My suggested view of the universe is that, once that initial push (whatever it was) was given, the universe can continue to ‘move’ without an external influence. But others have asserted on this thread that God’s external influence is required, not just to keep the universe ‘moving’ (i.e. undergoing change), but to maintain the universe’s very existence. This is akin to the human hand being continuously needed to keep the toy-boat moving across the water.
I accept that the initial push (the ‘ultimate cause’) is required. But where is the justification for saying that the hand has to stay pushing the boat? If it is inherent in the nature of the material of the boat, the water and gravity for the boat to keep moving for a time, why is a continuous external influence required?
I appreciate your honesty and clarification of the problem, I only hope that I can do it justice.
Movement in not an inherent quality of the nature of the universe. What is an inherent quality of created things is the Capacity or Potential to be moved to an actuality, not to move itself, but to be moved. A potential has the possibility to become actual. Whatever is in motion is put in motion by another, or something else. A thing in potency has to be moved to actuality; by something already actual, A thing in potency can not be in actuality;in the same respect, it can not be a potential and be in act respectively, A potential can not move itself, if it could it would not be a potential, it would be in act. So logically a potential has to be moved by another.
To be acted upon is not the same as to be in act, and things are always being acted upon, subjected to forces outside themselves, Since movement is not our inherent nature, even though we change, and move, things and us become secondary movers, not ultimate movers for we are moved by another. Since we do not move ourselves (even though we move) and change is always taking place, then logically the movement of things is sustained by another and not by us, or others except what is the Cause of all motion, something always in Act, this we call God, the Unmoved Mover.
As you stated the arm of a man moved the boat until the forces or laws of physics stop the toy boat from moving. But on closer examination there is change taking place eg. the material of the toy boat is being acted upon, water causing rot of the wood for example, vibration of the water being cause by something else. Upon even closer examination the molecules will show activity in all that is involved. Even the man himself by an act of will moved his arm. The will of man is a spiritual power, the power of choice) which involves spiritual movement, to move the boat or not to move the boat. And using the principle of cause and effect, the will did not move itself, and is not it"own power, but is moved by another We can not move another by willing it (except in paranormal situations, it can appear that way, telekinesis) We can’t even will one hair on our heads to grow, or to cause our hearts to beat causing motion in our bodies. These are facts, not assumptions or fiction.
God caused us to exist and it is an attribute, something caused by another and given to us ,God, and He is Pure Act causing our Potentials to become actualities because we can not cause or move ourselves, if we move we are secondary movers dependent on the Prime Mover to move us, and to sustain our existence, and motion Thing in this world, and in their nature are not eternal, but finite, limited. As I said before only God is eternal, and His act of creation is eternal, and He can keeps finite, limited things existing eternally once created, but we had a beginning, a cause for our existence