it, but it’s a mystery how.” It’s not really an explanation at all, but it seems every bit as good as “God did it, but it’s a mystery how.”
God is a personal Being; nature not so much.
I’m not an expert by any stretch but I’m pretty sure no cosmological model of the early universe involves someone saying anything about light.
Surely, we’re using a bit of dry wit here? At least, I hope so. Scriptural metaphor is situated within a scriptural tradition, not a scientific tradition.
Why do you say God is the creator of the universe when you don’t even have a basic hypothesis of how he did it? What, in your mind, justifies that belief?
It’s not contradictory to say that something can positively be known to be the case without knowledge of precisely how it is the case. For instance, I don’t have to know every detail of neuroscience to think. I don’t really even have to know any details of neuroscience to think, since the act of thinking does not entail thinking about neuroscience – in which case, I don’t even need a hypothesis to justify my act of thinking. Some things are so basic that they are infallibly known, and are anterior to justification. To be sure, I wouldn’t say that God numbers among them, but we shouldn’t prematurely say that what what can be infallibly known doesn’t give way to analytic propositions like “Whatever is moved is moved by another,” or “There exists what we call Pure Act.” That is, in fact, how the Catholic philosophical tradition has generally advanced. It is not a kind of reasoning contingent upon scientific hypothesis (as useful as such a thing might be in other matters). Otherwise, we could not even demonstrate the validity of scientific methodology, since we can’t do experiments on such abstract notions.

On a similar but different note, that’s why there’s such a thing as philosophy of science – which is not primarily done by those who have a theistic axe to grind. Think of the whole line of philosophers from Bertrand Russell through Karl Popper, and moving forward.
I have my own philosophical position on this matter, but i like to hear why you think creation exnihilo is possible.
God can do things only God can do. He raised the dead, gave sight to the blind, cleansed the lepers… all without advanced medical technology.

Why does God need sound waves to speak?
Because that is what speaking is. It’s the vibration of air molecules that we interpret as sound. When you say God speaks, what does that mean?
Because that is what speaking is. It’s the vibration of air molecules that we interpret as sound. When you say God speaks, what does that mean?
Could “speaking” have more the one meaning? Could it be that there is a different meaning than the one you imposed? Dictionary.com lists 18 definitions for the word speak. This one is the closest to the meaning stated in “God said”.
  1. to communicate, signify, or disclose by any means; convey significance.
I bolded a significant part.
Could “speaking” have more the one meaning? Could it be that there is a different meaning than the one you imposed? Dictionary.com lists 18 definitions for the word speak. This one is the closest to the meaning stated in “God said”.
I bolded a significant part.
An argument for the proposition “God created the world” does not seem to rest or fall on whether or not we correctly interpret the meaning of the word “speaking,” at least for the reason that one doesn’t even need to have scripture to make an argument for God’s existence. To be sure, it can be a starting point (and maybe this is what you were trying to do – a noble effort!), but don’t be fooled by not-so-privy objections which take a scriptural narrative for a scientific theory. The creation narrative doesn’t serve the purpose of proving God’s existence to skeptics, but recounting the original integrity of creation to a people who already believe in God.

Of course, if there was an argument which called into question whether the “speaking” God of the creation narrative is the same God as the one proved by rational demonstration, then your point would hold. We could simply provide an interpretation of “speaking” that doesn’t contradict with what reason tells us. Objections against this are what we hear anytime someone mentions how the “God of the philosophers is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” (I don’t think there’s any substance to them.) Still, sometime the skeptical-minded will try and push these points and others before it’s time, such as we often see in arguments concerning the problem of evil. Whether God is evil or good is a different matter altogether from whether He exists. But I digress… In a like manner, whether the way in which the Bible says that God created the universe is a tenable one is evidently irrelevant to whether or not God exists in the first place.
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